ETHAN'S POV ( Continuation)

Maria sat beside me as she tilted towards my body.
"When you said you wanted to help, what did you mean" She asked as her tired eyes looked up at me.

"I'm here to make sure you and your friends leave here safely" I replied vaguely.

"And how do you plan on doing that." she asked again with a scoff.
The sound of her scoff brought me back to reality.

'How was I even going to free them' I thought to myself.

" I have friends on the outside. Once everything has been arranged, we'll get out of here. Do you trust me?" I asked patting her head. She looked not more than 14 but I didn't want to ask out of fear to her something younger.

"I do" she asked smiling at me. Getting that out of the way, she leaned on the wall and closed her eyes. Remembering that I needed to update our chief, I brought out my phone from my pocket and started typing.

Ethan: Successfully infiltrated the building.
Then waited for him to reply as I supported her head on my shoulder. After few seconds, I checked my phone to see if I had a reply. I did.

Chief: Good. Take pictures of some things in order to file a search warrant.

Ethan: Will do just that.
Looking at Maria, I wondered how long she had been here and if she had people waiting for her at home.

"I can feel you looking at me you know" Maria informed me as she sat up.

"You can ask me anything you want, I know you're curious" she continued as she began to peel her nails with her other hand.

"How did you get here?" I asked straightforwardly staring into her eyes

"My father sold me to them when he couldn't pay up his debt" she replied calmly.
"I was 12 when he sold me and that was 3 years ago. Apparently, he preferred his drugs to his daughter" She continued as she smiled sadly.

"Are you really going to help us?" She asked as her eyes lit up with renewed hope.

"I promise" I replied as I dragged her into a hug. We were like that for almost a minute when the knocking on the door brought us back to reality.

"I'm coming, just zipping up" I shouted back as I winced at my words. Looking back at Maria, I was about to apologize when she squeezed my hands and shook her head.

"I'll try as much as possible to get some information for you. We can meet her in two days. Is that okay?" She asked quietly as she got up and tore her cloth from her chest to her stomach.

"Yes, Be safe " I replied as the door finally opened.

"What- oh I see, she was being a stupid little thing hmm" The rotten teeth man asked as he eyed Maria's torn cloth.

"Let's get you something new to wear, we won't want you disrupting business" he continued as he led her out of the room. With one more hopeful glance at me, she followed him obediently.

'I need to think of a plan and fast' I thought to myself as I looked around for Pete. Finding him at the entrance of the other building, he led us towards the back.

"What's up?" He asked as he eyes lit up with curiosity.

"Nothing, we just had a conversation" I replied as I sat down on the stairs leading to only God knows where.

"What conversation Ethan, We're a team remember?" He asked still trying to get more information out of me.

"She told me her name and how she got here, that's all" I replied brushing my hair off my face still thinking of what plan I could enact to rescue the girls.

"Okay, just keep me updated in case of anything " he smiled as he patted my shoulder and walked away.

I sat down at the stairs for hours without moving. I couldn't stand the scene inside and I genuinely couldn't understand how Pete was inside. Sighing to myself, I started racking my brain. Firstly, I needed to find how many girls were in the building. Then I needed to find out a way to get them out.

"Yo!, It's time for dinner" One of the previous guards yelled as he walked towards me.

"Coming" I replied briefly as I roused from my thoughts stood and followed him.
Entering into the building, I saw some other men sitting down around a table eating. When I sat, no one paid attention to me thankfully.

"Get him a plate Ella" One of the men said. As soon as he said that, a girl from the room stepped out at walked towards another room. Probably the kitchen. After a few minutes, she came out and walked towards me. She looked so weak and frail and she walked like she had hurt her ankle.

"Is she okay?" I asked the man sitting beside me.

"Let's just say some men have their kinks" he said glancing at the man who called her to serve me a plate. Glancing at me, he grinned and spanked her butt as she passed by him. Looking at her, she closed her eyes and took a calm breath and kept on walking. Dropping the plate in front of me, I smiled at her and whispered a thank you.

"Two people are expected to go into town tomorrow for grocery shopping" The man whose name I found out was Roman said.

"Let the newbies go" Rotten teeth said.

"Sure, I don't mind" I replied shrugging as I kept on playing with my food.

Once dinner was done, Roman lead Pete and I to where we were expected to sleep. It was a small space at the extreme end of the room for which I was grateful for. I didn't want to stay in an enclosed space in case of anything.
After thanking him, I closed my eyes knowing that no matter how much I tried, I wouldn’t be able to sleep.

The next morning came really fast and It was already time for Pete and I to go into town. We were given a car and directions to where we could get the groceries from. On getting there, we bought everything Roman wrote on the list he gave to us before we left.

"I'm having a headache, I saw a pharmacy around. I'll be right back" I said to Pete leaving him in the car.

I wasn't having a headache of course. I needed to buy some drugs though. Last night as I was struggling to sleep, an idea sprouted in my mind. Sleeping pills in the food. If I slipped sleeping pills in the food we'd prepare today, while the guards were out cold, Pete, I and the girls would be able to escape from this wretched place.'EasyPeasy' I thought to myself feeling rather elated. What I didn’t know was that it was gonna be a fatal mistake.
Pete and I were on our way back to the factory, Pete driving and I on the passenger's seat. Bringing out my phone, I texted our Chief.

Me: I have an opening today by 9pm. * Inserts picture I took last night when everyone was asleep from the chained girls to the men who slept on anything they saw themselves on*

Chief: Nice job, I'll send our evacuation team.
Dropping my phone, I looked out of the window as Pete spoke.

" What's up? He said as shot a curious glance at me, you looked serious for a minute there”

" Nothing serious" I mumbled

Not being able to take it anymore, I turned to him.
"Where did you sneak off to yesterday night?" I asked with a hint of suspicion staring into his face

"I went to take a piss" he replied shrugging.

"Okay then". I mumbled as I kept on staring at him. Tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, he tried keeping his face in check. I could tell that he was hiding something from me. I felt angry and stared straight.

As we parked in front of the factory, I exited out of the car before I could say anything I would regret.
"Where are you off to?" He asked as he followed behind me closely staring into my back as he did.

"I just need a breather" I growled a reply almost immediately. Seeing rotten teeth, I purposely bumped into him as I swiftly pick-pocketed the key for the chains on the girls.

"What was that for?" He asked trying to pick a fight.

"I'm so sorry, I don’t feel too good" I replied innocently holding my head in my hands.

"You should rest then" he murmured as he walked away.
Walking inside the building, I saw that no one was securing the open room. I quietly slipped inside. Upon entering, I saw Maria raise her head as she smiled and nodded. After looking around for Ella, I finally found her lying quietly at the other side.

"Ella" I said tapping her.

"Hmm?" She answered as she turned towards me. Her face was bruised and her eyes purple.

"Who did this to you?" I asked with pity as I brushed her hair away from her face.

"Some men have kinks you know?" She answered looking straight into my eyes she repeated what I heard yesterday.

"Take this, you're in charge of dinner right?" I asked as I squeezed the drugs into her hand.

"Make sure you put everything okay?" I instructed as I squeezed her hand.

"I won't let you down" She replied bravely.

Before leaving, I threw the key at Maria.
"Once they start serving dinner, start releasing them" I started.

"How many are you?" I asked looking at Ella.

"60 " she replied calmly.

"Wait!" Maria whispered getting my attention as I was about to slip out the door.

"What's wrong?" I asked bending to her height.

" You should check Roman's room. You'd get some evidence there" she instructed briefly.

"Thank you" I replied placing a peck on her forehead.

Looking at them all and trying to imprint their faces in my memories, I smiled
"I'm going to get you guys out" I said as I hurriedly left the room.
