Moving In

Audrey's pov

I decided to move in with kellie because I didnt really have friends in america, after college everyone left and went their seperate ways. When I met kellie online she seemed very nice and when I met her I felt like I knew her forever "Audrey, wanna help me unpack" she held 2 boxes full of clothes "sure, here I'll take a box" I grabbed a box and went to kellies room 

"already, a taehyung shirt" I let out a chuckle "tae gave that to me from my previous visit" she held up the shirt posing "yeah..looks great" I lied, it was a meme face of taehyung "well, since the boys are busy wanna go play some softball" I suggested "whats that" it felt like my heart was ripped out "YOU DONT KNOW WHAT SOFTBALL IS, OH NO, WERE GOING COME ON" I grabbed her arm and drove to the nearest field

(at the field)

"take this" I handed her a glove "ready" I yelled she shook her head. I threw the ball hoping she would catch it but instead it hit her in the head knocking her down "KELLIE" I ran to her trying to figure out where I hit her, I moved her hand and her eye was turning purple "ah~ I'm so sorry kellie" she looked at me "did I catch it" we giggled "if you wanna count catching it with you face than sure" I helped kellie up and took her to the boys dorm, they said we could visit when they got done practicing so we decided to wait

(2 hours later) Suga's pov

The boys and I have been practicing nonstop and since we were gonna be busy more often we told the girls we could visit everyday after practice "ready to go guys" I said grabbing my bag "LETS GO" jungkook said running past me. when we got to our dorms kellie and Audrey were already there "were back" opening the door, I saw kellie laying on the bed and Audrey had ice on her eye 

"WHAT HAPPENED" I dropped my bag and ran to her "well, umm, I kinda hit kellie in the eye with a softball, BUT I PROMISE IT WAS ON ACCIDENT" I moved the ice pack from her eye and it was swollen and black "its fine Audrey, its not the first time kellie got a black eye" I sat down beside kellie and put the ice pack back down "is she okay" the members asked "yeah just a black eye" she smiled "YOONGI, I CAUGHT A SOFTBALL WITH MY FACE" Tae laughed and walked over

"honey, if you had caught it I think it would have been in the glove" I rubbed her forehead "guys I'm fine lets do something" she said "idk, can you even see, here, tell me how many fingers I'm holding up, cover your other eye" Jimin said holding his hand up "3" I layed her back down "no, it was 2" she pouted "I'm sorry guys" Audrey put her head down" she felt bad for kellie, but kellie has had a black eye before, she got in a fight with a guy because he wouldn't leave her alone and he punched her in the eye "its not your fauly Audrey, you didn't know" 

she helped kellie up "I'll take her home and let her rest" I bowed "bye, kellie, we love you~" everyone said

Taehyung's pov

I was worried about kellie, yeah its just a black eye, but she cant see good where its swollen, I wish I could take care of her but I have work. But I know Audrey is taking good care of her


hey guys sorry this is so short, I'm kinda running out of ideas, if you could, or if you would like, you could put suggestions in the comments, I will do all and I will tag you for the idea. also thank you so much for reading <3 were #715 in adventure (I think I cant remember) but jimin x reader should be out tomorrow, if not the next day

thank you guys for the support<3
