
Taehyung's pov

So Kellie and I have be together for about 2 months and hopefully in a year we will be together. If we are... I wanna marry her, it's gonna be a big change in my life but I don't want anyone else but her

being that, i'm on my way to meet suga and his family to ask for permission, while we're on break, kellie is in america so I don't have to worry about her finding out

(At the house)

" love her right" suga asked me for the 100th time "yes suga, I will never hurt her, and if anyone hurts her I'll hurt them more" he nodded before opening the door "hi mom-" she grabbed him "YOONGI OMG I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" she squeezed him and he was off the ground "who is this handsome man" suga was sit down and she looked at me

"I'm Kim Taehyung, I'm dating you daughter" her face frowned "speaking of kellie where is she" "she is in America with her friend" suga told her as we all walked inside "oh. Then what brings you guys here" she said grabbing us some drinks "I-I have a question that you and your husband need to hear" my voice got shaky

she yelled for him and he came downstairs, then walked over to me then that's where I got really nervous "oh hi, who are you" he bowed "i'm Kim Taehyung-" Mrs. Min cut me off "ITS KELLIE'S BOYFRIEND" she said excitedly "oh.. have you hurt her" he gave me a death stare "n-no sir, I came here t-to ask you g-guys something"

"I would like permission to marry your daughter next year" her mouth dropped "well, honey, that is amazing, but why wait a whole year" she questioned "well, I mean I can marry her sooner but are you guys okay with it" my voice became shaky once again "of course" they both said, I turned to suga and smiled as big as I could

"thank you so much, I will treat her very well" I bowed and walked outside, then I did some weird dance. I gotta go find a ring

(At a store)

"how may I help you" the woman bowed "hi, I'm looking for an engagement ring" she nodded and led me to a glass with a diamond ring in it "woah, how much is this" I asked "796,475.78 Won" well, there goes that "any other ones" she nodded once again and took me to a display "heres this diamond one shaped like a heart, it is 342,110.40 won" I smiled "I'll take it" I gave her the money and went back to the dorms

"what's that" Jungkook grabbed my bag "YA! BE CAREFUL" he opened the bag and his eyes widened "woah, who is this for" I shook my head "idk, for my girlfriend maybe" I chuckled taking it away "WHEN ARE YOU GONNA PRO-" I covered his mouth "be quite, I don't want everyone to know yet" 

he pouted and walked off, I checked my phone which was blown up by kellie

Kellie: Taehyung-oppa

Kellie: ANSWER

Kellie: MEANIE

Kellie: you better answer or I'm not coming back

Kellie: 5

Kellie: 4

Kellie: 3

Kellie: 2

Me: 1 ;)

Kellie: now you answer, WHERE WERE YOU

Me: I was busy and I had my phone on silent, i'll make it up to you when you get back

Kellie: promise?

Me: I promise, I love you

Kellie: I love you too

Me: how's America

Kellie: boring so many boys have been flirting with me

Me: Do I have to come over there

Kellie: no.. it's fine, I've slapped a few already

Me: that's my babygirl

Kellie: you just can't live without me 

Me: nope, I never will

Kellie: aish, I better go before Audrey drags me any further

Me: haha, bye kelkie

Me: I mean kellie

Kellie: bye~

I'm dying from not telling kellie, it sucks that I have to wait but its for the best, she is just 20 and I want her to at least be 21 before I actually get engaged to her. Like don't get me wrong I wanna be with her for the rest of my life, not one day do I wanna go without being with her, it's gonna be a big change but i'm excited for it


sorry this chapter is short~ but my friend and I have made an account together and are writing a fanfic on there (Destellie115 ) anyways, there are more stories on my page, jimin x reader, marks twin so if u would like to read those they will be in my works, also THANKS FOR OVER 600 READS, I'm gonna try to post more on here, and hopefully you enjoy everything 

thank you for your support <3
