A/n : The total Votes

Ok. So, I've seen that Outertale and Reapertale were both being voted the most but undertale has been sadly voted by one person-

Anyway, here's the tallied scores;

ReaperTale = 7

OuterTale = 6

UnderTale = 1

So I guess ReaperTale will be the one I will be doing. And to be honest, I wasn't expecting Reapertale to be the one which is voted the most. I was actually expecting Outertale to be the most votes but meh

Also, out of those three options, Undertale was the only option I've finished writing it XD

Guess ya'll have to wait. And also, if you're wondering what age am I, I'm 14 years old. Yep, I'm pretty young tbh--

And as you've notice, I changed the cover since, my old self was terrible at giving names XD

Oh! And for I am a kind author, I wanted to show you the last few sentences in my option undertale. Take note that every option has a different ending but some of them had the same memory or flashbacks alright.

Hope you'll enjoy that short preview in the undertale option. And I'm gonna say this, Reapertale may be the best choice cuz there will be a slightly big surprise from there. And I am actually excited to finish that.

Guess that's all I have to say so, see you all in my next update!
