Chapter 19 : Hangout with Nighty sen- Nightmare!

Y/n = Your name

     "U-umm... Nightmare." Y/n says hesitantly while she knock on the door. The door swung open revealing the goopy skeleton, nightmare.

"Yes y/n?"

"I-I just wanted to hangout with you since, I wanna try if hanging out with you may add up my past memory with you and your brother." She says shyly.

(Nightmare's pov)(yesterday in the throne room [aka the last chapter])

She shook her head as if she had been in thoughts. She still looked at the locket. I can feel sadness emitting from her.

"Th-this is...the locket I gave you." She said her eyes were locked on that locket. "The time we promised each other not to forget you or me. That is where we last saw each other before you left me without any reason." She said looking up at me. Her eyes are filled with tears.

Y/n..the name is truly familiar and it gave me that dreadful feeling.. I was looking at her surprise and yet curious from what she said. She gave the locket back to me and let out a small smile.

"Thank you for letting me remember a bit of my past memory Nightmare. I wish I know more about my past with you and your brother dream but, I think I can't. Only some fragments of memory are slowly coming in." She says. I nodded.

"Well, thank you for letting me also remember some past of mine when I was non-corrupted." I said putting the locket in my jacket.

"Well, I should get going now, See you." She said walking out of the room. Her sadness is slowly disappearing.

I sighed. I guess my old self did made a friend before. But why have I forgot about it?

"Because you aren't ready to know her.." I quickly turned around only seeing no one. W-who was that? I shook my head and teleported into my room. I took out the locket and looked at the quote engraved on it.

"Promise..." I whispered it to myself. A sudden headache suddenly came into me as a flash of light appeared.

°~•~° Le Flashback of Memory °~•~°

"I promise and don't worry I won't and if I did well, hit me on the head if I forgot about it alright?" The little girl says jokingly making the skeleton chuckle a little.

"Also, if you're gonna promise me not to forget you two well, Promise me not to forget about me too!" She says happily. He smiled.

"I promise I won't forget you. If I did, I don't know what to do if I had forgotten about you, y/n. You are the best human I met and I don't want to forget our time together in this place." He says.

"Me too. I enjoyed you and your brothers company making me feel less lonely knowing that there's hope for me to start over and continue my life." She says happily to his friend. The skeleton's guilt started crawling on his back but, smiled at her covering his guilt. The little girl, y/n looked at his friend.

"By the way, why did you asked me to promise you not to forget about you and your brother?"

"O-oh, well, just to reassure that we won't forget each other. That's all. I'm just worried you would forget us once you grew older." He says mumbling some of the words. He looked down at the ground. He knew what he is meant to do. He wanted to help y/n and he will help her. He just needed to cope with time for now. Fate will bring them together once again.

"Nightmare," the skeleton looked at her friend as he heard his name "I got something for you to... remember me and our promises." She says as she brought out a cresent locket. "Me and my friend made it. They aren't really made well but, I hoped you like it." She says shyly making her friend smile. Nightmare looked at the beautiful hand writing craved on it.

"It's beautiful. Thank you y/n." He says wearing the locket. "I'll forever remember you and your kindness y/n." He says slightly blushing.

"And I'll remember you and your cuteness." She says giggling making his blush darker. The little girl once again hugged her friend.

"Remember our promise alright, nightmare?" She says. Her friend hugged back and slightly cried onto his shoulder.

"Alright, I won't y/n." Both of them let go.

"Good bye y/n. I'll see you when the time comes again." He said as he left the little girl's dream.

"Good bye Nightmare!" She says happily. The dream of the girl has ended.

"Brother!" Nightmare turned around to see his brother, dream.

"Dream? Do you need anything?" He asked. The prince of positivity only shook his head.

"No no, I don't need anything actually. I just wanted to ask if y/n will be alright."

"Of course she will be. We can always come back in her dreams." The prince of negativity replied giving his brother a smile of reassurance.

"Alright brother. Come on Let's go and play!" His energetic brother, dream says as he pulled his brother away from their tree.

"Alright brother just hold on!" Nightmare replied with a playful smile on his face. 'Y/n... please wait for me. I know you'll hate me once you know that I left you without a reason but, I'll come back for you. This time, I'll protect you from your bullies. You won't be alone anymore once I am with you again y/n.'

°~•~° End of Memory °~•~°

I shook my head returning back from reality. Th-that was a memory..right? That must be the last time I saw her before I became like this.. Dream must've known these memories more than I do. I should go and visit him..

I snapped my fingers teleporting into the doodle sphere. There I saw ink and Dream chatting.

"Dream." He turned around surprise to see me.

"B-brother? Why are you here?" He says slightly nervous.

"I just wanna know about my... past before I completely destroyed our Au." I said. This is what I call stupidity. I'm not like this! I'm not this desperate to know my terrible past. Now I look like a fool in front of them.

Dream and Ink seemed surprise from what I said.

"W-well, we both visit every dreams to help others. But, mostly I am the one who made them happy and you are the one who just left behind letting me do my work." He says thimking back the past.

"What about y/n? Are we really connected to her before?" Dream froze for a moment and slowly nodded.

"Yes. She is the one we visited more than the others since, she had a miserable life in her Au. I tried to make her happy but, I guess she's just too comfortable to you on that time. She treated us as a friend and she is truly happy when she saw us. Especially you nightmare." He says slightly chuckling. "Though, I never visited her much on that time. I'm usually too busy to keep the others happy in their dreams and while you, you stayed in y/n's dreams more to keep her company so, I never knew much on what are you two doing. You never told me on what happened in y/n's dream while I was gone so, I didn't know much about you two. I'm sorry if you thought I know more about her but, sadly not." He looked at me and slightly smiled "Though, maybe, you need to get to know more about y/n so your past memories may come back? It's just a tip and You can try it if you want but it's your decision brother. And whatever decision you made, I'll support you since, I haven't been there for the most times in the past so, I wanted to help you this time." Oh the terrible past I had in my damn Au. Such fun for me to only remember the time I get hurt both physically and mentally. Such a nice Au for me live there. I nodded.

"Alright then dream. Thanks for the advice." I said as I teleported into my room again. Maybe, I should try his advice..

>>~▪○▪◇▪●▪~¤ The Next Day(Present day) ¤~▪○▪◇▪●▪~<<

"U-umm...Nightmare." Someone spoke while it knocks on the door. I groaned as I stood up and walked towards the door. I opened it seeing Y/n.

"Yes y/n?" I asked slightly sleepy.

"I-I just wanted to hangout with you since, I wanna try if hanging out with you may add up my past memory with you and your brother." She says shyly. That made me awake.

"I-I was gonna say the same..when I woke up." I muttered some words at the end making me slightly blush. She giggled.

"Well, if you are gonna ask me out too then, where are you taking me?" She asked.

"Anywhere you want to go." I said as she smiled.

"Hmm... Alright then. Let's go to--

A. UnderTale                                         C. ReaperTale

B. OuterTale

1543 words

So, how was it? I know I kept on asking about how did I do on my story but I just wanna know cuz I need to know if my story or writing is good or not(tho I don't mind others not answering that question cuz, the comments you made is enough for me to know that you enjoyed it! Or..not). Anyway, what will you pick? Your choice matters in this story, not mine. Well, it matters to but still! You are the reader so you are the one who criticize my story.

Anywayy, I hope you enjoyed this story and blah, blah, blah. Have a splendid morning/Night!

Finished typed in : June 6, 2019
Time finished ; 7:40 pm (Philippine time)
