I was surrounded by darkness but I could still feel everything around me. Walking into nothingness, I saw a white door at a distance.
' Must be the exit' I thought to myself moving closer and closer to the door.

Turning the knob, I felt someone standing behind me. Carefully turning, I saw Ethan just standing. He was just staring into the opened door.
" Ethan?" I asked trying to snap him back.

" Ethan, look at me?" I said holding his cheek as he glanced down at me.

" It's me. Kai" I continued caressing his cheeks as he tried putting his thoughts in order.

" Kai?" He asked confused

" Yes, the Kat to your Casper remember?" I replied smiling up at him.
Leaning into my touch, I held his hand hoping that we could get out of her in one piece.

" Do you want to get out of here?" I asked looking at the door.

" I don't think I can" he replied removing his hand from mine.

" Why not?" I asked as he took a step back.

" The deal was till Antonio goes down" he answered truthfully.

" Don't you think you need to ruin Antonio with your own hands?" I said taking a step towards him.
Staying quiet after my question and sighed with defeat.

" What about me? What about all the things I have planned out for us? Please come back to me. STAY WITH ME!" I shouted as tears began to fall from my eyes.
Looking up at him, he just stood there quietly saying nothing.

" Okay then" I said sniffing as I cleaned my eyes.

" I'm going to end this for us so you'll come back home to me. I can't see myself without you anymore. I love you Ethan" I confessed not waiting for his reply as I entered the door into the light.

" He's waking up" I heard a voice say as I opened my eyes slowly to the sound.

" Roo? It's me" I heard another person say. No one calls me Roo except Theo and he sounded so worried.

As I opened my eyes fully, I saw Theo hovering over me as I was lying down on a bed.
" Hey T" I greeted giving him a smile smile.

" Don't do that to me ever again!" He warned sniffing with red eyes.

" Were you crying?" I teased standing slowly from the bed with his hands supporting me. The room looked like the emergency room with few patients lying down quietly with people around them.

" Nope" he chuckled turning his face away from me.

" Ethan" I whispered as I held my body against the wall.

Looking at Theo, he shook his head sadly and sighed.
" There's still no movement" he said sadly giving me space to walk out of the door.

" Where's she?" I asked searching the environment for Ella.

" If you're talking about the girl you saw in the room, she's at the canteen." He replied leading me towards that direction.

Once we got to the canteen, I saw Ella sitting down with a cup in her hands.
" Ella?" I called out as she rose her head to my direction.

" Can I have a seat?" I asked waiting for her to agree.

" Sure" she replied giving me a brief nod.
As I sat down, Theo went to the coffee machine and began to make some.

" How do you know Ethan?" She asked immediately I sat down.

" He's- He's someone I care about a lot" I answered sincerely

" What's your name?" She asked ignoring the drink in front of her.

" Kai"

" Why didn't you visit even for one hour? He has been here, without anyone coming to see him. Why now? After 6 years." She inquired trying to keep the anger from sipping out.

"I thought he was dead" I replied truthfully rubbing my face with my palms.

" He's as good as dead but I can't seem to let him go" she said as her voice began to break.

" It was a shot to the heart yunno" she started staring into my eyes

" Antonio came into his house the night we got back to New York. He told me that no matter what, I shouldn't come out from my hiding spot. I stayed under the dinning table as a body dropped at the entrance of the house. Then Antonio began to tell Ethan how he was untouchable and how Ethan was a fool or something. I can't really remember what he said" she continued touching her head like she was trying to force the details out.

" The next thing I heard was one silent shot then someone falling on the ground. I was praying to the universe that he wasn't the one so I held my tears till Antonio and his men left the house. Immediately they left, I ran as I fell in front of Ethan's unconscious body. I held his chest with one hand as I struggled to get his phone from his pocket. When I got the phone, I dialed the emergency number and reported the incident. After 5 minutes or so, the sound of the ambulance began to wail as police cars packed in front of the house. The medics checked the man at the door but he was obviously gone, A shot through his skull. After covering his body, they took him away then focused on Ethan. When they checked his pulse, they said that there was something there so they took him and I into the ambulance and drove us straight to the hospital. Thankfully, he had insurance so we were able to pay for everything. When we got to the hospital, they took him into surgery immediately. I don't know much about surgeries but the doctor told me that it was successful and he was expected to wake up after sometime, but that didn't happen" She said taking a sip of her juice.

" I was sitting beside him later that night and all of a sudden, I began to hear a beep from the machine then doctors began to rush in. In all the commotion, I stood close to the door and kept on praying that everything would be fine. Thankfully, the machine stopped beeping and everywhere became silent. The doctors told me that there was something wrong, a complication or something and he needed a miracle to be able to wake up. He didn't have any family I could call so I begged them to let me stay with him. They didn't really care, as far as they got their money at the end. The police officers concluded it as a burglary incident so there was no investigation" She concluded checking the time on her watch.

" Burglary?" I asked suprised. This sounded like the dream I had some time ago about the nurses talking about a burglary incident and how a man was involved. I was dreaming of Ethan. Would I call it a dream or a vision?

' So that's why he was in the hospital for that long' I thought to myself figuring that he didn't even know that he was in a coma and not dead.

" Sorry for keeping you here, I'm sure Wes would be excited to see you" I said giving her a gently smile. They've been apart for six years. She saw her brother when he was eight and her sixteen.

" What about Sam? You keep on saying Wes" She asked as the growing smile faded from her face.

" Sam is gone." I replied holding her hands that were still on the cup.

" Gone?" She asked scoffing like it was the funniest statement. Keeping quiet, I looked at her as I tightened my grip on her hands.

" He's dead Ella" I whispered as her face changed.

" It's not possible. I won't believe it" She whispered to herself in denial shaking her head from side to side.

" I'm so sorry" I empathized giving her space to accept what I just said.
After few minutes of tears dropping silently, she sniffed and looked back at me.

" Please can you take me to Wes?" She asked standing from the table.

" Of course, just give me a sec" I replied scanning the room for Theo.

When I couldn't see him, I called his line and waited for it to ring.
" You guys done?" He asked with a tired voice.

" Yeah, I want to take her to Wes" I answered walking away from the table.

" Wes? Why?" He asked confused.

" I'll tell you later but I need a favor "

" Sure, what's up?" He asked shuffling in the background.

" Can you help me stay with him till I get back?"

" Sure. I'm in the resting room for our nurses. I'll head there right now"

" Thank you T, for everything."

" Of course, drive safely " he said cutting the call from his side.

" Let's go" I called out to Ella as we walked out of the canteen.

After a silent drive home, I lead her straight upstairs to the room Wes was in.
" He'll be excited to see you. Don't be nervous" I advised tapping her shoulder as she opened the door. After a happy scream erupted from Wes, I left them to their happy reunion.

' I can't feel him anymore ' I thought to myself as I entered his room. Walking towards the laptop on the table, I saw that he was writing something like a book. Respecting his privacy, I sat down on the bed and cried. As I was crying, I heard my phone ring.

"Now is not the time" I groaned loudly picking up the phone.

" Hello?" I greeted waiting for a response.

" Roo?" I heard Theo say from the phone.

" T, what's wrong?" I asked standing up from the bed.

" He's awake" he replied the cut the call.

'He's awake' I chanted to myself as I rushed out of the room.

He stayed. He chose us.
