Ethan gave me the courage to go ahead and ask Amelia what we were all curious about, so here I was, walking towards the alley looking for any sighting of Amelia. As I entered, I called out her name in order to find her exact location but there was no answer.

" Looking for me?" A voice said from behind me tapping my shoulder.

" What the - omg you scared me Amelia" I said fidgeting as I held one hand to calm my obvious increased heart beat.

" Looks like you've seen a ghost, what wrong?" She asked smiling mischievously.

" Haha, very funny Amelia" I replied leaning on the wall beside me.

" I didn't expect to see you here, is there any update regarding my murder? " She asked sitting opposite my own standing figure.

" Yeah, kind of. I was inside Armada this morning and I spoke to someone called Tasha. She said she knew who you were" I started

" Yes, I know her. She was one of the senior girls in the club who assigned us to VIP rooms daily. Why?, Is she okay?" She asked sounding worried.

" She's fine actually. She told me you had some fall out with a man called Carlos Juan who she thinks is the suspect but there's no physical proof of his involvement and hearsay doesn't do much in cases like this. So I'd like to ask you because I know you won't lie to me. Why did you keep on meeting Carlos even after he hurt you the first time?" I asked looking straight at her.

" It's a long story" she said as she brought her knees to her chest.

" It's okay, I have time. Talk to me" I encouraged her as I sat down on the floor.

" Carlos Juan is one of the VIP members of Armada as you already know and I was unaware that I already had a connection with him from my past before I started working for Armada" she started.

" Your past?, What do you mean?" I said looking at her with concentration.

" The first day I saw Carlos, I was just one of the girls who would sit and pour drinks while they have their 'men talk', once in a while, he would laugh loud, touch my lap inappropriately but that was just it. Once day, he took an extra step. He told me how I looked so much like the woman he knew years ago and how beautiful I looked. Of course I thanked him for the compliment and gently tried to shift away from his grip but unfortunately for me, he noticed and slapped me as he called me different abusive words. What got my attention was when he called me another name, Rose. He also said how much I behaved like my slutty mother who spread her legs for the boss. I don't think he noticed what he said because the next time he came, he acted perfectly normal." She continued.

' it looked like Carlos knew Rose then' I thought to myself.

' Yeah, it looks like. From my knowledge, the so called Carlos was part of Antonio's close circle so there's no way he won't know that Antonio had a daughter ' Ethan replied immediately.

' I didn't know you were listening, you suprised me'  I told him

' I apologize' he said as he kept quiet.

' No it's okay, sometimes my head gets too quiet. It's feels nice to know that someone is there for me to talk to anytime' I replied truthfully.

' I'll keep that in mind then ' he spoke back with amusement in his voice.

" Hello?" Amelia voiced called taking me out of my head.

"Are you okay?, You looked off?" She asked worriedly.

" I'm okay, thank you. I apologize for blanking out like that " I told her remorsefully.

" So when Carlos called you Rose, you got suspicious immediately? " I asked confused. Except she probably heard the name before also.

" No, not immediately. I've been called Rose before by someone. It was when I joined the club recently. There was a cleaner who looked over 40. Once she saw me, she looked so excited and she hugged me calling me Rose. She told me how much she missed me and how she has been looking for me. When I told her she got the wrong person, she apologized and told me I looked so much like her friend, Rose. So when I heard Carlos call me Rose too, I realized that there was probably a link and that's why I told Tasha to always assign me to his VIP room when he was available.

" Did you ever find out the link though?" I asked.

" Yes, The Rose they were always talking about was my mother." She replied

" How did you find her?" I asked again. I knew that she was Rose's daughter,yes, but how she found her remained a mystery.

" One day, Carlos came to club and asked for me personally. I was surprised obviously but I still needed to know what he wanted from me, so I went to the VIP room he always stayed in but he wasn't there, instead, someone covered my nose with a little napkin and knocked me out."

"When I woke up, I was lying down on a master's bed with all the windows closed and the door locked. After hitting the door and screaming continuously, I calmed myself down so I could have energy to escape when the time came"

" As I was lying down on the bed, I heard the lock of the door being opened so I laid down quietly as the person came in. There were two people, the first voice sounded like Carlos but I couldn't match the second voice to a familiar face."

" The person with Carlos sounded agitated. He was asking why he brought me to him and what his plan was. Carlos replied that he found me fascinating and asked the man why he was so nervous in front of his own daughter. The man whose name I later found out was my father was apparently Antonio Rossi, the owner of Armada. To be honest, I was excited to hear that I had parents and I wasn't an orphan like I always thought,but the statement he made had my blood chilling. He said 'What do you want me to do with the information then, I have no interest in her that's why I made her work in my club as one of the girls. You bringing her has nothing to do with me. You can try and breed her like I did to her stupid mother but I assure you, there's nothing good to expect from them' After he was done talking, Carlos then asked where my mother Rose was and if he still knew her whereabouts. Antonio then said that she worked in a Restaurant and told him the name. With that, he left the room leaving me alone with Carlos"

" How were you able to escape then?" I said with the hope that what I had in mind didn't happen.

" Well, I was able to go when Carlos woke me up and used me till he was full" she answered with a sad smile.

" I'm so sorry Amelia" I said moving towards her and hugging her.

" It's okay, I'm not in pain anymore" she said holding me tighter.

" When I finally left that hell hole, I used my last energy to go to the restaurant they were talking about and asked for their employee called Rose but unfortunately she wasn't on duty that day. So I kept on going there till I finally saw her, but I was too scared to approach her. Maybe she didn't want to see me like Antonio. So I kept on watching her through the window till she noticed me. That day, she was about to throw dirt away when she saw me. Before I could turn and run away, She called me ' Amelia'. She knew my name and she called me her baby "As she said those words, she physically crumbled on my body as she cried.

" She said she could feel it, that a mother always knew their babies. Then she took me into the bathroom, cleaned my face and asked me how I found her, when I finally told her everything, she broke down and cried. We cried together then came to the decision that we would run away later that night. I wish we just left when we agreed to run away because that was the last time I ever saw her. When I was on my way back to Armada to get somethings, I felt someone hit my head and that's when I blacked out. As I woke up, I tried talking and touching people, but no one heard me or even saw me till you. You found me, Thank you"
