Update! -Kellie

Hello my beautiful followers! I hope you have been having an amazing day. I figured since I just got back from my softball tournament to update you guys!

It's currently Saturday night and it's been a really long day, the reason for me not posting is softball, It ends this coming Saturday and I'm going to miss it dearly, But it means I can start writing again!

My writing skills have gotten a bit better and I've been dying to write. But here's my days 

Home games: Start time: 6-6:30/ end time is around 10pm, we play two games 

Away games: Start time: Depends on when we arrive and warm up// End time 10ish get home at again depends on how far away it is

Practice: straight after school till 6pm

I have games everyday this week and then Saturday Is my last game. Friday is my last day of school

So I apologize for not telling you guys I'm not gonna be writing but I'm  gonna be back to writing as soon as possible and that's a promise

Thank you for all the reads on this story and I can't wait to see how much success I get into this

Everyone one of the reads count and it makes me so happy knowing people like reading my stories

I love you guys so much and I hope you all are having an amazing life

Always remember if you are going thru something you will get out of it I promise, everything will get better
