season 4 episode 2

Alone Together

A shooting pain shot through Lindsey's head. Her eyes fluttered open and the first thing she saw was a wall. A grey wall with a crooked painting hanging on it. Her eyes scanned the room, trying to figure out where she was. She thought back to everything that happened. The dam broke, evacuation, lady, and then everything went dark.

Did she pass out?

No, something had hit her.

Her eyes moved to the kitchen and she saw the woman opening the fridge. Lindsey went to speak but she couldn't move her lips. There was something holding them together. She went to bring her hand to her mouth but she realized she couldn't move her arms either.

Twisting her head as much as she could, she could make out the duct tape that held her arms together, behind her back. Here eyes moved over to her feet and saw they were also taped together. Doing her best not to panic, she tried to pull her arms apart. She used all the strength she could but it was no use.

She went to try again but then everything began to shake. Hers eyes widened as they darted around the room. She could hear what sounded like screams, not far from her.

Things started to slide around and Lindsey was trying to figure out what was going on. She felt like she was forgetting something. The painting on the wall fell and shattered right in front of her. She heard something moving and looked to see a chair heading straight towards her. Then she remembered...


And then everything went black again.

"Lindsey?" She could heard someone say though it sounded far away. "Lindsey." She heard again but she couldn't see anything, it was pitch black. "Lindsey!" Whoever was talking was a lot closer now.

"Lindsey! Wake up!"

Her eyes shot open and she let out a gasp. A bright light shone in her face and she squinted her eyes with a groan. "Sorry." The person muttered and she looked back to see Chimney in front of her.

"What are you doing here?" Lindsey went to respond but she couldn't say anything, it all came out muffled. "Right, let me get this off." Chimney pulled the duck tap off her mouth and Lindsey let out a breath. "Am I dreaming? Are you really here?" Was the first thing she asked.

"Yeah, i'm really here. At least...I hope so. What are you doing here?"

Lindsey thought about everything that happened. "I was going around and evacuating people. The lady didn't want to leave. I was trying to tell her she had to and then I felt something hit my head and everything went black." Chimney moved his hand to the back of Lindsey's head. Pain shot through her as his hand made contact with her wound. "That's a deep cut. Lindsey, you've lost a lot of blood."

"Yeah and the mudslide made matters worse. When I woke up I was duck taped. I couldn't moved and then everything started to shake. The last thing I saw was a chair rolling towards me." She looked over to see the chair she was talking about. It was broken into pieces. "You think you can get my arms and legs free?" Chimney nodded and cut through the duct tape for her.

"The lady, is she..."

"Dead. I wonder why she did this to you." Chimney said as he stood up.

They heard a cry and Lindsey's eyes widened. "There was a baby. She had a baby!" She tried to stand up but Chimney stopped her. "You are in no condition to move. You stay here, I'll get the baby."

Chimney followed the cries to the baby who was luckily still in the bassinet. "The babies actually how we found you. Buck and I were looking for survivors when we heard a baby crying through a monitor." Chimney said as he walked back over to Lindsey, the baby in his hands. "Wait, Bucks here?"

Chimneys eyes widened, "Oh, right!" He quickly grabbed his walkie, "Buck, I got the baby. Not a scratch on him. Found the mother, deceased. And you're not gonna believe who else I found."

"I'll notify Mobile Command. Tag the house. And uh, what are you talking about?"

Lindsey smiled when she heard her boyfriend's voice. Chimney handed her his walkie, "Hey Buck, I am so glad you're here." She said.

"Lindsey? Are you okay? What are you doing down there?" He asked in a panic.

She sighed, "It's a long story. Right now I just want to get out of here." There was another cry, but this time it wasn't from the baby. Ignoring Chimneys protests, Lindsey stood up. The two made their way over to a door.

"Help! We're locked in!" They heard someone yell. Chimney handed the baby to Lindsey and then broke the lock and opened the door. They were met with a girl in a nightgown.

"My baby? Where is he? What did she do to him?" One of the girls asked. Lindsey looked down at the baby in her hands. "It's okay. Calm down. Your baby?" Chimney asked.

"She took him! She told me he wasn't mine anymore." The girl said frantically. "Who took him?" Chimney asked. "Carol. She tricked us into giving up our baby. She took him from me." Chimney shone the light through the room and they saw many other woman, most of them pregnant.

"You're the mother." Lindsey asked her. The girls eyes fell on her and then the baby in her arms. "Yes. Oh my god, is that him?" Lindsey nodded as she handed the baby over to the girl.

"What happened? We felt the earthquake but we couldn't get out." Another girl said. "A mudslide. Half the hill came down. She locked you in here? Carol?" Chimney asked the woman. "Yes. Where is she?"

"Carol didn't make it." Lindsey said and Chimney added, "Feeling less bad about that."

"Are you guys okay? We heard screaming." Lindsey asked and another woman raised her hand. "That was me. I'm in labor."

"Of course," Chimney turned to Lindsey, "We're gonna need back up." Lindsey went to take a step towards him, "I can help get..." She trailed off as everything started to spin and she felt her knees give out. Luckily Chimney caught her, "Yeah, you're not helping. We need to get you out of here too."

He grabbed his walkie again, "Buck, we're gonna need reinforcements down here. Fast."

Chimney had rested Lindsey against the wall so than he could go help the pregnant woman. She heard a noise and she looked up to see Buck being lowered down through the sky roof. "How we doing back here?" He asked as he handed a bag to Chimney. "Close, no baby yet. All the other woman seem to be uninjured. Lindsey's a bit roughed up. She's got a gash on the back of her head."

"I'm fine. Get these woman out and then come back for me." Lindsey said to the two. Buck looked over at her in concern. "Seriously Buck, i'm okay. Just a bit dizzy. Get them out first." Buck sighed but nodded his head.

Lindsey watched as Buck got the women out one by one. Every once in a while he would look over at her, checking to make sure she was okay. Once he got the last woman out he quickly made his way back down to get Lindsey.

Her eyes had grown heavy and they started to droop as she watched Buck run over to her. "All right, let's get you out of here." He said as he crouched down in front of her. He watched as she went to say something but no words came out. Her eyes started to close and Buck reached out to grab her face, "Linds you need to keep your eyes open."

"I'm...trying." She said softly. Her eyes closed for a moment and Buck gently shook her, "Open your eyes Lindsey. Come on." Her eyes opened and she was met with Bucks blue ones. "There we go. You need to stay awake okay." He scooped her up into his arms.

Once they were pulled out of the home Lindsey was placed on a gurney. Hen made her way over and checked Lindsey out. "You lost quite a lot of blood but you should be okay. Just gotta get that cut stitched up." Hen smiled at her and Lindsey nodded. "How did you end up down there?"

Lindsey laughed a little at the question, "It's a long story. I'm just glad that you guys found me." She said as she reached out to grab Bucks hand. "I'll always find you." He said to her and she smiled at his cheesiness. He leaned forward to kiss her forehead.

"Awe," They turned to look at Hen, "You two are disgusting. Cute, but disgusting."

Lindsey is gonna be going through it this season but next season...next seasons gonna be even worse

i already have so much planned and part of me is like maybe i should tone back on the trauma but then another part of me is like, nah
