
Taehyung's pov

I decided since it was break for the boys to go visit my family, since kellie is in america I couldn't take her with me

"hi mom" I said with a smile, she started tearing up "Taehyungie" she started pinching my cheeks "aish mom, you still do that" I said blushing "of course I do, your my son, come in I wanna talk" she grabbed my wrist dragging me in "so, about that girl. Has she treated you well, has she hurt my baby boy-" I stopped her

"mom, calm down, she has been amazing...speaking of kellie I need to talk to you" we sat down "what is it hun, you can tell me anything" I took a deep breath before speaking "I wanna marry kellie" she smiled "aww, you're growing up, and if you are asking yes I approve and if you have kids they are gonna be so pretty"

"MOM! TO FAR" I said laughing "I want grandkids tho~" Dad came downstairs "TAEHYUNG!" He ran to me and gave me a hug "so, how is that girl of yours" he asked patting my back "how do you guys know about it" my eyebrow raised "well, it's kinda public, once you get married you have to make it official and tell everyone"

"MARRIED?!" my dad freaked "y-yeah, I want to marry Kellie" I thought he was mad but he smiled "oh, that's fine, she is very guys would make good kids" I cupped my face "I'm not ready for kids and I don't think kellie is either, when the time is right then you guys will have grandkids" mom started jumping up and down "IF ITS A BOY NAME HIM JIWOO AND IF IT IS A GIRL NAME HER SOOHWA"

"Is this all we're gonna talk about today, I would like to spend time with you guys" they smiled "no, here let's go get some Japchae" she said walking out "YES, MY FAVORITE"

Kellie's pov

"OMG THIS, I WANT" I said grabbing a shirt. Audrey and I were out shopping once again "eh, I think you would look better in... THIS" She grabbed a short dress with lace up the back "Aish, I don't think Taehyung-oppa would like that" she rolled her eyes "He can't control what you wear just try it on with these heels" I was pushed into a dressing room

When I walked out everyone looked at me making me blush "O-M-G, I have to send this to Taehyung" Audrey said grabbing her phone "NO!" I grabbed her phone and went back to change, but I ended up texting him

Kellie: Gosh, help me, Audrey is driving me nuts

Taehyung: How? Isn't she like your best friend

Kellie: Yeah but she is making me try on short dresses

Taehyung: WHAT!

Kellie: Exactly

Taehyung: Tell her I said no because i'm not there to beat up any guy who looks at you

Kellie: Overprotective much? Jk

Taehyung: Yes I am, you are MY girlfriend, I should be the only one who can stare at you

Kellie: Oh yeah, then how come you haven't said anything about Jimin starring at me

Taehyung: ...I'm beating him up when we get back.. GTG LOVE YOU~


I sighed grabbing the clothes that Audrey gave me and taking them outside "Give me my phone" she put her hand out "And why should I" I smirked "If you don't I will tell everyone here who you are" she smirked back "You wouldn't dare" she started yelling "HEY EVERYONE SHE IS KIM TAE-" I stopped her by tackling her and covering her mouth

"Um, excuse me" A worker said pointing towards the door with an annoyed face, I stood up not helping Audrey as I was mad "Kellie! wait up" I walked faster "Don't talk to me"

(At our hotel)

"Are you seriously mad at me" she came up as I was on a call with Taehyung "Yes, now if you would mind, I am trying to talk to my boyfriend" she walked off

"so how is Daegu?" I asked smiling "Good, I hope you can meet my parents soon. I know you wanted to visit America so badly so I didn't wanna stop you. Also how is that Kiana girl" My smile went to a frown "U-uh, she turned on me when I told her about you. She got jealous and stopped talking to me"

"Wow, Harsh" I shrugged "Well, I have Audrey, you, and the members" He smiled "IS THAT HER" I snapped my head back to the screen and saw his parents "H-hi" I said with a shaky voice, speaking I had no makeup on or anything "She's shy" he said laughing "Oh..Hi Min Kellie, it is so nice to finally talk to you, thank you for taking care of our son and being there to support him" they smiled

"It's my pleasure, he can be a handful sometimes, or I can, But I love him and I wouldn't trade him for anything" I saw him blush before he turned the camera away from him to where it only faced his parents "Well, we will leave you two alone, we hope we can meet you soon" they waved and walked off

"Shy? I talked more than you" I said with a giggle "I'm sorry, when you compliment me how am I supposed to function" he said mumbling "well, I guess I can't compliment you at your concerts or you won't be able to perform" I saw him drifting off "Aww, my baby is getting sleepy" I said laughing

Before I could speak again he was asleep "Good night Taehyung-oppa, sleep well, I love you!" I ended the call and went to sleep as well, all I could think about was meeting his parents. I wonder if he has met my parents. Well I'm sure he has because they have been with bts before so I'm sure everyone does

With that I was completely asleep


