season 2 episode 8

Buck, Actually

They were at another call, this time it was in the middle of the expressway. A woman had hung a sign that read "See Me Norman" and was standing on the edge.

"I won't come down until Norman sees me! And don't you try to force me down!" The woman yelled.

"Nobody's gonna force you to do anything. We're just gonna talk. What's your name?" Athena spoke into the walkie. "Lola!"

"Lola, my names Athena." Athena continued to speak to Lola as Lindsey watched her pace back and forth. "See me Norman! See me now!" Lola said as she opened her robe. "Oh no." Lindsey said as she turned her eyes to something else.

She watched as Buck hopped down next to the lady. She started freaking out and pulled out a gun. She fired a shot, hitting the inflatable mat that they set up below her. Lindsey immediately made her way up the side and over to where Eddie was standing.

Lola had pointed the gun at Buck who had his hands up. Leaning over the ledge slightly, Lindsey pulled out her gun and pointed it at the woman, "Hi Lola, my name is Lindsey. I know that you feel invisible and alone but that doesn't mean that you need to do this. This won't solve anything and I know you know that." Lola kept pointing the gun at Buck. "Lola I need you to listen to me, you have multiple firearms pointed at you right now. You need to put the gun down. I know that you don't want to hurt anyone and we don't want to hurt you. Okay? Norman is on his way and then you can talk to him but I need you to put down your gun." Lola lowered the gun, "I don't want to hurt anybody. I just can't handle being ignored anymore."

"I know Lola. And you won't be ignored anymore, I promise."

"Lola, honey, it's me. I'm here and I see you just like the sign says." Norman called up to her. "Liar! You look right through me. You don't even notice me. I'm just around to collect the mail." Lola said as she waved the gun around. Lindsey watched as Buck took a couple steps back. His eyes looked up and met hers. "You okay?" She mouthed so than Lola wouldn't hear. Buck nodded in response.

"Lola, honey, listen to me. I'm here and I see you. And I need you to put down the gun, okay? Put down the gun and let them bring you to me. And then we can spend the rest of our lives together and I can show you how much I love you." Norman told her.

"I don't believe you, Norman. You don't even know who I am anymore. I mean...I don't even know." Lola said. "I've been a mother for 18 years. And now that Zacks gone, I don't remember who I was before that. Back when you used to look at me." Lola turned to look up at Lindsey, "Maybe it's over." Lola started to move the gun but Lindsey leaned over the edge even more, and extended her hand out towards the woman. "No Lola, look at me." Lindsey said as Buck reached for the gun. "It's not over. Think of Zack, think of your family. It is not over Lola." Lindsey said to her.

Music started to play. Norman was playing a song for Lola. "That song. He remembered. It was our first date. We went to see Say Anything."

"I see you!" Norman yells.

"He sees you Lola, and he loves you." Lindsey said to her.

"I see the girl who use to sneak out to the beach bonfires and listen to The Psychedelic Furs and The Cure. Lola! I see you! I see the girl who once drank nine shots of Jäger and woke up without a hangover! I see the girl I love!" The crowd of people cheered at Normans words.

It seemed to just hit Lola and she staggered back as she looked at her surroundings. Buck grabbed her, "It's ok."

"I think I want to get down now." Lola said. Buck slowly took the gun from her and handed it up to Lindsey.

Lindsey moved so that Eddie could pull Lola and Buck up. Once Lola was stable she turned to Lindsey, "Thank you." Lindsey smiled, "Just doing my job. Now go get your man."

Eddie went to take Lola to her husband and Lindsey went to check on Buck. "Hey how you doing?" Buck sighed, "I'm good. Didn't exactly like having a gun pointed at me but i'm good. I can relate to her though." Lindsey frowned at him, "What do you mean?"

"I was in a relationship with this girl, Abby, and I guess I just started to feel invisible. Or I guess it was more like she was invisible because she left the country and I've been living at her place. I haven't seen or heard from her in a while."

Lindsey placed a hand on Bucks arm, "I'm so sorry Buck. You don't deserve that." Buck gave her a sad smile, "Yeah well, it's over with her. Time to move on, you know."

"You'll find someone Buck. I know you will." Lindsey told him. "Thanks Lindsey, you're a really good listener."

After Athena arrested Lola she made her way over to Lindsey and Buck. "Good work Scott."

"Thanks Grant!"

Chimney had called and invited her to go out with him, Buck, and Maddie. Lindsey wore a simple blue dress with silver heels. She walked in and the bar was so loud she couldn't even hear the sound of her shoes on the floor.

She looked around and noticed Buck sitting at a table with an annoyed look on his face. She followed his gaze to see Maddie and Chimney singing karaoke. "They can't be that bad." Lindsey said and Buck turned when he heard her voice. "What are you doing here?"

Lindsey looked over at Chimney and then back to Buck, "I take it Chim didn't tell you I was coming."

"No and he didn't tell me that my sister was either." Lindsey was quick to figure out that the idea of Maddie and Chimney bothered Buck.

"I see...well I can go if you want." Lindsey suggested. "No, I want you here. Besides it's probably better that you are here. At least now I'm not third wheeling alone."

Buck had finished off his drink, "I'm gonna go get another drink, do you want anything?"

"I'll just have a Martini."

Lindsey continued to watch Maddie and Chimney sing. They were surprisingly good. When she looked to find Buck she saw him staring at a woman across the bar.

"Here's your martini." Buck said as he placed the drink down in front of her. "Why thank you." She took a sip and then turned back to Buck, "Was that Taylor Kelly I saw?" Buck scratched the back of his neck, "Uh yeah I uh...I think so." Lindsey watched him for a moment before gesturing toward Taylor, "Go."

"What? No, i'm not just gonna leave you." He said to her. "Buck i'm fine, seriously. Go talk to her."

"Ok, fine. But only because you told me too." Lindsey laughed as she watched him walk over to her.

Lindsey enjoyed her martini, watched Maddie and Chimney sing and decided to ignore the fact that she saw Buck and Taylor head towards the bathroom.

"This has got to be the worst robbery I have ever seen." Lindsey said as Athena handcuffed the man. A noise from the ceiling made her look up, dust fell onto them. "You have a back door?" Athena asks the owner. "Locked. Ain't getting out that way." The owner said.

Athena grabbed the man's gun while Lindsey called for R.A.

The two watched as the ceiling broke and a woman fell through it. "oh my god." Lindsey muttered while Athena shook her head.

"Bonnie and Clyde meets..."

"Dumb and Dumber." Lindsey finished Athena's statement. Station 118 had shown up and were checking out the suspects. "He seems fine. Pupils are dilated. Definitely high on something." Eddie said.

"Well i'll try and contain my shock. Get him out of here." Athena called for another officer to grab the man.

"Men are the worst, right?" The female suspect said as her partner told her to stay strong. "You're asking the wrong girl." Hen said as Lindsey said, "You may suck at robbery but I'll agree with you on that statement." Eddie and Chimney, who were the closest to her, shot her a glare and she just shrugged.

But after listening to Earl talk about how he was only thinking of saving Ruth in that moment. It honestly warmed her heart. "Ok, maybe not all men are bad."

There had been a car accident involving two newly weds. While Athena filled in 118, Lindsey was down by the car scoping out the crash.

"Both are unconscious and there are tree branches through the car." Lindsey informed them as they made their way down to the scene. Walking back over to Athena, they watched as 118 got to work.

"I can't even imagine. Going from the best day of your life to your worst." Lindsey said. "Yeah, it's unfortunate alright." Athena responded.

They had gotten the bride out of the vehicle but the groom was still stuck. It had gotten dark out pretty fast and it was making it harder to see. Luckily they had some lights in the truck so Lindsey and Athena helped set them up and once they were on, it was a lot easier to see.

After a while they decided the best way to get the groom out was to pull the car apart, so they did. Once they had gotten some more room they were able to get him out of the car.

"Thank God you guys got him out." Lindsey said to Buck. "Yeah, it was some pretty smart thinking on Caps part."

"No kidding."

"So he just...died?" Lindsey asked. Buck had come over to tell her about the crazy call he was on. "Yeah, he told me that they wanted to go together and then when he went to say goodbye he just died." Lindsey thought for a moment, "Wow." Was all she could say.

"He also said something that I have been thinking about." Buck said and Lindsey nodded, indicating for him to continue. "When I said that I hope to find a love like theirs he said that you don't find it, you make it and..."

"And you've been thinking about Taylor?" Lindsey finished.

"Kind of, not necessarily Taylor." Buck admitted. "Theres someone else?" Lindsey asked. "Possibly...I don't know. I got a call from someone I didn't think would ever call me and it got me thinking."

Lindsey took a seat next to Buck, "The best advice I can give you, is to follow your heart. You're a good person Buck and you deserve someone who will see that and acknowledge it." Buck gave her a smile, "Thanks Linds." She smiled at the nickname, "No problem Buck."

literally so excited for what I have planned!
Lindsey and Buck are gonna be going through it these seasons
