I Hate This!

kellies POV

I felt tortured. I mean I was, no food, no sleep, no water, nothing, all I got was hit and screamed at, she is making my life hell

suga where are you

sugas POV

we got to this girls house and her mom opened the door

avas mom: hello? who are you?

suga: hi, umm do you remember kellie by any chance

avas mom: Aish, yes I do, she is an angel, how has she been

suga: good, how about Ava

avas mom: good, but shes been gone for 2 days and ive talked to her boyfriends mom and she doesnt know where he is either, why do you ask??

suga: well umm, my mom said Ava seemed mad when she found out kellie moved to america and kellie got taken by someone yesterday, and we found these messages *shows* do you think that could be ava by any chance

avas mom: I honestly wish I could say no... but I think it is, shes been messed up lately 

suga: im sorry to hear that

avas mom: would you and your friends like to come in for a drink

tae: umm, actually I have to go do something, so I cant but thanks for the invite

everyone else: sure

taes POV

I went around putting up flyers, I never really noticed that I liked kellie, shes just a fun person to be around and shes so beautiful, and to know my brother lost her, breaks my heart. I hope we find her soon

I went and got some food, a girl came beside me

???: Hi, your cute

tae: umm, hi? who are you?

Ava: my name is ava, what about you

my heart stopped, IM SITTING IN FRONT OF THE GIRL WHO TOOK KELLIE, I gotta act cool

tae: my names tae, nice to meet you...

not really, this girl is giving me such a bad vibe

ava: soo are you single *winks*

tae: actually, im talking to this girl, my friend suga is her brother

she stopped smiling and made a mad face

ava: oh really and whats her name

tae: Idk, shouldnt you know, I said standing up, WHERE IS SHE

ava: I have no idea what your talking about

tae: oh dont play dumb I have the messages on her phone and I will show them

ava: you have the wrong person

tae: are you sure, your mom said you have been missing for two days which means you had a day to spot kellie and find out where she lived, then that night, I was on face time with her and you took her, and its been a day since we last heard from her which makes 2 days and your boyfriend has also been gone for two days. honey, I think your the one

ava: and what are you gonna do about it

tae: speaking that I have the voice recording of your admitting it just know, I suggest you tell me where kellie is before I expose you. millions of people will find out, and I WILL put you in jail

ava: and whos gonna believe you? *laughs*

tae: army is, they are always there for us, speaking of that, turn around *smirks*

she turned around and there stood fans taking pictures of her and videos


tae: you commited a crime, your going to jail

cops came up behind her and hand cuffed her and took her away

cop: we will question her and when we find out where kellie is we will inform you

tae: thank you *bows*

sugas POV

avas mom, kept talking to the boys, tae has been gone for a while

**doorbell rings**

jungkook: ding donnnggg

when I opened the door tae was standing there and pulled me outside

tae: shes gone

suga: who?

tae: Ava


tae showed me a video of him and ava

suga: no way *'smiles and jumps* that means

tae: were gonna find kellie soon


tae: go tell the boys and inform avas mom, im gonna wait for the police to call me

kellies POV

they both went somewhere a few hours ago, they still havent come back. I just want some food and water, I hate this, a few minutes later I was passed out, everytime I tried to sleep they would wake me up by smacking me, so I was finally getting peace

Jins POV

suga walked in and sat down beside avas mom

suga: umm ava has been arrested

mom: good, I cant believe she would do such a thing

suga: boys, were gonna get kellie back soon

everyone: WOOOOOOOO

I hope shes okay, shes like out sister, well except for tae, I think taehyung likes her, just the way he looks at her and he talks about her nonstop when shes not with us

me: well I think were gonna go now

avas mom: ok boys, if you ever need anything just come over

we all bowed and walked out, tae was sitting in the van

me: any luck?

tae: still no call

suga: I hate that girl so much!

jimin: I think we all do

we went to a fan sign and everytime I looked at the members they all would be looking off into the distance, we all miss kellie, and we are praying to god shes okay, suga looked the worst. he was sitting there with his head down, looking at pictures of kellie when she was little. I wanted to go hug him but I couldn't
