After my mental breakdown in the bathroom, I washed my face, practiced my smile and left the bathroom.

" Have you had breakfast yet?" Aaron asked leaning on my table as I got to the room.

" No, not yet, why?" I replied sitting quietly on my chair.

"I was wondering if you'd like to tag along. Everyone is busy so-"

" Sure, I'll follow you. I need to clear my head also" I said murmuring the second part.

On getting to the restaurant, I sat quietly looking outside the window. I wasn't feeling like myself especially after I found out the Ella was never dead. What else did Ethan not know?

" Excuse me?" I heard a voice call out from the present reality.

" Huh? Sorry? What were you saying?" I asked getting myself back on track.

"What would you like to order?" The waitress asked trying to hide her irritation. She was probably trying to get my attention for a while with no avail.

" Just two pieces of chocolate croissant and coffee please. Black no sugar" I replied rubbing my face.
After she wrote my order down, she walked away leaving me with a confused Aaron.

" You okay bro? You seem really off. And a black coffee no sugar? That's not you at all" he confessed sounding really worried.

" I'm okay, just family stuff " I lied giving him a small smile.

" Oh okay. I'm here if you need someone" he replied as the waitress came back with our food.

" I will, thank you"

Once we were done with our food and after the battle between my throat and the bitter coffee, we were on our way back to the office. The rest of the day went by quietly and the time to go back home came quickly.

" Going to pick Wes up?" Reese asked as he stopped me by my car.

" Yeah" I replied not really focusing on the conversation.

" I'll see you later then" he said tapping my shoulder as he left me with my thoughts.

The drive to the ballet school Wes was in wasn't far at all but since it was his first day, I needed to pick him up to at least make him feel supported.

" Hey buddy! How was your first day?" I asked cheerfully as he entered the car.

" It was good, really difficult but not impossible" he replied putting on his seatbelt.

" That's great! Do you have anything in mind for dinner?"

" I'll just eat that cup noodles at home. I'm not really hungry" he answered looking out of the window.

" Why? Is there something wrong?" I asked as we got close to the house.

"Not really. I just heard from one of the girls there that I have to be really slim to be able to do well in ballet" he replied sadly.

" That's not true buddy! you can eat well and still do ballet. Never let anyone dictate what you need to be to be happy" I advised wondering why children would talk with so much negativity.

After telling him that, we stayed quiet as I parked the car.
" Aren't you coming out?" I heard Wes ask as he came out of the car.

" I need to go to the hospital, I'll be back soon" I replied waiting for him to go inside safely.

" Are you sick?" He asked walking to my window to touch my face.

" No kiddo, I just need to get something that's all" I replied stretching my face out of the window to give him a forehead peck.

"Okay, be safe" he said shifting away from the window.

" There's something for you in the wardrobe inside a purple bag" I shouted as he entered the house remembering that I had a surprise for him.

When he finally shut the door after him, I turned on the ignition and began to drive to the hospital. Once I got to the reception of the hospital, I sat down quietly waiting for 8pm. After a nap or two, I felt someone tap my shoulder calling my name. Opening my eyes, I saw a tired looking Theo staring at me

" Hey T, you okay?" I ask shaking off the sleep from my eyes.

" Yeah, just tired Roo" he replied sitting beside me.

" You've not called me Roo in a long time, what's wrong?" I asked looking at him with worry.

" What's your house location again?" He asked with a serious face.

" No 4 Ralph Street why?" I asked tilting my head in confusion.

" There's something I need to tell you and don't freak out " he said taking a deep breath.

" If you don't start, I might faint " I replied chuckling

" What's the name of your ghost boyfriend?" He asked in all seriousness.

" Ghost boy- ohh You mean Ethan?" I asked trying to understand where this conversation was going.

" Ethan who? What's his surname?" He asked picking his words.

" Umm Ethan Sanchez why? What's going on T? Are messing around?" I asked shaking my head as I was about to stand up.

" You'll have to sit for this Roo, it's something serious" he looked at me sternly.

Noticing that he was really agitated about something, I sat up straight giving him my full attention.
" Okay, I'm sorry. What's wrong? " I asked sincerely observing his face.

" Ethan is here in this hospital" he asked staring into my eyes with a hint of nervousness.

" What do you mean Ethan is here?" I asked finally standing up.

" I know I sound crazy but-"

" Oh I know crazy and this is crazy" I replied trying to walk away from him.
Holding my arm, he tightened his grip as I turned to face him.

" Why do you think it's Ethan ?" I asked confused facing him completely.

" I was on ward round with the doctor when he sent me to get something from his office. I swear I didn't mean to look at his open file but I did and I saw your address. I was so confused as to why your address was written there so I rose the file up and looked inside. It was someone called Ethan who was about to be pronounced dead so I decided to ask if you knew anyone with that name that lived in your house before you." He answered truthfully.

" I know you don't believe me so follow me." He instructed walking in front me. Noticing that I wasn't following him, he held my hand and dragged me towards him.

After walking for a while, he stopped in front of a room.
" Take a deep breath before going in okay?" He said as he glanced at the door then back at me.

Taking a deep breath, I turned the knob of the door and entered with closed eyes.
" Can I help you?" I heard a female voice ask from the room.

Opening my eyes, I saw a familiar face standing in front of me.

" Ella?" I asked blinking continuously as tears filled my eyes.

" How to you know my name?" She asked tilted her head to the side.

" You look so much like him, Jesus" I exclaimed as I saw Theo in her.

" Who?" She asked looking confused.

" Your brother" I replied as tears threatened to fall.

" You know Sam and Wes?" She asked walking towards me exposing the bed behind her.

" Ethan?" I called out coming ignoring Ella's question.

" Baby?" I called out again as a I came closer to the bed.

" What are you doing?" I heard Ella's voice fade as his face came to light.

" Ethan?" I whispered as I finally touched his face brushing his hair out of his face.

It can't be, it's not possible. It's not possible, it's not-. I can't breath. My legs began to weaken as I felt myself fall to the ground.
Somebody help me! I can't breath. I began to feel my head float.

" Roo?"

" Roo?"

" Oh my God! Somebody help"
I heard a voice scream as I went into the light.

My Ethan, He's Alive.
