Kellie's pov

"Hurry~" Audrey whined pulling my arm as I checked myself in the mirror before getting out of our car "Geez, child what has gotten into you?" she pouted "I'm older than you!" I rolled my eyes walking into the cafe...what the

Why are there rose petals and candles everywhere? "It must be someones lucky day" Jisoo said laughing "Huh?" I said before being pushed to another room, as I was looking around a tall figure stood in the looked like he holding something "hello?" I asked squinting my eyes to see better

"Hello Kellie" That voice, it's Taehyung "T-Tae-" I was cut off as he walked foward, he was in a nice suit holding roses. He smiled handing me the banquet of roses "I know you're probably mad at me still, but there is something I need to tell you" he smirked "w-what is i-it" My nerves were getting to me causing my to stutter

"Well, when you came into my life I never thought I would meet anymore better than you. Everytime I saw you smile it felt like my world was complete. When we went on our dates, I never wanted to be anywhere else. You have this unique personality and you can be so adorable and you're just perfect in every way, you put your friends before you and if anyone ever needs you, you're there"

He stopped to grab something, a box came from behind him "Everyone needs a kellie in their life, and without one, I wouldn't be able to live. When I saw you that day and you thought I was cheating my world broke, I've been thinking about this and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you.." My eyes started watering as he went down on one new, opening a box with a diamond ring in it

"Kellie..will you marry me?" He asked unsure of my response "Y-Yes!" his eyes widened and he grabbed me "OMG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH" he screamed as he spun me around "Haha, how could I be mad at you, I should have listened to you instead of ignoring you. I am so sorry" I said cupping his face with my hands "It's okay, as long as we're together, I wouldn't change anything" he smiled before leaning into kiss me

"CAN WE COME IN NOW" I heard voices from outside "Yes" he said breaking our kiss "TAETAE~" the boys said jumping onto him, then two pairs of arms grabbed me "CONGRATULATIONS KELLIE WE KNEW ABOUT IT THIS WHOLE TIME" they said squeezing me tightly "G-Guys, I c-ca't b-breathe" I said trying to pull away "Oh you're fine" Jisoo said laughing

"N-no" they finally let me go making me fall to the ground "Aish, sorry kellie" she said feeling bad "I feel bad for your group" I said laughing before she lightly pushed me "well, are you still mad at us kellie noona" jungkook asked pouting "No, you guys mean the world to me" We all went into a group hug "I GOT CAKE" Jimin said walking in "how did you-"

"I got skills" He winked and sit it down. Okay we know this isn't gonna be a celebration without a food fight, I put some on a plate and acted like I was gonna give tae a piece but "YAH! KELLIE WHAT WAS THAT FOR" he said wiping icing off of his face "I'm gonna get you" I made a run out of the cafe while the others followed "KELLIE BE CAREFUL-" Suga said before I fell into a fountain

"still the old clumsy kellie" Taehyung said laughing at me "Stop making fun of me~" I pouted before he pulled me out "We can't do anything right" Jin said shaking his head "no duh" audrey said pushing his head lightly 


so this chapter is supppeeerrr short, but next chapter is gonna make up ;)
