season 5 episode 17

Hero Complex

No one said anything about that night at the hospital. Even if they wanted to, they didn't say anything. Buck didn't even say anything. He could tell that she was still angry, but decided to wait until she wanted to talk about it.

Lindsey pulled at her black dress. They had just gotten back from attending Claudette's funeral. Lindsey didn't know her, none of them did except for May, Eddie, and Josh, but she felt bad about what happened. So when Buck said that he was planning on going, Lindsey agreed to go with him.

After the funeral Lindsey and Buck went back with Eddie to his house. "Chris, hurry up. We still got to pick up Tía Pepa." Eddie called and then walked back into Chris's room where Lindsey and Buck were. They were both leaned up against Chris's desk, watching as Eddie packed up all of Chris's stuff.

"Shouldn't take that long to pack a toothbrush." They heard Eddie mutter. Lindsey's eyes shifted from her dress up to him. "Why don't you just take a later flight?" Buck asked and Lindsey nodded, "You were at a funeral. Your parents will understand."

Eddie turned to her with wide eyes and Lindsey sighed, "They should understand."

"What is the dress code at a retirement party? Tie is probably too much. It is my parents we're talking about. I'll just grab it all." Eddie said, mainly to himself.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Buck asked and Eddie sighed, "I have to go. My mom made this huge deal about this party. He did work at the company for 40 years. And Chris...He's excited to see everyone, he misses them."

"40 years," Buck said, "That's a long time. You said he was in oil, right?"

"Petroleum engineer. He spent his whole life driving across the state. Living everywhere but under his own roof with his own family."

Lindsey watched as Buck placed down the toy dinosaur he had been playing with, "Listen, uh, as someone who also comes from a screwed up family..."

"My family isn't screwed up." Eddie corrected and Buck gave him an 'are you serious?' look. Eddie sighed, "Okay, just my dad. Plan is get in, get out without any drama. Say congratulations, have some cake and...call it a day."

Lindsey squinted her eyes at him, "And what about when he starts to get in there and push your buttons?"

"There's a hotel 20 minutes away, three and a half stars. Chris is really gonna like the pool." He answered and then called out, "Chris!"

Lindsey turned to Buck who had the toy dinosaur in his hands again. The two smirked at each other before following Eddie out the room.

A constant knocking on the door woke Lindsey up. She shifted in bed to see Buck groan and roll out of bed. It wasn't super early. Only about 9:30, but the two had stayed up late watching the Harry Potter movies so they were both hoping to sleep in.

Lindsey listened as Buck made his way downstairs and opened the door. "Uh, hi. Is everything okay?" She heard Buck ask their visitors. "We need to talk to Lindsey." She heard Hen say.

"She's sleeping right now. What's up?"

This time she heard Chimneys voice, "We did some digging on Jonah and we wanted to ask her about that night in the hospital." Bucks brows furrowed at his friends. Hen went on to explain, "Turns out when Jonah was younger he saved a bus driver's life. He was in the papers, even got the key to his city. After that he became a firefighter and worked in multiple cities, including Miami. We think he's bringing people to the brink of death just so he can be the hero and save them."

"Angel of Mercy."

The three turned to see Lindsey standing on the stairs. "Or Angel of Death. They're basically the same." She made her way down to them. She gently rubbed her eyes and let out a yawn before continuing, "It's someone who works in the medical career or is a caregiver and intentionally aims to harm or kill a person. In Jonah's case, he's doing it so then he can save them and get the recognition he wants."

Noticing that she still wasn't completely awake, Buck grabbed her hand and led her over to the couch. Chimney and Hen followed. The four got comfortable before Hen spoke, "You said that you recognized Jonah. That he was the reason for a girls death."

Lindsey nodded and leaned back against the couch, "We were working a case in Miami. Young girls were being kidnapped. When we found the unsub, we found multiple young girls with him. Lily Williams was one of them. She was one of the luckier ones. I sat with her while we waited for a paramedic to check her out." Lindsey's gaze drifted to her hands as she sucked in a breath, "She told me about her family and friends. How excited she was to see them all again...Jonah was working in Miami at the time. He was the one that checked her out. He said that she was good, just that she was gonna need her wrist X-rayed. So she was loaded into the ambulance. I had told her I would meet her at the hospital and that her parents would too."

She could feel her eyes start to water and her hands gripped the end of her shirt. "I told her that she was gonna be okay. She should have been. She was totally fine before she got in that ambulance, but once they arrived at the hospital...he said her heart just stopped. He did compression but it was no use. She was gone." Lindsey looked up to meet the others eyes, "I didn't understand how her heart could just stop beating. But it did. I questioned it at first, eventually I let it go but now..."

She felt a hand reach out to grab hers, she looked over to see Hen giving her a sad smile, "I'm so sorry Lindsey."

Lindsey smiled back and squeezed Hens hand. "He's not gonna get away with this. We just need to find a way to get some solid evidence against him." Chimneys brows furrowed at Hens words, "How are we gonna do that?"

Lindsey sat there for a moment before a thought came to her mind. She let out a groan which caught the others attention, "I can't believe i'm about to say this." She muttered before turning to Buck, "Do you still have Taylor's number?" Bucks face twisted to confusion but nodded slightly, "I think so. Why do you want her number?"

"Because, unfortunately, I think she can help."

Lindsey's eyes narrowed at the red head that walked through the door. She had a sickeningly sweet smile on her face. In her hands was her camera bag. "Good morning." She said. Lindsey kept her mouth shut as Hen said, "Sorry, we know it's early, but uh...thanks for letting us see your footage from the call center fire."

"Of course, but you never mentioned why you wanted to see the footage."

"Well," Hens eyes drifted over to Lindsey for a moment before continuing, "We were hoping we could see what happened to Claudette before she coded." Taylor's brows furrowed, "The dispatcher who died on her way to the hospital?" Hen nodded, "We were just hoping we could see it."

"Uh, yeah. Sure."

"Great," Lindsey said as she put a fake smile on her face, "You can connect your stuff to the tv which is right in-" Taylor cut her off, "I remember where the tv is, thanks." Lindsey's jaw clenched as she watched Taylor walk away and towards the living room.

Hands ran down her arms and she twisted to see Buck behind her, "Just ignore her." He whispered and Lindsey let out an annoyed sigh, "I'll try."

They made their way into the living room and saw that Taylor already had everything set up. Chimney and Hen took a seat on the couch next to Taylor while Lindsey opted for the chair that was farthest away from her. Buck sat on the arm of Lindsey chair, his arm reached out to wrap around her shoulders.

"This what you're looking for?" Taylor asked, though her eyes were stuck on Lindsey and Buck. "Yes." Hen answered and they watched as Claudette was talking and joking around with the paramedics. "It's crazy-she seems fine. How do you go from laughing one second to coding the next?" Buck asked.

"Wait a minute," Hen said as she turned to Taylor, "Can you rewind? Stop it right...there." They watched at Jonah injected Claudette with something. "What do you think that is...potassium?" Chim asked.

"I'm not sure." Hen answered.

"Claudette was alert and conversant. Her BP and her heart rate were stable. Protocol dictates that the only treatment necessary in that case is respiratory, to treat the smoke inhalation." Chimney explained and Hen added, "Jonah had no reason to push drugs of any kind."

"Are you saying her death wasn't related to her injuries?" Taylor asked and Lindsey sighed. This was one of the reasons she was hesitant about calling Taylor. She's a reporter, she's gonna want the scoop. But without her footage, they would have no proof.

"If we tell you, it has to be off the record." Hen said and Lindsey nodded, "That means you can't say anything to anyone. Including your little viewers." Taylor's gaze hardened on Lindsey but essentially agreed, "Okay, off the record."

"Whatever drug Jonah was pushing on that video caused her heart to stop." Chimney explained.

"Okay, but are sure. I mean...that could have just been a mistake."

"Buck," Lindsey said as she turned to him, "Did that look like a mistake to you?"

Hen added, "He injected her with something and she had a heart attack."

"How could you be sure?" Taylor asked.

"Claudette wasn't the first time. Other people have died on his watch under suspicious circumstances, including the little girl Lindsey knew." Chimney said as his eyes fell on the woman. She was deep in thought, her eyes trained on the ground.

"Is there any way he could just be a bad paramedic?" Buck asked. Lindsey shook her head slightly, "The same suspicious activity happening in different cities isn't just a coincidence or an accident. The exact same thing that happened to Claudette happened to Lily, both under his watch. He's not a bad paramedic, he's a serial killer."

She didn't wait for anyone to respond. Bucks arm fell from her shoulders as she stood up. She didn't say another word and quickly made her way upstairs.

She heard footsteps following her but she didn't turn around to look. "Linds, are you okay?" She heard Buck ask. She didn't turn to him and instead sat down on the bed, "You really think he's just a bad paramedic?" She wasn't exactly sure why but Bucks words struck something in her.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he took a seat next to her. "After everything Hen said, after everything I said, and after the camera footage you still don't think he could be a serial killer. Do you not believe me? Us?" Bucks eyes widened at her question, "No, no, of course I believe you."

"Well it doesn't sound like it."

"Look, I got the chance to work with him and he's a pretty nice guy. I just don't want to accuse him of things that we aren't 100% sure about." He explained and Lindsey scoffed, "Just because he seems nice doesn't mean he actually is. Not everyone is who they say they are. I'm pretty sure we've seen the truth to that over these past couple months."

Not wanting to sit there and continue to argue with him, she stood up and walked away again. Leaving Buck by himself, a feeling of guilt growing inside him.

Lindsey went with Hen and Chimney to show Athena what they found. Lindsey stood there quietly as she watched both Athena and Bobby watch the footage.

"You sure about this?" Bobby asked. "I'm not sure what was in that syringe but it sent her into cardiac arrest." Hen responded. "And this same thing happened before he joined the 118?" Athena asked, her eyes on Lindsey. "Yeah, four years ago when he was with the Miami fire department. Only that time it was a little girl that died."

"It seems like the guys got a history of this." Chimney added.

"It's not that I don't believe you guys, but these are huge accusations. Do you think there's a way we can prove it?" Bobby asked. "Claudette's autopsy. The toxicology report is still pending. If we can get it expedited, we can see if there was anything in her blood that shouldn't have been there." Chimney answered.

Athena looked at the computer again before asking, "You think this is some kind of angel of mercy killing? Putting people out of their supposed misery?" Lindsey nodded, "I've seen this exact same thing before with other unsubs. He's not just an angel of mercy but he's seeing himself as some kind of God. Bringing people to the point of death and then using his skills to bring them back."

"When he was a kid, he...he got to play the hero. Now he wants to play God." Hen added. Athena turned to Bobby with a worried expression. Bobby's face held concern, like he was battling what to do.

Bobby made his way back inside. He had just finished up his call with the Chief. His eyes scanned the three women on the couch, "Chim leave?"

"Yeah, he had to go home. Maddie was dropping off Jee-Yun." Hen told him. Athena spoke, catching her husband's attention, "Bobby, what did the Chief say?"

"They've opened an investigation into Claudette's death. Jonah's been put on light duty pending the results."

Hen sighed, "That is a relief. Thanks Bobby." She stood up and Athena stood up as well, "Hen, be careful. If Jonah is who you think he is, he won't take kindly to being exposed."

Lindsey's drive home was quiet, but her thoughts were loud. She thought about Jonah and what he's been doing all these years. She knew he was guilty. She could feel it in her gut. And now an investigation was opened which meant that they were gonna be able to bring justice to all those people who died under Jonah's care, including Claudette and Lily.

The silence in the car was broken by the sound of her phone ringing. Her eyes flickered down to her phone and she didn't recognize the number. Keeping her eyes on the road, she hit the answer button. "Hello?"

"Hello Lindsey? It's Karen." Lindsey's eyes furrowed. Why would Karen be calling her? "Karen, hey, what's up? Is everything okay?"

"I uh..." Lindsey heard her stutter, "I'm not sure."

"Karen, what's going on?" Lindsey asked, she did her best to keep the worry out of her voice. She didn't want to freak Karen out even more. "It's Hen, she called telling me that I had to get the kids and get out of the house. I guess Jonah called her."

Lindsey's eyes widened, "Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah, we're fine but i'm not sure about Hen. She had said that Jonah was talking about being jealous. I told her i'm not the one he would be jealous of." Lindsey nodded slightly, "Chimney."

"Exactly. Hen went to go check on him. I tried calling her to make sure everything was okay, but she hasn't been answering. Then Maddie called saying that Hens phone was left at Chimneys place but neither of them were there."

"Okay, Karen have you called anybody else?" Lindsey asked. "No, you were the first one because Hen mentioned that you were helping collect evidence against Jonah. Maddie did say she was gonna call 911."

"Okay, good. I need you to call Athena and let her know what is going on. Tell her i'm heading to Jonah's." Lindsey said to her. "Okay."

"Karen...she's gonna be okay. They both are."

After she got off the phone with Karen, she quickly called another number. "Lindy loo! What can I do for my favorite officer?"

Lindsey couldn't help but smile, "Hey Penny. I'm gonna need your help getting an address."

When Lindsey pulled up to the home she noticed that there was no police or RA units there yet. They were probably on her way but she didn't want to wait around for them. Especially if her friends are in there.

They risked their lives to save her, she was gonna risk her life to save them.

She grabbed her gun from her bag and made her way up to the door. She tested the handle and found that the door was unlocked. Quietly she pushed open the door. The sound of sobbing caught her attention and she quickly made her way inside. Rounding the corner she found Hen tied up on a chair, Chimney was on the floor in front of her trying to untie her.

Hen was the first to notice her, "Lindsey?" She let out a cry of relief. Lindsey's eyes met hers, "Where's Jonah?"

"Unconscious." Chimney said and Lindsey looked passed the two to see Jonah's body on the ground. Lindsey put her gun down and quickly made her way over to the two. As she helped untie Hen, sirens were heard from outside.

Officers made their way into the home. "Suspects over there." Lindsey said as she tilted her head towards Jonah. The officers nodded and made their way over to him. Paramedics came in after and Lindsey stepped out of their way so they could help Hen and Chimney.

Making her way out of the home she saw Bobby and Athena arguing. "We need to get in there!" Bobby yelled and Athena shook her head, "This is a crime scene."

"Hey Cap!" Jonah's voice was heard as the officers walked him out. Guess he wasn't unconscious for very long. Bobby waisted no time in walking over to him and punching him across the face. Lindsey silently cheered as Jonah fell to the ground. "You son of a bitch! I trusted you!" He yelled as he leaned over Jonah.

The officers pushed Bobby away and Athena got ahold of his arm, "Enough. He's not worth any more of your time."

"Athena's right. Don't give him the satisfaction of seeing you angry." Lindsey said as she walked up to them.

"Nice punch." Chimney commented as the paramedics wheeled him down the driveway. Hen followed behind. "Thank God you guys are alive. I am so sorry about what happened to you."

"I'm just glad he got caught and in the act. Hopefully this evidence will be more concrete than what we were working with earlier." Hen said to them. Lindsey placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "With this evidence, that man will be going away for the rest of his life."

"He won't ever hurt anybody ever again." Athena added. "Then it was worth it." Chimney said as they lifted him into the ambulance. "How were you guys able to get the police here so fast? I thought we were out here on our own." Hen asked them.

"Karen called, told us everything she knew." Athena told her. Lindsey gave Hen a smile as she said, "You know, you're a lucky woman to have a wife like that."

"Don't I know it."

"We're gonna contact Karen and Maddie, let 'em know what hospital they're taking you to and we'll be right behind you." Hen nodded at Bobby's words, "We're good Cap. I got him."

Lindsey walked up to the door to find officers standing there. She held up her badge and they nodded at her. She moved to the door and knocked. She waited a moment, when the door opened she was met with Buck and a tired Jee in his arms. "Lindsey? What are you doing here?"

"Maddie told me you offered to watch Jee. Thought I'd stop by."

Buck nodded and moved out of the way so she could enter Chimneys apartment. "How are Hen and Chim doing?" Lindsey sighed as she placed her bag on the counter, "They're okay. Still a bit in shock. They have to stay for observation but they should be good to go home by tomorrow."

Buck placed Jee in her crib before making his way back over to Lindsey, "And how are you?" Her eyes stayed on the counter as she said, "I'm good. Better now that Jonah was caught."

"I'm sorry." Lindsey turned to look at Buck who had a guilty look on his face. "I shouldn't have doubted you." Lindsey immediately reached over to place her hand on his arm, "You don't have to apologize. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you. You were just trying to be reasonable."

"Yeah, but I should have known you were right. You're always right." Lindsey laughed and couldn't help but say, "You're not wrong about that."

Buck just shook his head and reached out to pull her into a hug. The two stayed there for a moment, their arms wrapped tightly around each other. "You know what all this has made me realize?" Lindsey pulled back slightly to look up at Buck, "What?" She asked.

"You can never trust a guy named Jonah." Lindsey couldn't help but laugh, "Amen to that."

jonah #2 is gone
we no longer have to deal with anymore jonah's!

one more chapter left...i think you all are gonna like it
