season 6

Oh Baby

The next two months were hard ones. They didn't want to tell anyone else that Lindsey was pregnant until they hit that 12 week mark, just to be safe.

They had also decided to keep their engagement to themselves (and Ravi). They both wanted to announce it but Lindsey figured they should wait since Maddie and Chimney just got engaged. She didn't want to take away from their moment.

Buck told her that they wouldn't care, in fact, Maddie would be ecstatic to know that her little brother was engaged. Lindsey knew what he was saying was right but still.

So they agreed to wait a few weeks.

Lindsey had just gotten back from the store. Walking in the door, she pushed it open with her foot as she carried the bags of groceries. "Buck. I'm home." She called out.

Placing the bags on the counter she called out again, "Buck."

She didn't get an answer. Her eyes scanned the room and fell on the open balcony door. "Buck?" She called again as she slowly walked outside.

When her eyes fell on him she immediately started to tear up. He was standing there, surrounded by candles and tulips, her favorite flower. He had a big smile on his face, and his hands were tucked in his pockets. "What is this?"

"Come here." Buck said as he extended his hand out. She took a few steps forward and placed her hand in his.


Slowly he knelt down on one knee, "I know I already asked but I wanted to do it again when we weren't dangling from a rope." He began. Pulling his other hand out of his pocket he held up a ring.

It was silver with accent stones around the edges and in the middle was a sparkling oval cut diamond.

"I already went to your parents and asked for their permission since I didn't exactly get it the first time I asked." The two laughed lightly. Lindsey's heart swelled at the fact that he went to her parents to ask. That he took his time in setting this all up. Her eyes welled up in happy tears. A smile forming on her face as she looked down at him.

"From the first moment I met you I knew you were special. I saw you and I knew that you were going to be something in my life. What I didn't know was you were going to become the most important thing in my life." He said softly, squeezing her hand. "These past years have been a roller coaster. We have been together through the biggest highs and lowest lows."
He took a breath before continuing, "And though at times, things seemed a little crazy and scary...we made it through. We always do, because we always find our way back to each other...I love you, Lindsey Scott. Will you marry me?"

"Yes! A thousand times, yes!" She said as tears fell. She grabbed his face and leaned down to kiss him. Not breaking the kiss, Buck held her tightly as he slowly stood up.

She pulled away and he gently slipped the ring on her finger. "Lindsey Buckley," She thought out loud, "I could get use to that."

A huge smile broke out on Bucks face. He wrapped his arms around her and, gently, spun her around. "It sounds perfect."

Lindsey knew who they should tell first.

Someone who has been waiting for this moment for a while.

The only problem was, how do they tell him without telling his dad?

Lindsey and Buck decided they would take Christopher out for some ice cream. That way they could get him away from Eddie and it wouldn't be suspicious since they love hanging out with Chris.

Walking out of the ice cream shop, the three took a seat at a table outside. "How's your ice cream?" Buck asked. Chris gave them a big smile, "Really good." Then he added, "Thanks for taking me."

"Of course. Chris, we love hanging out and going places with you." Lindsey told him as she took a napkin and gently wiped the ice cream that he got on his cheek off.

"We actually have a surprise for you. But when we tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone, especially your dad." Buck told him and Lindsey added, "We already have a plan to tell him but we wanted you to know first. So can you promise us you'll keep it a secret?"

"I promise."

Lindsey and Buck both smiled at him. "Do you remember," Lindsey began, "When you said that Buck and I should get married?" Chris nodded at her. "And I told you maybe someday we would." He nodded again.

"Well buddy, we're getting married." Buck finished. Chris smiled big, "Really?!"

The couple nodded, "Really! And we wanted you to be the first one we told since you believed in us from the beginning." Chris pushed himself towards the two and hugged them, "You guys are the best!"

They were having a dinner night with the entire 118, along with Athena and Maddie. Everyone thought they were just going out so they could all spend some time with one another away from work.

Little did they know, it was a bit more than that.

Dinner was great, the food was amazing. They told stories and laughed the whole time. They had just ordered dessert when Lindsey looked over at Buck.

"Uh, hey. I just wanted to say how thankful I am for you guys and how much I love all of you. You guys are my family and I don't know what I'd do without you all." Buck told them.

"Awe, we love you too Buckaroo." Chimney responded with a teasing smile.

The table laughed and Buck shook his head with a smile, "Yeah, yeah. As I was saying...you guys are my family, our family, actually. Which is why we wanted you guys to be some of the first to know that," He reached for Lindsey's left hand. Locking their fingers together, he slowly held up their hands, showing off Lindsey's ring, "We're getting married."

It was like everything was in slow motion. Their faces all twisted into shock and excitement. Maddie was the first to hop out of her seat and rush over to the two. Everyone else followed after.

"Oh my god!"


"I already knew!" Everyone turned to look at Ravi who had a smirk on his face. Maddie's face twisted into betrayal, "How come he knew before I did?"

"To be fair, he was there when I originally asked her." Buck said.

"Which was..." Athena trailed off.

"The day of the structural collapse." Lindsey said and all their faces twisted to shock again. "That was a month ago. Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Hen exclaimed.

Lindsey sighed lightly as Bucks arm wrapped around her waist, "We just wanted to wait a little bit. Have some time to ourselves before we told everyone."

"I'm guessing this was the thing Chris couldn't tell me." Eddie said as he crossed his arms and raised his brow. Lindsey and Buck both nodded with a laugh.

"We wanted to tell him first because he has been asking us to get married for a while now." Lindsey said and Buck added, "I'm proud of him for keeping quiet. I thought you were gonna end up forcing it out of him."

"I tried," Eddie said with a laugh, "He just kept saying, no dad you have to wait."

"Smart kid." Bobby commented.

Maddie turned to Lindsey again and reached out to grab her hand, "We're engaged! We're getting married!" The two cheered and Lindsey wrapped her arms around Maddie.

Buck and Chimney made eye contact before fist-bumping one another.

Athena then moved over and pulled Lindsey into a hug, "I am so proud of you." She said to her quietly and Lindsey couldn't help but tear up. "I love you, Athena."

Athena's hand ran across her cheek in a motherly way. She was practically her second mother. They had been through hell and back together. "I love you too, Lindsey...Now, let me see that ring!"

As the video call connected, Lindsey nervously bounced her leg up and down. Buck placed his hand on her knee to help keep her calm. They were going to be telling her team the news and she was a bit more nervous than usual.

"Hey Lindy loo!"

Lindsey smiled when she saw her family on the screen, "Hi guys! I miss you all!"

"We miss you too!" Spencer said and Emily, who was on a different video call added, "We need to get together!"

Lindsey bit her bottom lip and nodded, "Yeah, that's actually why I wanted to call you guys. We might be seeing one another sooner than you think." She held her hand up to the screen, showing off her ring.

She heard Penelope scream followed by Derek's voice, "I called it! I called it!"

Buck laughed and poked his head into the camera to wave at everyone. "Congratulations you guys! You better treat her well." Rossi said and Buck nodded, "I will."

"Oh Lindsey, i'm so happy for you! Both of you!" JJ said with a big smile. "Thanks. We're pretty happy too." Lindsey said as Buck threw his arm around her shoulders.

Her eyes squinted when something caught her eye, "Hotch, is that a smile?" The man laughed, "I'm happy for you guys."

"So how did he ask you?" Penelope immediately asked. Lindsey and Buck looked at each other for a moment, "Basically..."

Lindsey laid slightly back in the chair. Her shirt was rolled up towards her chest, exposing her stomach. She had the tiniest little bump.

They had officially made it to 12 weeks. They were at their appointment right now and as long as everything was well, they would be able to finally start telling people.

"And right there," The woman said as she turned the screen towards the couple, "Is your baby."

No matter how many appointments they went to, Lindsey still felt herself getting emotional. She felt Buck squeeze her hand as he said, "The baby's practically doubled in size since the last time we were here."

The woman nodded, "Your baby's about the size of a plum now."

Lindsey's eyes stayed on the screen. She still couldn't believe this was actually happening.

"I will get a few photos printed for you guys and then you will be all set." The couple nodded at the woman and thanked her.

"Can you believe it?" Lindsey asked as she turned to look at Buck, who had the biggest smile, "That's our baby."

"They'll be here any second!" Lindsey called out as she finished doing her hair. Her parents and Bobby and Athena were coming over for dinner.

She quickly made her way downstairs and over to Buck who was cooking. She peered over his shoulder, trying to see how much longer till the food was ready.

"You heard me, right?" She asked and Buck let out a laugh, "I did."

"I just want to make sure everything's perfect." She told him and he turned to face her, "And it will be, so stop stressing. That's not good for the baby." He kissed her head before adding, "Now go take a seat on the couch. I got all this."

A knock on the door caught their attention and Lindsey immediately moved towards it, "They're here!"

"Yeah Linds, I heard." Buck laughed again.

When the door opened they were met with the four adults. Everyone quickly exchanged their hugs and hellos.

"Smells good in here." Bobby commented. "Yeah, foods almost ready. While we wait, we have gifts for you guys." Buck told them.

"Gifts?" Lindsey's mother, Marie, questioned as Lindsey and Buck led them into the living room.

"Take a seat." Lindsey said as she grabbed the gifts off the table. Once both couples were comfortable, she handed a bag to each of them.

Athena looked at the bag with a questioning look. Her eyes moved back up to Lindsey who wouldn't meet her eye. If Lindsey looked at her, she knew Athena would be able to figure it out before they even opened the gifts.

"Okay, open them." Buck said as his arm wrapped around Lindsey's waist. His hand resting comfortably on her stomach.

They watched as the four opened the bags. They each pulled out an ultrasound. "Are you serious?" Marie asked as she looked up at her daughter, tears already in her eyes. Lindsey felt like she couldn't speak, so she just nodded.

"I'm gonna be a grandma?"

Lindsey nodded again and her mom shot up from the couch to hug her.

Bobby looked up at Buck with a big smile, "You're gonna be a dad." Buck nodded, "I'm gonna be a dad." Bobby felt tears start to form and he stood up to pull Buck into a hug. "I'm proud of you, kid."

Athena stood up as well and hugged the man, "You, Evan Buckley, are going to be an amazing father." She then let her gaze switch over to Lindsey who had just finished hugging her dad, "And you, My Lindsey, are going to be an incredible mother."

Athena held Lindsey tightly, "This baby is going to be so incredibly loved."

"We know," Lindsey began as Buck joined her side again, "Which is why we wanted to ask you two something." They turned to Bobby and Athena. Lindsey gripped Bucks hand as he said, "You two are such an important part of our lives. I mean you guys are like my parents...We know that you guys will love this baby with everything you have which is why we wanted to ask if...if you guys would also like to be this baby's grandparents?"

Athena couldn't help herself as the tears began to fall, "Yes!" And Bobby added, "We'd love to!" Athena and Bobby pulled the two into a hug. "Thank you for asking." Athena said quietly.

Lindsey pulled away and wiped at her own tears. "Of course. I mean...We wanted you four to be the first to know because you guys mean so much to us. We love you guys and we can't wait for you guys to be apart of this little one's life." She told them as she rested her hand over Bucks which had found its way back on her stomach.

Later that night, Lindsey and Buck were cuddled up on the couch. "I still can't believe that we're having a baby." Lindsey spoke and Buck looked over at her, "Well you better start believing it. In just a few months we'll be living with a mini us." Buck said with a laugh. His hand hadn't stopped tracing shapes on her stomach since the two sat down.

"What do you think it's gonna be?" Lindsey asked as she looked over at Buck. "Oh a boy, for sure."

"Really?" She asked as her brows furrowed, "I think it's gonna be a girl." Buck gave a playful scoff and he dipped his head down to rest near her stomach. After a moment he said, "Mhm, definitely a boy."

"You do not know that by just putting your head on my stomach."

"Wanna bet?" He asked with a smirk and she couldn't help but smirk back, "Alright, bring it on Buckley."

"Oh it's on, soon to be Mrs. Buckley."

here we are
the end of the season

i want to cry, i can't believe it!

this story is done until season 7 comes out
once march hits and episodes start coming out again i will immediately start writing

i may, every once in a while, put out an extra chapter just to keep things up until march (cause that's still a couple months away)

i have also decided the gender of their baby but you guys won't find that out until season 7

here's the ring:

my new Evan Buckley book

Station 217

is now posted so go check it out!!
