Chapter 10 : The Bracelet

(Y/n's pov)

I was running on my way to school 'cause I forgot about school again. And while I was running I suddenly saw my bullies. 'Oh boy I'm dead again.' I thought as b/n saw me he then smiled at me creepily.
"Hey Freak where had you been? Calling your mommy?" B/n said in a teasing tone I sighed.
"First of I don't have a mom or dad because they abandoned me and second I was in nowhere now f**k off b/n!" I said as I stood in front of them.
"Oh so your feeling brave eh? Well lets see of your even braver than us." He said as his minions or gang grabbed both of my arms as b/n gets closer. I looked down to avoid eye contact on him.
"Hey freak look at me!" He said I ignored his order.
"Tch fine then if ya don't want to then I'll just have to do the hard way." He said as he pulled my hair very hard.
"Now listen here slut if you ever try to fight back on us well..." he then move closer to my ear. "There will be consequences." He said as he started punching me on the stomach again and I cough out blood. His gang then dropped me on the ground and left me there. I stood up and walked in my first class. I sighed internally 'This is why I hated school so much." I thought as I sat at the very back of the row right next to the window.

(Dream pov)

While y/n is at school I was in deep thought from how did she forgot my name and while my brother name hasn't, and he isn't here since he went back to his castle.
"Maybe...she anmisea." I asked myself. I then sighed deeply. 'This is so stressful!!' I thought as I heard a teleporting sound I looked up to expect to be my brother but only to see ink. ' did he know that I'm in this Au?' I thought.
"Hi dream." Ink said as he waved at me.
"H-hi Ink." I said
"Why are you in panicktale?" He asked.
"O-oh...uhh...It's Because I sensed negativity in here." I said and he seemed to agree with it.
"Is nightmare here?" I shook my skull for no.
"Then why are you sensing negativity in here?"
"W-well someone is kinda...sad."
"Oh. Well I'll be right back to check you in here ok." He said as I nodded.
"Ok, Bye." I said as he left.

(Ink pov)

As I went back to the base I thought 'dream is kinda off today wonder why is he like that.' I shook my skull.
"Maybe I should go and visit blueberry for now." I said to myself as I went into Underswap.

(Y/n's pov)

After school was done I decided to go to that tree to relax for a while. As I skip all the way to the park I suddenly saw a kitten meowing. I went towards it and kneeled in front of the kitten. The kitty was scared at me, I smiled softly as I petted the cat.
"Don't worry little kitty I won't hurt you." I said as the little kitty purred. After a few seconds later I stood up and decided to leave the kitty.
"Welp I should go now little kitty bye." I said as I waved at the little cat. The cat meowed as I walked away and went to the park. As I went to the park I suddenly heard a meow I looked down to see the little cat following me. I smiled a little.
"Why are you following me little cat?" I asked as the kitty went close to my leg and started purring. 'I guess the cat wanted affection.' I thought as I smiled.
"You know what I'll keep you since you are kind of homeless, but first let's go to my secret place." I said as I picked up the kitty and went to the special tree. I sat there with the cat petting it. The cat once again purred. I smiled a little as I thought of something.
"Hmm...what should I call you?" I ask myself as an idea came.
"Aha! I'll call you p/n."(p/n meant pet name so you choose your cat's name.) I said as the cat meowed and I only smiled. I stayed under the tree as I looked at the apples.
"Why are they so familiar to Me?" I asked to myself as I sighed. 'I'm such a forgetful girl I can't even remember that bright clothed skeleton.' I thought as I petted my little cat. I stopped petting the cat and looked at my hands. 'Am I really a monster? I don't know why am I gifted by these things!? Why do I have to be so different!?' I thought as I heard the cat meowed I looked at the cat and it looked at me worried, I smiled a little.
"Don't worry p/n I'm just thinking." I said as I started petting p/n again. After an hour I stood up and went to my house with my new friend. As I went in I saw the skeleton with bright clothes again.
"O-oh hi..." I said sounding awkward.
"Oh My name's dream but I know you can't remember my name so I decided to give you this." He said as he showed a bracelet the side of the bracelet had bright colors with a sun on it and while half of the side is dark with a crescent moon on it. I looked at it in Awe.
"This bracelet will help you won't forget the important details ok?" He said as I nodded, I grabbed the bracelet and wear it. I looked at  Dream.
"So what do you feel?"
"I don't feel anything." I said as he thought
"That's odd I know that there's always side effects if a human wears it." He said to himself as he only sighed.
"Well I guess those aren't true." He said
"So how was your day y/n?" Dream asked and I thought of it as I remembered my bullies.
"O-oh..Well school was ok." I lied as I faked smiled at him tho he seemed to buy it.
"Oh! I should go now take care y/n!" He said as he teleported away I sighed.
"You shouldn't lie master." Someone said I look around to see no one, I looked at my kitty as it looked at me.
"Wait you can talk?" I said as the cat looked at me.
"Well yeah I can talk you didn't know?" I shooked my head for no.
"Odd. Maybe it's because of the bracelet." I said to myself. I remove the bracelet as I only heard meows on p/n.
"Well I guess itsa the bracelet." I said as I wore the bracelet back.
"Tho I wonder...Where did he got This?"

1184 words Yaay A Long chapter!
Ok, Ok I know I haven't been updating stories so please forgive Me!! I am just busy and I have been in my second account but tho I'm not yet dead ok! Anyway have a fabulous day/night!

~Rosepie/Ink Rose
