"What do you plan on doing with him?" Reese asked as he drove us to his apartment. Since Wesley decided to stay with me, I was going to figure out a legal way for him to stay for the meantime. Glancing at his sleeping figure, I brushed the hair out of his face. He looked so peaceful and at ease, this was probably the best sleep he had gotten in a long while.

" He'll stay with me for the meantime. I'll let chief know tomorrow during the meeting" I answered as my eyes met his in the rear view mirror.

" I'll support you with any decision you make. Just let me know when you need my help" he said taking his attention back on the road.

" Thank you" I answered simply closing my eyes as the cold air from the air conditioner took me to dream world.

" Kai? Wake up! We're here." I heard Reese say as he tapped my lap.

" Hmm?" I replied with a sleep induced voice.

" We're at my apartment. Do you think you'd be able to drive home in this state?" Reese asked as he turned off the ignition.

" Yeah, I'm good. You should go in. Good job today!" I praised as I adjusted Wesley to sleep on the chair instead of my shoulder.

" Take care of yourself okay? Text me when you get home." Reese instructed as he stepped out of the car giving me space to enter the driver's seat.

"I will. Goodnight" I replied closing the door after me as I turned the car back on. The drive back home wasn't long thankfully. It was 8pm so the road didn't have much traffic.

On getting to the apartment, I parked the car and stepped out to help Wesley.

" Wesley?" I called gently as I patted his shoulder.

"Yeah?" He replied looking up at me blinking.

" We're home" I smiled gently as he supported himself to step out of the car.

Noticing how tired he was, I bent down and carried him as his head leaned on my shoulder.

" Thank you so much Ethan" he said quietly hugging me closely.

" It's okay Wesley, I got you"

"It's Wes" He countered as I opened the door.

With a smile on my face, I carried him up to my room and dropped him gently on the bed.

" You should sleep for a while, Food would be ready soon" I said covering him up with my duvet.

" Do you need my help?" He whispered as his eyes began to close.

" I just need you to rest" I replied standing from the bed as I gave him a peck on his forehead.

Walking out of the room, I saw Ethan come out of his room.
" Is everything okay?" He asked as he engulfed me in a tight hug.

" I'm so tired" I whispered burying my face in his neck.

" You should eat something first then you sleep okay?" He suggested as he held my hand taking me downstairs.

" Okay" I replied as I went to the parlor to lie down.

" Should I just order in?" Ethan suggested as he sat beside me putting my head on his lap.

" Yes please" I answered briefly closing my eyes and sleep took me away.

" Babe" I heard a voice say as I opened my eyes slowly.

" I forgot I couldn't order in" he said trying to hold his laughter.

" How could we forget" I mumbled putting my hand into pocket.

With my sleepy eyes, I dialed any restaurant that showed first.

" Good evening, this is the hungry bear restaurant. How may I help you?"

" Please what do you have available right now?" I asked walking to the fridge to get some water.

" We have chicken Alfredo pasta, fried rice with beef sauce and sweet potato fries with stir fry veggies" the attendant responded.

" I'll have one pack of friend rice with beef sauce then the sweet potato please." I answered taking a big gulp of water.

" No problem at all, our courier will call you when he's on his way to you."

" What's your location please?" He continued.

" No 4 Ralph Street" I replied supporting the phone with one ear as I closed the bottle.

" Okay sir, the Courier will call you when he has arrived at your location." He answered as the tapping of a keyboard continued.

" Thank you" I concluded as I cut the call.

" How's he?" Ethan asked gesturing towards the stairs.

" I'm not really sure, he slept all through the drive. Seems like he needs enough rest and some food, Maybe a bath." I replied leaning on his shoulder.

" You'll take him for check-up right?" He asked reaching for my hand that was on my lap.

" Yeah, tomorrow morning hopefully. I need to text Theo regarding that, I'm not sure if he has started work but if he has, Wes would be comfortable around him" I answered taking a deep breath.

"Are you okay?" I heard Ethan ask as he pecked my hair.

" Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little bit tired" I lied giving him a gentle smile.

" Are you-" but before he could ask more, I got a phone call. Looking at him, he nodded as I picked up the phone.

" Hello?"

" I'm here with your food " the male voice answered simply.

" Oh okay" I answered cutting the call as I walked to the door.

After getting the food and paying for it, I arranged it neatly on the dinning with Ethan assisting.

" Do you think I should wake him up?" I asked dropping a fork beside the already dished out pasta.

" I think you should, he needs to eat so he doesn't break down more." Ethan replied sitting at his usual spot.

Cleaning my hands with the kitchen towel, I hurriedly went upstairs to wake Wes up. To my surprise, he was already awake sitting quietly at the edge of the bed.

"Hey Wes, you okay?" I asked walking gently towards him.

" Yes I am, woke up a while ago but I didn't want to annoy you so I sat still till you were ready for me to come out" he replied shrugging.

It was very obvious that he had experienced things that I couldn't imagine. I wasn't going to just use my words to make him comfortable around me, I also needed to show him with my actions.

" You don't have to be worried about me getting angry or anything like that, you're free to come out of the room at anytime. Right now, it's time for dinner so we should go downstairs " I stated stretching my hand towards him. Once he held me hand, I helped him up and lead him gently downstairs.

" You really have a beautiful home. It's so enormous" he said looking around with excited eyes.

" Thank you" I replied glancing at him with a smile.

As we got to the dinning table, We both sat down beside each other as Ethan sat down across me.

" What would you like to eat? Pasta or Potatoes?" I asked dragging the plates closer to him.

" Potato please, I've not tasted the other thing" he answered pointing at the pasta.

Glancing at Ethan, he was looking sadly at Wes.

' You okay?' I asked him without speaking.

' Yeah, he just looks like someone I know' he replied still looking closely at Wes.

' I planned on telling you later ' I said dishing a little amount of food for Wes so he won't get indigestion.

' Telling me what exactly?' he asked looking directly at me with confusion.

'He's Ella's little brother' I answered trying not to look at his face.

' It can't be' he replied as he glanced back at Wes then at me.

' It is baby, We saved him. You didn't fail her' I answered wishing that I could give him a big hug.

' I'll be in my room' he said simply as he got up leaving Wes and I alone.
