season 4 episode 14


Lindsey stepped out of her car and quickly made her way towards the scene. Showing her badge to one of the officers, she ducked under the caution tape and walked over to Athena and Detective Denver's.

"Detective, this is Officer Lindsey Scott." Athena introduced her. "Right, the FBI agent turned officer. We contacted your team by the way. They are on their way now." Lindsey raised her brow in confusion, "Really? You think we'll need them for this one."

"I'm thinking we're gonna need all the help we can get." Denver's said. "What do you two know about the wounded firefighter? Someone said he was ex-military."

"Eddie. You think he was the intended victim?" Athena asked. "He was the first one shot. By someone who's apparently a very well-trained sniper. Feels like there could be a connection." Denver's explained.

"Detective Denver's." An officer called for her. "Excuse me." Both Athena and Lindsey nodded and Denver's walked off.

"Lindsey, you don't have to be here if you don't want to. I know you're worried about Eddie. If you need to go the the hospital that's okay." Athena told her. "No, it's fine. I mean...I won't exactly be able to do much there anyway."

Denver's called the two back over to look at camera footage, except it wasn't the footage of Eddie. There had been another shooting, and another firefighter was shot. "They were responding to a fender-bender when the shooting started. You see it?" Denver's asked.

"The police, the bystanders, the two drivers. Shooter had plenty of potential targets if he was looking for someone random." Athena said and Lindsey nodded, "Yeah, but he didn't take the shot. He waited. Until Fire and Rescue arrived."

"He's targeting firefighters."

"Hey Lindsey, we're at the station." JJ said through the phone. "Okay, i'll be there soon. There's just something I got to do first." After saying her goodbyes, Lindsey stepped out of her car and made her way towards the house. Eddie's house.

Buck had called again, saying he was going to tell Chris what happened and he didn't think he'd be able to do it alone. Lindsey told him she'd meet him at Eddie's house. Before she could knock on the door, she heard a car pull up. She turned to see that it wasn't Bucks jeep. She had never seen the car before.

Buck hopped out of the passenger seat. Lindsey looked over at the drivers side and could just make out red hair. Of course Taylor drove him.

"Hey." Was all Lindsey said.

"Hey." Was all he said back.

This was their first time being together, just the two of them, since the breakup. To say it was awkward was an understatement. Lindsey just wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole. She'd rather that then whatever this was.

"We should probably..." She trailed off, gesturing to the door. "Yeah, right."

When they walked into Christopher's room, they found him playing on his Nintendo switch. He looked up when he heard them enter his room. "Hey Buck. Hi Lindsey."

"Hey buddy." Lindsey said, giving him a small smile. She took a seat next to him on his bed while Buck crouched down in front of him. "Where's dad?"

"Um, he uh...he's not coming home tonight, Chris." Buck told him, the sadness clear in his voice. "Why not?" Chris asked. "Well...he got hurt at work today." Lindsey told him.

"In a fire?"

Buck took a breath, rubbing his face he stood up and took a seat on the other side of Christopher. "Uh, no. No, not in a fire. Uh, the truth is, someone..." Bucks voice broke and Lindsey knew he wasn't gonna be able to finish that sentence. "Someone hurt your dad." Lindsey finished. "On purpose?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, I think so." Buck said quietly, his eyes flickering over at Lindsey who nodded. "A bad guy?"

"Yeah, a bad guy." Lindsey said to Chris. "Is he gonna be okay?" Lindsey watched as Buck wiped away a tear. She could feel her eyes start to water as she heard Buck say, "You know, your dad is, uh...he's tough as nails. He's a fighter, right? So uh, he's with the doctors now."

"Like the ones that fixed you?" Chris asked. "Uh huh. Yeah, like the ones who fixed me."

"Then he's gonna be okay, right?"

Before either of them could answer Chris's question, Bucks phone dinged. He pulled it out to check the message. Buck let out a sigh of relief, "Uh, yeah. I think so bud. I think so." Buck dipped his head as he started to cry. Lindsey could feel tears rolling down her face. Chris pulled Buck into him and Lindsey leaned over and wrapped her arms around the two. "He's gonna be okay." She said as she squeezed Chris.

She felt a hand grab hers and when she looked down she saw that it was Bucks. He didn't say anything, he just kept crying. Lindsey gave his hand a squeeze, trying to comfort him. She knew this was hard for him. Eddie's his best friend. It's hard for Lindsey too, but she's so used to the people around her getting hurt that she can hide how she's feeling quite well.

"It's gonna be okay, Buck." Chris reassured him and a small smile found its way onto Lindsey face, "Yeah, it will be."

They had left Chris to get ready for bed. The two had found their way into the living room. Checking the time, Lindsey said, "I should probably go. Hotch and them are at the station waiting for me." Buck nodded, "Okay. I think I'm gonna stay here tonight with Chris."

"Yeah, that would probably be good for him. Call me if there are any problems, okay?" Buck nodded at Lindsey's words.

She made her way back into Chris's room to see he was already in bed. "Hey buddy, I gotta go. Me and some of my friends gotta work to find the guy that hurt your dad." Lindsey said as she took a seat on the edge of his bed. "Okay. You're gonna get him, right?"

"Yeah, I am gonna do everything I can to get the bad guy. Goodnight Chris." She leaned forward to kiss his forehead. "Goodnight Lindsey." She slowly made her way towards the door but stopped when she heard his voice again, "So you and Buck aren't getting married?"

"Uh," Tears formed in her eyes and she felt like the wind had been knocked out of her, "No, we aren't."

"Maybe someday you will."

"Maybe." Was all she said. Wiping the tear that fell, she slowly made her way out the door.

Lindsey walked into the station and the first person she ran into was Maynard. "Hey Scott, your teams already set up in one of the rooms." Lindsey nodded, "Great, thanks Cap."

"Oh and Scott, i'm sorry about your friend. Have you heard any updates?" Maynard asked. "Thanks and uh, yeah. Surgery went well. He's gonna be okay."

Lindsey turned to corner and made her way into the room where her team was working. "Hey, Lindy loo." Penelope said with a sad smile. "Hey guys." JJ was the first to pull her into a hug, "You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Pulling away, Lindsey wiped the stray tears that fell. "Eddie is too, surgery went well."

"That's good news." Rossi said and Lindsey nodded. Making her way around she said her hellos. "I don't think we've officially met, I'm Lindsey." She said to the woman in front of her. "Alex Blake. I've heard a lot about you." Lindsey smiled, "Same here."

"Hey, how are you doin?" Lindsey asked as she walked over to Spencer. "I'm okay." He said but the look on his face didn't match his words. This was her first time seeing him since hearing about Maeve. Lindsey pulled him in for a hug, "I'm really sorry Spence."

"Thanks Linds."

Making her way towards the table, Lindsey asked, "Have you guys seen the security footage?" Hotch nodded, "They sent the files to Penelope. We watched them on the ride over here."

"Okay, so it's pretty clear whoever's doing this is focusing on firefighters." Lindsey said. "The question is: why?" JJ added.

"Gracia, I want you to find any information on the two injured firefighters. See if there is any other relation between the two. Tomorrow we'll go check out the crime scenes but tonight we gotta figure out what we are going to tell these fire stations." Hotch said and everyone nodded. They all took a seat, ready to start looking through files and more footage. "Oh and Scott, you're with us on this case." Hotch added.

"Special Agent Scott is back." Derek teased and Lindsey smacked him on the shoulder. "Oh be quiet."

Lindsey's boots clicked agains the ground of Station 118. Since she was working with the FBI on this case, she didn't have to wear her usual police uniform. Instead she wore a dark blue button up shirt, black pants that flared out at the end and her favorite black heeled boots. Her hair was down in light waves instead of her usual ponytail.

Lindsey and JJ made their way up the stairs to the upper level of the station. The two were going around to every fire station in the area to inform them of the new protocols and what they know so far about the unsub.

"Well look at you, Boss Lady!" Lindsey heard Hen say and she turned to smile at the woman. All the firefighters had been gathered around the tv, watching the news.

"What are you doing here?" Chimney asked.

"We're here to give you guys an update. Let you know what's gonna be happening." JJ told them and Lindsey nodded. "This is SSA Jennifer Jareau. She's here with my old team from Quantico." Lindsey said to the group.

"They've brought in the FBI?" Ravi asked. "Yeah. So far, as I'm sure you all have already heard, this unsub is targeting firefighters." JJ responded. "Unsub?" Another firefighter asked. "Short for Unidentified Subject." Lindsey answered.

"This is something we haven't faced before. I know it's scary-the idea that someone is targeting us-but we still have a job to do." Bobby told his team. "Captain Nash is right, which is why we will be assigning officers and SWAT member to all of your calls. That way you guys can still do your work." Lindsey told them.

"Things will be a little different. You all will have to wear bullet proof vests and you all will have to be more cautious when handling calls." JJ spoke again. Lindsey turned to look at Buck and added, "So that means no reckless or stupid decisions. You have got to think strategically."

"What about our families? Are they in danger too?" Hen asked. "As of right now we have no reason to think that." Lindsey told her. "We had no reason to think Eddie would get shot helping a kid, either." Buck spoke up. "Well both attacks have been with a sniper. This unsub is only looking to firefighters who are working on scene. It isn't likely that this person would go after your families." Lindsey responded.

"Until this guy is caught...it's gonna be a stressful time. Not just for us, but for the people who love us. And as scared as we are, it's gonna be worse for them." Bobby told his team. "They're the ones who will have to watch you go to work and worry that you might not come home. Lean on them, lean on each other. That's how you will make it through this." JJ added and everyone nodded.

"How do we even know this guy is still out there? With all these new precautions, what if he just gave up?" Ravi asked.

"It's a possibility but whoever this guy is, he has a message he's trying to get across. And he's not done yet."

Lindseys phone dinged and she looked down to see a message from Derek. "It's Morgan. Athena and him found bullet casings. They're gonna have Penny run it through local shops and see if we can find a match." Lindsey said to JJ. "Okay sounds good. We better get moving."

Lindsey turned back to the firefighters, "If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out. Once we have a profile we will let you all know."

"Eddie's awake." Lindsey announces as she looks at the text on her phone. "That's great. Now if we could figure out who this guy is, that would be even better." Blake spoke.

"Ballistics report from the shell casings came in." Hotch says as he enters the room with Athena. "And by that look, I'm guessing it's not good." Derek said. Hotch closed the door behind him and everyone gathered around the table.

"The casings found was from a .308-caliber round. Fits what a sniper would use and matches the slugs from both scenes." Hotch said and JJ nodded, "Yeah, I mean. We already knew it was a sniper."

"The ammunition was match grade. More accurate, more expensive, and much more traceable. Down to the lot number. Ballistics reached out to the manufacturer to identify the purchaser." Hotch explained. "So our sniper didn't get his ammo from a gun shop." Blake spoke and Lindsey added, "He got it from us."

Athena nodded, "That bullet belongs to the LAPD."

"Kenneth Malone. Eight years as a SWAT long rifleman till he got fired six months ago after he accidentally shot a hostage." Penelope said as she looked up from her computer. "Alright, Garcia I'm gonna need you to send us his address." Hotch told her. "Already on it!"

Once they got ahold of Malone, they placed him in an interrogation room. "Got a plan to get him talking?" Athena asked the group. "Yep, you." Hotch told her and Athena raised her brow. Rossi went on to explain, "You're the one wearing stripes on your arm. And he seems like the type who'll respond to that."

They watched as Athena sat down with the man. "The LAPD armory keeps a detailed log of all match grade ammo. The rounds used were issued to you while you were at SWAT."

"That's crap. I haven't touched a weapon in months. Not since the..." Malone trailed off. "The factory?"

"He couldn't even say it. Look at his face, it has guilt written all over it. We didn't profile this guy to feel guilty." Derek said from his spot next to Lindsey. "Could be an act. SWAT members have to go through some serious training. He could be playing us." Spencer added.

"You shot the wrong man. I'm guessing that whole business felt unfair. The news turning you into public enemy number one. You losing your job." Athena said to him and Malone shook his head, "I quit my job. When the department wanted to do a review, I told them not to bother. I'd make it easy for everyone and I'd leave. I didn't care about being cleared. I cared that I made a mistake that I'm still trying to figure out how to live with. I'm telling you, you got the wrong person."

"JJ, go ask Garcia to look into Maloney background some more. Find out if he really did quit." Hotch said and JJ nodded.

"You're looking for a guy who hates firefighter. Hell, I wake up every morning grateful for them. That they saved the one person I couldn't." Malone finished.

"It's not him." Lindsey said and Blake added, "We got the wrong guy."

"They found Malones gun right where he said it'd be, buried in the yard. Hasn't been fired in months." Rossi said to the group. "But the ammo was his. That's not a mistake. So someone else had access to it. But who?" Athena asked.

"Ethan. Ethan Copeland." Penelope said as she ran into the room, computer in hand. "He was Malones partner."

"We need to find him, now." Derek said right as Athena's walkie went off. "I think we already did."

They rolled up to the scene and immediately hopped out of the vehicle's. The building was up in flames, firefighters stood around outside the building confused of what's happening.

"Cap respond. What's your 20?" Hen yelled into her walkie. "Bobby's still inside?" Athena asked. Hen nodded, "They ordered everyone out of the building but he didn't follow."

"Said he had eyes on our victim, Ethan." Chimney added. "Ethan Copeland? He's not a victim. He's the sniper." Lindsey told them and their eyes widened. "The snipers LAPD?" Hen asked. "Ex-LAPD. After his partner quit, they realized copeland was a problem and they removed him from duty." Spencer told them and Derek added, "Now he's making everybody pay for it."

"Anybody have any idea where inside this building Bobby is?" Athena asked. "He called it out when he found the guy. Third floor, bravo side. Somewhere around that window." Buck told them, pointing up at the window.

"All right, SWATs right behind us." Hotch said to them. "We're taking over this scene, if that's okay with you guys?" He asked them and Chimney turned to him, "You're taking over the fire?"

"Not the fire, that's all you guys but Copeland is after firefighters and we can't have you guys going in. That'd be giving him exactly what he wants." Rossi explained. "We're gonna work to get your Captain out and the sniper in custody. To do that, we're gonna have to work together." Hotch added.

The group had dispersed as they waited for SWAT. Lindsey knew Athena was up to something. That was her husband in there and there was no way she was just gonna sit around and wait. "Hotch, we can't wait any longer. You know that. We need to get in there." Lindsey said and Hotch nodded, "I know, but with the fire. It's too risky."

Lindsey noticed Athena and Buck talking and it clicked in her brain, "I think there might be a way."

Making her way over to the two, she asks, "You're going in, aren't you?" Athena nodded, "Thats my husband. I'm getting him out of there."

"Okay, well i'm going with you. We do this together." Athena protested, "No Lindsey-" But Lindsey cut her off, "You aren't doing this alone Athena. I'll follow you. Just tell me the plan."

"It'll be easy. Cut in on the delta side, where most of the fires been contained. You two drop in, make your way across to bravo." Buck explains. Hen, who heard the whole thing, cuts in, "Except they'll be in a fire."

"Put the gear on us. We'll be protected." Lindsey said and Athena added, "Trust me, we aren't gonna be in there that long."

Making their way over to Hotch and the rest of the team, they explained their plan. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" Hotch asked them. "We can't wait any longer. We have to get Bobby out." Lindsey told them. Hotch nodded and gave them the all clear to go.

They climbed up the fire ladder and onto the roof of the building. Chimney and Ravi used their tools to lift the hatch. Hen was helping Athena put on the gear while Buck was helping Lindsey. "I should be going with you." Buck said as he took off his big jacket and wrapped it around Lindsey. They didn't have enough gear for the two of them so Lindsey was going to be wearing Bucks.

"No, Buck. We can't protect you in there. He's trying to kill firefighters." Lindsey said with the shake of her head. "Yeah and you're dressed as one." He argued, his blue eyes staring into hers as he zipped up the jacket.

"All right. We're going in. Now tell us what to do." Athena said. Buck and Hen explained the building to them and told them how to get to Bobby. Once they got all the information they needed Athena started to go down the ladder. Lindsey went to follow but Buck stopped her, "Hey, be careful, okay?"

"I always am." She responded with a small smile. As she walked away Buck took notice of her in his jacket that was a bit too big for her. He looked at the name Buckley on the back and he felt his heart stop. God, he missed her.

The two women made their way down and into the building. There was fire everywhere but that didn't stop them. They walked through the maze. It was hard to tell if they were going the right way but when they heard voices not far from them, they knew they were close.

Guns out, they stepped through the flames to see Copeland pointing his gun at Bobby. Without even thinking, Athena shot him. Copeland collapsed to the ground. Lindsey made her way over to him and took his gun from his hands. Athena made her way over to Bobby, who had a gun shot wound.

"This is Lindsey Scott. Suspect is down. Need medical assistance. Captain Nash has been shot." Lindsey called into her walkie.

She let Bobby and Athena have their moment, while she checked for a pulse on Copeland. Finding none.

Later that night, after Lindsey got off work, she figured she'd stop by Bucks place to check on him. She wanted to thank him for letting her use his gear. But she also wanted to see how he was doing. Between both Eddie and Bobby being shot, she knew it couldn't be easy for him.

As she walked through the halls of his building, she was nervous. She hadn't been there since the break up. Would he even want to see her? Would it be too awkward? She hesitated for a moment but ultimately decided to keep going.

Though when she looked at Bucks door, she wished she didn't. His door was open and standing in the doorway was him and Taylor, kissing.

She felt tears starting to form and she stood frozen, staring at the two. She felt the world around her shatter and her heart stopped. Her chest hurt, like physically hurt. A tear falling down her face broke her from her frozen state and she quickly turned around. She quickly walked down the hall, hoping that they didn't see her. When she got to the car, she finally broke.

She sat in her car and just cried. She may have been the one to end things with Buck but it wasn't because she stopped loving him. Athena was right, this hurt. Like really hurt. But she couldn't feel bad for herself, cause she was the one who did this to herself.

Lindsey walked up to the house, gift basket in her hands. She knocked on the door and waited. The door eventually opened and there stood Eddie. "Hey Lindsey."

"Hey Eddie." She smiled big and immediately put the basket down so she could pull him into a hug. "God, you had me so worried." She said as she squeezed him tightly. "Sorry bout that. I didn't mean to worry you." He said and the two laughed. Grabbing the basket again, she handed it to him. "Here, I made this for you."

"Thanks, you didn't have to do that." He told her as he stared at the basket. "Well I wanted too."

"You wanna stick around for a bit? We have cake." He asked as he gestured to the people in his house. Lindsey looked to see it was mainly his family, but then her eyes fell on Buck and Taylor. "I uh, I'd love to but I can't. I have to head back and wrap up everything with the team." She told him and she immediately took notice of the sad face he was giving her. "But i'll stop by sometime this week, sound good?"

Eddie smiled, "Yeah, sure." Lindsey said her goodbyes and started to make her way back to her car.

"Lindsey!" A voice called and she turned to see Buck walking towards her. "You aren't staying?" Lindsey shook her head, "Uh, no...I can't. I gotta go meet up with my team."

Buck gave her a confused look, "But Athena said they left early this morning." Lindsey silently cursed. Of course he knew that. "Yeah, uh, they did."

"Then why don't you stay. There's plenty of food."

"I can't." She said and she turned to her grab the handle on her car. As she pulled it open, Buck placed his hand on the door and pushed it closed. "Why not?"

"I just can't."

Buck paused for a moment. This argument sounded a little too familiar. "Come on Lindsey. Just stay for a little bit." Lindsey shook her head. "I don't understand why you can't just-"

"Because it is too damn hard!" She exclaimed as she threw her hands up in the air.

"What?" Buck asked, confusion written all over his face.

"It is too hard," Lindsey took in a breath as she looked over at Eddie's house, "Seeing you with her."

Buck raised his brow, "Who? Taylor?" Lindsey didn't answer and instead averted her gaze to the ground. Buck scoffed, "I don't think you have any say in that. If I remember correctly, you broke up with me."

Lindsey's eyes met his again and she could see the anger building in them. "I know, okay? I know. You have every right to be with her but that doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt." She paused for a moment as tears welled up in her eyes. "Buck, I didn't end things cause I stopped loving you. I ended them because I needed some time...I still love you Buck. I think I always will."

Not giving him a chance to say anything, she pulled open her car door and got inside. This time he didn't stop her.

and that is the end of season 4!
i actually can't believe that we are already moving onto season 5

if you thought these past seasons were crazy, season 5 is gonna be insane
be prepared bc lindsey is really gonna be going through it

also if any of you are fans of dwts, can we talk about last nights elimination
i was fuming
