After our meeting with Reese, Theo and I finally went into his apartment.
" You didn't tell me you had such a snack as a friend"
he said as he sat down on the bed.

" I didn't know I had to start make a slideshow of all my friends" I said, chuckling as I opened his box.

" I mean, back home there was no eye candy so you can’t blame me" he continued, as he opened the windows for cross ventilation.

Opening his carry-on bag, he brought out his speaker and connected his phone to it.
" There can't be cleaning without music" he said winking at me.

The sound of music resounded in the room as we began arranging the room. Theo focused mainly on his box as he removed his clothes and put them into the wardrobe. I on the other hand, focused on hanging the curtains, the paintings and other decorations he had.

" T, do you have any snacks, I'm so hungry" I asked breaking the comfortable silence we were in.

He pondered for a while then said "Check the small pocket of the box, a pack of chips should be there" he replied from the bathroom. He was already done with arranging the wardrobe so he started putting his sundries in the bathroom.

"Found it" I called out as I opened the bag of chips.

" Leave some for me" he yelled back as I began to shove everything into my mouth.

When we were done, we laid down on the bed as we each took deep breaths
"What's the time now?"
I asked signalling towards my phone that way close to Theo.
"It's 12pm. Woah, we really had a lot to do. I'm so exhausted" he replied as he passed my phone to me. I thanked him as I opened my phone and realized that I had received messages from Reese and Wade. Opening Wade's message, I began to read quietly.

Wade: Carlos was buried today. There was no suspicion regarding the shooting. We made it clear that we had an arrest warrant and when we got to the house, we found him that way. I guess Antonio didn't want to make a big deal of it so no one questioned our story. Rose on the other hand decided that the earlier she left the city the better for her so she got on the last bus to Seattle this morning. She told me to thank you for  everything and that she would try to live a good life for Amelia.
  Regarding Carlos again, Reese found some incriminating evidence against Antonio during his search . I asked him to text you so you both can figure out the next step. Of course, you don't have to come to work till Monday. You both can work from home.

I took a deep breath after reading and then replied the message

Me: Noted sir, my regards to Rose also. I'll make sure Reese and I are able to work with the evidence we have. Have a nice weekend.

Then I opened Reese's message.

Reese: Chief said we should both join hands together and figure out the drug cartels working hand in hand with Antonio. I sent the files to your email. When you get home and check it out and let me know. Also, how's the cleaning going?, I was wondering if I could bring a house warming gift or something?

Me: No problem, once I get home and look at the files, I'll call you. Also regarding the house warming gift, you're free to bring it but please not when I'm around. I noticed you flirting with him you big oaf ;)

He replied almost immediately

Reese: I wasn't flirting, I was being hospitable.

Me:  Of course you were
I replied as I looked at Theo.
He was already dozing off so I decided to just leave.

" T, I'm leaving okay?" I said as I tapped him as he replied with a whine.

" Text me when you wake up okay?" I instructed as I shut the door behind me.

Once I got home, I went straight to the fridge for a cold drink.

" How's your best friend doing?" Ethan asked from behind me.
Without turning, I walked towards the sink to wash my hands as I replied,

"He's good, was asleep when I left." I said turning back to face him.

'How come I never noticed how handsome he looked'
I thought to myself as I caught myself checking him out.

'I don't know, probably you never looked close enough' he replied in my head as he walked closer.

I'm sure my face was as red as a beetroot as I heard his voice in my head. Looking away from him, I began to think of how to escape this position.

"Don't hide your face from me" he said as he turned my face towards him.

"You're so pretty like this" he continued as he stroked my cheek.

" I always wondered how your skin felt but touching you passes how my imagination felt." He said as he dropped his hand.

"You look tired, you should probably have a nap. I'll wake you up when your lunch is ready" he continued taking a step back.
Immediately he took a step back, I swiftly ran up the stairs to my bathroom without looking back.
What the hell just happened!?

As I closed the door, I leaned against the wall of the bathroom. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. My face was still very hot and I could see a tent forming on my shorts.

'This can't be happening' I sighed to myself.

Walking towards the faucet, I washed my face as I looked into the mirror. Flashbacks of what happened in the kitchen kept on replaying in my head.
I had so many questions. Why would he tease me like this?
Was I the only person feeling this way right now?
Was be wondering how I was feeling right now?
All these question but not a single answer came to mind.

I was an adult, I needed to act like one and not like a teenager who just got his first kiss. Well basically, I wasn't a teenager but I still hadn't had my first kiss or any form of sexual relations. The closest thing to me feeling this way was when I woke up at age 13 with an erection but I didn't even know what to do so I ignored it and continued my daily activities.

This was different. He was a person. Well not a person but he made me feel weird and it was all new to me. I needed to understand all this. Bringing my phone from my pocket, I opened Theo's chat and sent a message.

Me: SOS!!.
He was probably asleep so I dropped my phone as I stared at the ceiling. A beep from my phone made me snatch it up so fast.

Theo: What's wrong?

Me: Something weird just happened to me and please don't laugh.

Theo: I can't promise that but what's up.

Me: I thought you were sleeping though?

Theo: I woke up some minutes ago, someone knocked at my door. So what's up?

Me: You know I told you about Ethan right?

Theo: Right.

Me: Well, I think I got an erection from him just touching my cheek.

Theo: What???

Me: I know right?, He's a ghost for heaven's sake.

Theo: To be honest, that's the least of my concerns.

Me: What do you mean?

Theo: What I mean is that you've finally proved to me that you're not a robot. *Clapping emoji*

Me: Explain * confused emoji*

Theo: You got an erection Kai, whether it's from a ghost, a zombie or what not. It's a big deal. *Winking face emoji* and * smiling emoji*

Me: I knew I shouldn't have texted you. Thanks for nothing.* Middle finger emoji*
I replied as I shook my head in regret.

Theo: Have fun with your ghost human * love emoji*

Ignoring the message,I decided to distract myself further. Opening my laptop, I went to my mail and opened the file Reese sent to me.
It read;
 Shipment details: 24th September.
Location: Greene county dock
Then pictures came after.
The pictures of young men packing cocaine into packs as armed men stood at their side.
Under the picture, Reese left a message.
'Once you get this, call me'. Going to my call app, I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up.
