Chapter 28: Misundertood

Y/n = Your name
P/n = Pet name

Warning: Depression, and self-harm.

—Y/n's pov—

A few days had passed from the event that happened between me and nightmare. They started to go back to their usual 'destroying Au's' thing. So, I'm usually left alone in the house with p/n. I wonder why's the point of destroying an Au but, this is their own kind of nature I guess. I sighed as I looked at book I was reading, I flipped the next page- I hissed in pain from the sharp edge of a paper. A paper cut..

"Are you really that weak to have a simple cut on a paper, Experiment 0.3? Pathetic!" A loud and painful slap.

I gasped. I felt something wet and salty from my face, I was crying? I wiped it away and looked at the paper cut.

What.. was that..? I shook it off and closed the book. I stand up, went to the bathroom to clean the cut. I applied a small bit of alcohol —wincing from the pain— and then putting bandage on it. Walking back to my room, I saw p/n looking at me worried.

"Is there something wrong, master? You looked terrified for a moment." I sighed and let out a fake smile.

"I'm fine. I just had some.. thought. I'll be right back p/n." I said while teleporting to undertale. I was on the mountain cliff of Mount Ebott, I sat there and watched the sunset quietly. I looked down.

'What.. was that? A.. a memory?.. wh-who was that?' That peculiar memory made my body shiver. Was that monster or person referring to me..? Experiment 0.3..?' I looked at my shaky hands. "What.. am I..?" I muttered.

Just when I thought that I'd figured out who I am, an odd memory suddenly pops out. What memory was that? When was that event?

"Yo kiddo, you seem fazed about somethin'." I jumped from the voice and looked from my back, it was classic sans.

"S-sans— you scared the living daylights out of me." I was feeling out of breathe for some reason.

"Oh, You know my name already? I don't seem to recognize you though- but anyways, what're you doin' here on the mountain? Ya don't look like you belong in this Au."

"I don't really belong in this Au at all and, I was just.. taking a breather."

"This place is relaxing so, can't Blame ya for coming here though, which Au are you from?"

"I-I don't really know which Au I am but, I'm currently living with Nightmare and his team."

"Oh? So you're their prisoner then?"

"What- no you've misunderstood it, I'm not a prisoner. I live with them- as in staying with them." I explained my situation with nightmare and the others clearly.

"That's surprising. I never thought that those heartless versions of me would let a girl like you stay in their place."

"I don't know- they don't look that heartless to me.." I mutter the words quietly.



"Hm.. If ya say so kid." He says sitting beside me.

"So, how was it?"


"How was is to live with nightmare and his gang?" He asked as he looks at me.

"Well, it felt normal actually. Just like Uhm.. living in a normal house with friends."

"Really? I didn't expect that kind of scenario when it comes to nightmare but, I guess that's from others perspective."

"What do you guys do now that frisk doesn't RESET in your Au?"

"Well, we all livin' the life out this place. Blooky became a robot like Mettaton he's usually with Frisk, Mettaton became famous and is now going around the world, Toriel started teaching children, Asgore became a gardener, alphys and Undyne were together now, and me and paps, we just mostly hang around with frisk. That's all what others are doing now and to be honest, I really doubt that frisk would've stopped RESETing but, I just cling on hope that they really wouldn't let us be stuck in this underground again." He sighs.

"You don't need to worry. Frisk won't RESET this place anytime soon. They seem to enjoy this tranquility."

"I hope that's true kiddo." He says with a lazy grin.

"So, do you want to go to grillby's with me kid?" Sans says as he stood and let out a hand for me, I took it and he helped me stand up. My hands are still clasped with his.


"Y/n." I turned around and saw nightmare.


"I've been looking for you- I told you to tell me where you're going before teleporting somewhere else."


"Huh, didn't know that Nightmare has that kind of side." Sans mutters looking at nightmare. Nightmare looks at Classic and he seems to look pissed.

"Anyway kid, I'll leaf ya alone with him I feel like he'll bark at me anytime soon and thanks for the company. Also, I'll ask ya some other time for going grillby's with me." Sans says letting go of my hand.

"Sure and also Thank you Sans."

"Snow problem kiddo." He says with a wink and teleports off. I look at nightmare, it seems that he's not in the mood.

"Are you alright nightmare?"

"I'm fine." He grumbles, he suddenly grabs my arm harshly. I winced from how painful he puts pressure on my wrist.

"let's go." He says with a few words that was incoherent for me to understand. Both of us were teleported in my room, he let go of my wrist. I let my other hand to massage my aching wrist.

"What was that fo-"

"Shut. Up." I did as he said so, he clearly is not in the mood. He took a deep breathe and exhaled it out as he punches a wall- I was startled from the sudden action he did. He looks at me.

"Why are you being so careless y/n?!" He shouts out of anger, "Why do you keep on going to different Aus so carelessly?! Can't you just stay put in this damn house?!" I was afraid to answer but I mustered up my courage and opened my mouth.

"I'm not being careless, I just want to get out of this place for a moment-"

"Why? You could've at least get out of this room instead of going to a different Au. Why do you even need to go to a different Au?!"

"Because I need to. I don't want to be stuck in this place all day-" he comes forward.

"You are so hard to control. You only do things that you want and you carelessly leave in this place which made me worry you constantly. I let you stay here so you can be monitored, so you won't get hurt. But you keep on going else where that I don't even know! How will I even protect you if you keep on leaving this place?! You're too f**king careless to even know that- that-" He shouts and stomps out of the room, slamming the door harshly. I felt my chest tightens, it almost feels like I can't breathe. My eyes are filled with salty tears, I can't control my emotions. I began sobbing in the corner of my room as I hugged my knees.

"Am I really that.. careless.." I muttered, I sniffed and looks at my drawer. I went towards it, opening the drawer box. I took out what was inside it, my razor blade.

I examined the small but deadly blade I have on my hand. 'They wouldn't care..' I pulled up the Long sleeve of my f/c cardigan. The cuts I used to put on my wrists were just scars now.. I placed the sharp blade on my skin and slides it across creating a small cut on my wrist. The pain and adrenaline courses in my body, I missed that feeling again. I began doing it more blood drips out of my arm. The pain, The searing pain oh how I missed feeling this. 'No one cares..' a few tears were falling on my bloodied arm. I stopped and pulled down my sleeve. I went to the bathroom and cleaned my razor blade.

'No one would care if I left them all..'

??? pov—

It seems that my Experiment developed depression again. This is perfect.

"Chara. Persuade her to get out of that house and go back to Undertale." Chara nods with a smile.

"Yes sir." They said as they teleported out.

Oh Nightmare, it seems that you've made a terrible mistake on letting your beloved go.

1442 words

:0 what's this? The author is making updates almost regularly?

And Ooh boi the angst. I'm sorry if this has to go through this way with the reader and nightmare my fellow potatoes.  But isn't this surprising? Chara isn't your friend just as you guys thought-

I'm thinking that after I finished this, I'll start making an Alastor x Reader or Lucifer x Reader cuz Boi, I see less Lucifer x readers in Wattpad.

But anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and I'll see ya guys on the next update or in your comments :)

See ya and I hope ya'll are having a safe day/afternoon/night.

Finished typed in: April 27, 2020

Time finished; 5:16 pm (Philippine time)
