' I want you so bad' I whispered to myself as Ethan kept on caressing my cheek while deepening the kiss.

" Please don't stop" I murmured as he moved his hand to my neck.

" I can't even if I wanted to" he replied removing his lips from mine dragging it to my neck.

As he nibbled on it, a moan escaped my lips as I tried to get closer to his body which was already on mine. I needed a better position, I needed to feel everything. Lying down on the bed, I tried making Ethan stay over me but to my surprise, he rose his head and sat back on the bed.

" What's wrong?" I asked sitting back up with confusion.

" It's quiet late, you should sleep" he replied smiling sadly at me.

" What? Why? I thought -" I  started then took a deep breath and stayed quiet.

" I guess you're right, Goodnight" I continued pecking him on the cheek and laid down at the other side of the bed.

Sighing to himself, Ethan turned off the light and laid down quietly beside me then used his hand to drag me towards him.

" Don't be mad at me" he whispered into my hair as he gave me a peck.

Closing my eyes, I leaned completely into his arms letting sleep engulf me.

" He's inside" I heard someone say from behind me.

Turning towards the voice, I saw a young man in a doctor's cost signalling into a room. Walking towards him, I felt someone pass directly beside me towards the door. She had short brunette and was dressed in turn trousers and a shirt.

I couldn't see her face but from her body language, it looked like she was already crying.
Looking at the two of them having a silent conversation, I decided to see who they were talking about. They couldn't see me so it won't be hard at all.

Getting to the door, I saw nurses surrounding someone that was lying on the bed. As two nurses walked towards me, I heard them talking about someone who was shot during a burglary incident.

" What's his name?" I heard one ask the other as they walked past me.

" I'm not sure, I think-"

" Babe, it's morning." I heard Ethan whisper beside me cutting whatever dream I was having.

" Just 5 minutes okay?" I murmured digging my face into the pillow. I just needed to go back to sleep so I could hear the end.

" It's 7am already. You planned on going early to work with Wes right?" He asked massaging my scalp.

" Well, if you continue doing what you're doing, I might just stay in bed all day" I joked turning towards him as a peck landed on my forehead.

" Good morning!" I greeted smiling at him.

" Good morning" he replied with a gentle kiss on my lips. Remembering what happened last night, I got up gently and sat quietly at the edge.

After a good stretch, I stood up and headed towards the door.
" It's going to be a busy day today, I can feel it" I said looking at Ethan who was already standing beside the bed.

" Everything is going to be fine, trust me" he replied as he stood in front of me.

" I just remembered that Wes has nothing to wear once he has his bath" I groaned placing my hand on my face.

" I have nothing that could be his size" Ethan said walking towards the wardrobe.

' no shit, Sherlock' I whispered to myself as he stopped in front of the closet.

" Never saw you as a mouthy one" He chuckled bringing something out of the wardrobe.

Feeling my face flush, I took my phone which I dropped on his table and called Reese.

" Hey, Good morning " I greeted as the call connected.

" Good morning, what's up?" Reese greeted back as his duvet made noise. I probably woke him up too early.

" I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" I asked already feeling bad.

" No, not at all. What do you need?" He asked trying to get rid of his sleepy voice.

" I just realized that Wes has nothing to wear, I was wondering if you had an idea on where to get some." I replied walking round the room.

" Yeah, I think my sister has some. Not my sister per say, her son. He's around 15 or 16 so he should have something that could fit Wes. Let me call her then get back to you." He answered as I felt him walk around.

" Okay, thank you so much" I concluded cutting the call.

" Does he have some?" Ethan asked from where he was sitting.

" Yeah, his sister's son might have something" I replied looking for my glasses.

" It's right here" Ethan stated handing my glasses to me.

" I removed it when you were asleep" he continued watching put it on.

" Thank you" I responded adjusting it on my face.

" You seem to always wear your glasses" he commented looking closely at me.

" Yeah, I can't really see without it, especially at night" I replied as my phone began to ring.

" Yeah Kai, he has some" Reese said as I picked the call.

" That's great, how can I get them?"I asked wondering how it would be delivered.

" I'll being them soon, maybe we can use my car today. Sounds good?" He answered.

" How long do you think you'll take to get here?" I replied trying to calculate the amount of time Wes and I had to get ready.

" In 20 minutes so you still have time" he replied.

" Okay, see you soon" I concluded simply as I cut the call.

" I need to wake Wes up to get ready" I started holding the door handle.

" Do you mind if I shower here so everything would be faster?" I asked opening the door gently.

" Sure, anything you want " he replied gently. Smiling at him, I closed the door after him and went into my room to get Wes ready.

" Hey, Good morning!" I greeted the already awake Wes sitting on the bed.

" Good morning" he replied standing up.

" How long have you been awake for?" I asked walking into the bathroom.

" Maybe 30 minutes ago " he replied walking to stand beside the bathroom door.

" We have a long day today, we should get ready to start heading out" I instructed opening the tap making sure he was seeing how I filled the bath.

Watching him, he looked down at his clothes and gave me a gentle nod.
" No, not with this" I started as the water started running.

" My friend from yesterday is bring some clothes for you. Just for now, then when I'm free, we can go together to get more clothes" I finished turning off the tap.

" Thank you" he replied nodding.

" No problem at all, just have your bath. The towel is under the sink with other necessary things like soap and all" I instructed pointing towards the exact cabinet.

After explaining everything I needed to, I went towards my closet and picked out something to wear. When I was done with that, I left Wes to have privacy and went back into Ethan's room.

" It's the same setting in the bathroom so you don't need to worry" Ethan said as I entered the room.

" Thank you" I replied hurriedly taking my stuff into the bathroom.

His bathroom looked a little bit different from mine, it had marble walls with a big bathtub at the middle and a shower stall at the edge. The toilet was close to the stall but thankfully, water couldn't touch the toilet when one is bathing because of the glass containment.

After scrubbing my full body, I felt something twitch below my stomach.
' No, no, not now' I whispered to myself as I turned the shower to the warm side. I was probably feeling this way because I was inside Ethan's own personal space. I couldn't feel him in the bathroom but the thought that he used this place made me feel some kind of way. Holding my raging boner, I began to move gently from the tip to the root. Then I began to move a little bit faster focusing more on the head. A silent moan fell from my lips as I bit the bottom lip to stop Ethan from hearing.

' I need him on me' I thought to myself as I continued to stroke myself.

' Is that really what you want baby?' I heard Ethan reply in a different voice.

' You know what I want ' I replied sassily back at him.

' When you want something, shouldn't you be polite about it?' he countered chuckling.

' Stop talking Ethan ' I replied through my teeth.

' Why? Does my voice make you feel some kind of way?' He asked as his voice deepened.

Ignoring him, I kept on moving along the length as I used my other hand to touch my balls for the first time.

' This is what you do to me ' I said knowing that Ethan could hear me.

As moans repeatedly came out of my mouth, it began to change into Ethan's name as I began to feel him all around me. Closing my eyes, I leaned my head on the wall as I tightened my grip. Leaving my already sensitive balls, I supported myself with just my head and my chest as I moved the hand behind me.

' Yes' I chanted in my head as a finger brushed my hole.

' You want me badly inside your tight body, don't you?' I heard Ethan say as I rubbed the hole again using my other hand to stroke myself.

' Fuck', I said trying to support my legs on the ground. I looked filthy opening my legs and letting a finger hover through my passage. The pleasure was out of this world as I groaned moving faster between my grip till I spilled all over the floor beneath me.

' Good boy' I heard him whisper then he was gone.
Getting my breathing back to normal, I used the running water to clean my hands and cleaning my body again.

' I can't believe this' I whispered as I left the shower stall.

Looking at myself in the mirror, my eyes were still glossy and my lips looked full from the biting.
Smiling to myself, I focused on dressing up.
