season 5 episode 16

May Day

Lindsey's knees were curled up into her chest. She had a fluffy blanket surrounding her and a cup of coffee in her left hand. She was watching a movie when her phone rang. She looked to see it was JJ. A smile formed on her face as she grabbed her phone to answer the call, "Hey J."

"Hey Lindsey, how are you feeling?" JJs voice rang through her ear. "Better, that's for sure. Just want to get back to work. I've been going crazy sitting inside all day doing nothing."

JJ laughed, "Yeah, I bet."

"How are you guys? Will and Henry doing good?" Lindsey asked. "Yeah we're doing good. The teams doing good too. How's Buck?" Lindsey could hear a bit of teasing in her last question. She couldn't help but smile as she said, "He's good. He's been really sweet. He's practically been by my side the whole time except for when he has to work."

"That is sweet of him." JJ teased and Lindsey rolled her eyes. "What about your nightmares? Are you still getting those? If so, maybe it's time you go see someone."

Lindsey sighed, "They're getting better. Having Buck with me has been a big help. He reminds that i'm okay and that i'm safe. Some nights I get them and some I don't. If I do they aren't as bad as they use to be."

"That's good. Seems like Bucks the answer to all your problems."

"Yeah, I don't know what it is but there's just something about him that makes me feel safe." She responded. "It's because you love him."

Lindsey smiled again as she said, "Yeah...it is. It's funny you know. Everyone talks about how you fall in love with someone but falling for him wasn't really like falling. It was like walking into a house and knowing you're home."

Lindsey couldn't see it but JJ had a soft smile on her face, "He's a special one Lindsey. You need to make sure you tell him that."

"I will." Lindsey's eyes fell onto the tv and saw that it was playing the end credits of the movie. She grabbed her remote and started to flip through the channels while she continued to talk to JJ.

She stopped scrolling through when something caught her eye. "Hey J, I gotta go."

"Everything okay?"

Lindsey sighed as she watched the news broadcast. The 911 call center was up in flames. "I'm not sure," She said into her phone, "I'll call you later. Love you."

Should she have gone down there?


Did she go down there?


She pushed her way past bystanders and was stopped by an officer. She quickly pulled out her badge from her pocket, "Officer Lindsey Scott." She said and the officer nodded. He let her past and she continued to make her way through the crowd of first responders.

She needed to find May and Josh. She wanted to make sure they were okay. She spotted Josh with a clipboard in his hands. She quickly made her way to him and took him by surprise as she pulled him into a hug. "Lindsey? What are you doing here?"

"I saw on the news. I had to make sure you were okay. What about May? Where is she?" Lindsey asked as she pulled away to look at him. "Shes still in there with one of our other operators. Bobby went in to get her." Josh said though he had a look of worry on his face.

"Are they okay? Have you heard from them?" Lindsey asked. Josh went to respond but his words died in his throat as his gaze moved to something behind her. When she turned to see what he was looking at, she let out a sigh of relief.

The entire 118 was making their way towards them. With them was Bobby and May. May looked a little banged up but overall seemed okay. Bobby looked about the same. A smile formed on Lindsey's face and she quickly pulled out her phone to call Athena. She knew she was working tonight and she most likely heard about the fire. She was probably worried sick.

Lindsey watched as they brought May over to a chair and she quickly made her way over to her. "You're okay." Lindsey said as she reached for the young girls hand. "Lindsey? You're here?" May asked as her eyes widened.

"Yeah, I saw the news. I have your mom on the phone. She wants to talk to you." May smiled as she took the phone from Lindsey's hand. While May talked, Lindsey let her eyes wander around the room. She found Hen with Bobby. She was checking him out. She then saw Taylor with her camera man. Lindsey rolled her eyes and quickly shifted her gaze to something else.

Her eyes found a familiar blonde. She could see the worried look on Bucks face. His gaze was directed at Bobby. She thought about going over to him but she noticed Lucy had beat her to it.

Part of her felt uneasy as she watched the two talk, but another part of her didn't. Lucy was apart of the 118 now. She was apart of the family. She had to be a good one if they were willing to keep her around. Lindsey knew that Buck had no feelings towards the blonde woman, so there was nothing to worry about. She was his teammate, his friend, and he deserved to have a normal friendship with her.

So Lindsey pushed away her uneasiness and let a small smile form on her face. Her gaze then shifted back to May who had just finished talking with her mom. "She said she's gonna meet us at the hospital. I'm gonna go check on Bobby." Lindsey nodded as she took her phone back. "Okay, i'll meet you guys at the hospital as well." She watched as May gave her a smile before taking off to where Bobby was.

Lindsey froze when she felt an arm wrap around her waist. She turned her body around to see Buck standing there. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be home." She could hear the concern in his voice and she let out a sigh, "I know but when I saw the news I panicked a little. I just wanted to make sure everyone was okay."

Her eyes scanned over his face. He was covered in sweat and dirt. She could tell by his expression that he was exhausted. His eyes softened at her words, "Everyone's okay. Bobby took quite the hit but he should be okay." Lindsey wasn't sure if he was trying to convince her that or himself that.

She reached her hand up to rest on his cheek, "I'm sure he will be. He's strong." Buck found comfort in her words and part of him was secretly glad that she came down there. Having her with him made him feel a lot better.

Lindsey sat in one of the chairs in the waiting room. Buck, Eddie, and Hen weren't far from her. They were waiting for Bobby and May to get checked out.

The sound of the doors opening caught her attention and she turned to see Lucy walk in. She quickly stood up from her chair and made her way over to the woman. "Hey." She called out. Lucy turned to her, a confused look on her face, "Hi."

"I'm Lindsey." She held out her hand and Lucy took it, "I'm Lucy. I've heard a lot about you. The team speaks very highly of you. Especially Buck."

Lindsey could help but smile, "They've mentioned you too. They say you're a great addition to the team."

The two were quiet for a moment. Lindsey was the first one to speak again, "You know, the 118 means a lot to him. I know all firefighters, they live together and work together and probably do feel like a family some of the time. But for Buck, the firehouse is his family. You're apart of his family now. And I want you to know that when things get messy at the 118, he falls apart. I really don't want to see him fall apart, so please just...be careful. You really do seem like an amazing woman and i'd hate for anything to happen."

Lucy's face twisted and she wasn't sure if she should be offended by Lindsey's words or thankful for her words. Either way, she wasn't sure how to respond so she just nodded.

"Coming through!" A voice yelled and they turned to see Jonah, the firefighter that had filled in Chimneys spot, kneeling on a gurney. He was doing compressions on the other 911 operator that was trapped with May.

Lindsey watched as Hen quickly ran after Jonah. Her eyes looked back at Buck and Eddie who wore confused looks on their faces. They waisted no time in following after them.

"She coded in the ambulance." Jonah said. Lindsey made her way over and stopped as she watched him continue to do compressions.

"How long has she been down?" Hen asked and Jonah sighed, "Twelve minutes." Lindsey let out a breath, twelve minutes wasn't good. "Let's call it." The Doctor said and Jonah sighed again as he hopped off the gurney.

"Jonah, what happened? She was fine when I left triage." Hen said. "Pressure bottomed out. Couldn't get her rhythm back. It's weird...I should've been able to save her. I usually save them."

Lindsey froze when she heard his words. It was like his words triggered her memories.

"I should have been able to save her."

Before she even knew what she was doing, she pushed past the others to follow Jonah, "I knew I recognized you." Jonah stopped when he heard her voice and he turned to look at her, a confused look on his face. "That night in the bar. I wasn't thinking of someone else."

"I uh, I don't know what you're talking about." He said. His eyes shifted past her to look at the other firefighters. They were watching the two with confused eyes.

"Lily Williams, Miami, four years ago. You said those same words."

Jonah's brows furrowed, "I think you're thinking of the wrong person." Lindsey shook her head as she took a step towards him, "She was fine. She was okay. I made sure she was okay! And then when she was under your care she suddenly stopped breathing. You continued to do compressions but it didn't matter. She was already gone. You said that you should have been able to save her. But you didn't! You let her die!"

There was now a fire burning inside her. There are always certain cases that stick with you. Lily Williams was one of them. She had been okay, Lindsey had made sure of it. The two had talked about their summer plans and Lily had told her about a trip her parents had been planning. She was only 8.

Jonah's eyes shifted to Buck, "You wanna keep
your lady under control?"

Lindsey went to lung at him but Buck and Eddie reached out to stop her. Jonah's words made her angry, and they made the rest of the group angry too.

"What is she talking about?" Hen asked Jonah who let out an annoyed sigh, "I don't know. Maybe Ripley shocked her a little too hard and she's lost her mind."

This time Buck took a step forward but Eddie pushed his way between the two. They really didn't need a fight to break out right now.

Jonah gave them all one last look before quickly walking away. Lindsey watched him, the anger was present in her eyes. A hand on her shoulder snapped her attention away and she turned to see all her friends giving her confused and sympathetic looks.

She muttered a, "Sorry." Before gentle pushing past them all and quickly walking down the hall.

time for jonah #2 to start causing some problems

two more chapters left
