I could beat my chest that someone was sitting on the couch all night. I saw him. Or was I seeing things because of my concussion?. Maybe. Or maybe it was Reese, he probably came to check up on me when I was asleep. Yes, that’s probably it. No need to worry Kai. You’re not crazy.

The snapping of fingers in front of my face got me focused on reality instead to last night.

“ What were you saying, sorry” I asked shaking my head as looked at Wade who was looking at me confused.

“ I was saying that the doctor said that you can get discharged today if you feel better but I think you’d need some rest, you’ve been out of it since morning. You okay?, Do you need time off from work?, I can get someone to fill your place for few weeks. What do you think?” he asked as he poured a cup of water and offered it to me.

“ I’m okay sir, thank you for your concern” I replied as I took some sips from the cup. Tapping the side of the cup with my fingers, I decided to ask the question that has been bothering me since morning.

“ Did anyone come to visit last night?, Reese or other officers maybe?” I asked as I glanced towards the couch.

“ No, not that I know of, everyone was busy in the office trying to get information out of Rose and tracing other links to Antonio, why?” He asked as a nurse walked in.

“ Please excuse me, Nurse” I said getting her attention.

“ Did anyone sign in to visit me yesterday?” I asked.

“ Not at all, the only time someone came into the room last night was when I came to give you some pain killers and I didn’t see anyone in here.” She replied.

“ oh okay, thank you” I said sighing to myself, maybe I really needed rest after all.

After I got discharged, Wade told me that I had the whole week off to get back into my form. Which I was thankful for, I was going to be busy with the new house and the packing in and all. As if the realtors heard me, my phone began to ring.

“ Good morning Mr. Kai, calling to notify you that one of our workers would be in front of the house shortly to show you around and give you the documents to sign if interested.

“ Sure, that will be appreciated. I’m actually on my way to the complex, like 10 minutes away.” I said briefly as I cut the call.

The walk from the hospital to the house wasn’t far at all, the hospital was directly behind my workplace so it wasn’t a long walk at all. On getting to the house, a man who I presumed was the worker was standing in front of the drive way.

“ Hello!, How may I help you?” I called out as I approached him. Turning towards me, he stretched his hand for a handshake.

“ Good morning Sir, my name is Davis, I was sent to show you around the house.
“ Oh, Sure. Nice to meet you” I said shaking his hand.

Once the pleasantries were over, he led me towards the door and opened it with a key he brought out from his pocket. After he let me go in, he followed behind and shut the door.

“ This is the living room, as you can see, there’s no door separating it from the kitchen. So it’s quite convenient. There’s also a guest room with a bathroom and toilet right there, beside the main door.” Davis started as he walked around the place. The home setting was very comfortable, the walls were painted lightly, with a light shade of grey. Leading us upstairs, he opened the door on the right side of the corridor.

“ This is the master’s bedroom, it has the control panel to the heater and air conditioner. So you can control it comfortable from here. This is the bathroom, it’s quite spacious as you can see, the bathtub automatically fills up once the button over there is pressed. The shower also has different settings, from extremely hot to cold. The shower head can also be detached when necessary.” He continued as he walked out of the room.

“ If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask” he informed me as we walked down the stairs.

“ Umm… what about the other room to the left, we didn’t look at it. I said as we left the house and moved to the balcony.

“ Oh, that room was the master’s bedroom before. It also had a reading room inside but unfortunately we can not find the key so it wasn’t open.” He replied

“ Why don’t you just break the door down then?” I asked

“ I really don’t know” he shrugged.

“ This is the backyard, it’s an open space so it’s actually good for outdoor activities in general.” He continued.

“ I guess that should be all” he said as he smiled.

“ What do you think?” he asked as he opened the folder he was holding.

“ it’s really comfortable. It’s close to all the places I frequent which is a plus also. I’d like to take it.” I said as I nodded towards the house.

“ Excellent choice” he said as he brought out bunch of papers.

“ You’d need to sign them. To legally prove its ownership.”

“ Why don’t we go back inside so you can use the dining table or the kitchen counter as support so you’d be able to write properly.” He offered.

Agreeing to his suggestion, we both went inside and sat on the dining table. After minutes of endless paper work and signatures, he brought out an ink and rubbed it on my thumb in order to get my fingerprint. Once that was over, he shook my hand again and told me that if I had any issue, he would be a call away.

As I locked the door after him, I got a text message from Theo.
Theo: Hey, I haven’t heard from you in a while, you good?.

Me: Hey T! yeah, I’m good. I’ve been preoccupied with work that’s all. How are you?. Work?

Theo: I’m glad you’re okay, also tone down the work load. Aunty Margret is worried about you. Work is good too. Patients in and out. I was moved to the emergency ward so I’m always busy.

Me: You know I can’t tone down the work. The first few years of employment matters. You know that. Tell Aunty I’m okay, I’ll call her to check up on her. I promise. Why are you texting then. Aren’t you at work?

Theo: It’s lunch time Kai, I doubt you’d know what that is. Have you even eaten today?.

As if my tummy heard the question, it growled. It actually skipped my mind. Thinking about it now, I’ve not had any food since the sandwich yesterday afternoon. No wonder I was feeling weak and seeing things.

Me: I’m on my way to get some food now, and no, I didn’t forget.

Theo: Whatever you say bro. I got to go now. Time’s up. Don’t forget to call Aunty. Love you.

Me: I won’t . Love you too.

Exiting our chat, I put my phone on silent and took a walk to the diner close to the office. Maybe from there, I’ll go to the dorm to pack the things I left over there. Getting to the diner, I ordered a pack of spaghetti and chicken to go. Thankfully, my order didn’t waste any time at all so I was able to get to the dorm before it got late.

“ Kai, hey. How are you feeling today?” A voice said from the balcony as I entered the dorm. It was Reese. He was leaning over the balcony taking a smoke.

“ I’m better today, thanks. Heard you got Rose. Nice job.” I replied as I opened my locker.

“ Yeah, it wasn’t a hassle. Thankfully, your head got her distracted.” He chuckled.

“ Nice one man, nice one” I said shaking my head with a chuckle.

“ You okay though?, heard you had a concussion” he asked as the put off the cigar.

“ I just need rest that’s all. I came to get the rest of my things.” I replied turning towards him.

“ Take care of yourself yeah. We need you healthy.” He said as he walked towards me and gave me a pat on my shoulder.

“ I will, in the meantime, can you send the information you got from Rose yesterday?. I asked walking out of the dorm.

“ Sure, I’ll send it to your email.” He shouted back.

It was already 5pm when I got back home. Dropping my bag on the couch, I put my food in the microwave for 2 minutes. As the food was getting hot, I took my bag upstairs and began to unpack. The sound of the microwave beeping continuously, reminded me that I had food downstairs. When I got downstairs, I turned the microwave and sat down quietly to have dinner. As I was eating, the light from my phone shone showing that I had a message. Checking the notification, it was the email from Reese as I expected. Thanking him, I turned my phone back off, packed the leftovers into the fridge, locked the front door, turned off the lights, and went back upstairs.

As I was entering my room, I glanced quickly at the other room. It felt like someone was at the other side of the door, waiting. Shaking my head, I went into my room and counted sheep till I finally slept.
