Chapter 26: Complicated?

Y/n = Your name
P/n = Pet name
P/w = Preferred weapon

Nightmare 2nd pov—

"You know, it's fine if you won't come and fetch me nightmare. I can handle myself." Y/n says sheepishly as she went in her room, nightmare following behind.

"I don't mind it. I've got nothing to do anyways."

"Are you sure?" He nods with a smile.

"Yes, I'm very sure that I'm alright with it."

"Alright then." She sat on her bed and p/n suddenly went on her lap. She started petting the cat which made p/n to purr lowly from the affection.

"What did you guys do anyways?"

"I practiced on how to use my powers. It was pretty hard to do it at first but it became easy for me to control my abilities now."

"Interesting. Could you show me a bit of your powers?"

"Uhm, sure," she looks at p/n, "p/n could you please move?" The cat meows in slight annoyance but soon get out of her lap. "Thank you." She stood up.

"Well first, I can summon this," a weapon of p/w was formed on her hand/s, it was a mix shade of Black and white. It was an odd color, he haven't seen a color of both black and white in a summoned weapon. Usually it would reflect on the souls color- like red for determination and Dark Blue for integrity- but it was two different colors. Could she have... no. It was clearly impossible for someone to have three souls in one vessel or body.. could it?

"Is there something wrong, nightmare?" Y/n asked with concern as she diminishes her weapons away.

"No, nothing's wrong. Why do you ask?"

"Well, it's just that.. your look is almost like Death's when he first saw my p/w."

"What do you mean by that?"

"He looks.. Baffled and Surprised when he saw my p/w. Is there something wrong with my weapon— or maybe it's me?" He shook his head.

"Nothing's wrong with the weapon or you, I'm just surprised to see your weapon.. different."


"You see, your weapon reflects your soul and so as the colors of your soul. And your weapon is/are p/w and their colors were black and white- which is odd since, as far as I know, your soul is green or magnanimity. So, your weapon color is supposedly light green instead of black and white." He explains. 'Unless.. her original soul were both Darkness and Light type.' He kept that theory to himself since they sound so incredulous- she's a mere human that has a soul of a healer type.

There is no way that she has another soul— an ordinary human body couldn't contain more than 2 souls, they'll die or lose control of their magic if they were to have 3 or more souls in them.

"Well.. I guess that is odd if my weapon is black and white even though my soul is green. Maybe, it's.. malfunctioning?"

"It's impossible— and it sounds so incredulous that your magic is malfunctioning like some kind of a Technological problem."

"Then, how is this possible? Are you implying that my soul were black and white originally?" Nightmare can't tell what she's feeling right now- her frustration, overwhelm, and confusion were fighting altogether.

"I'm not implying that but, that could be the case." He says with slight uncertainty about his words. Y/n looks like she's gonna break but, she only sighed and sat on her bed.

"I don't understand.." she mutters. He can't tell or explain what y/n is currently feeling- which is why he's getting anxious. He steps forward and sat beside her.

"What do you mean?"

"Am I.. really that complicated?" She looks at him. Tears were brimming on her eyes, some are falling down on her lap, she sniffs and covers her face. He can't seem to stand seeing her in this state- he doesn't know why is he feeling remorse to her. What kind of feeling is this?

Nightmare sit close to y/n and embraced y/n with a comforting hug- it isn't too tight or too loose, it's enough for her to breathe properly.

"You aren't complicated or simple to understand, you're just you. And you don't need to get stressed about this." He consoled, y/n hugged back and sobbed quietly on his back.

"I am afraid that you and the others would hate or judge me for being different- you might even leave me knowing that I am nowhere being an ordinary human.. Why can't I just live normally?!" She cried.

"Why would we judge you? We're all different in here. Most of us are sadistic and ruthless —like me— so why should I or they judge you? Let alone you did nothing wrong for being different, that's just how it is." Y/n hides her face in Nightmare's shoulder, a few tears were falling.

"I don't know in what way do I deserve you for being this caring and kind to a useless heap of trash like me." She mutters the words softly.

"You aren't useless nor trash, don't lower your self-esteem. And I guess we both have that mutual feeling like we don't deserve each other." He says chuckling softly. Y/n smiles softly.

"Thank you for everything, nightmare."

"You don't need to thank me y/n." 'In fact, I should be the one thanking you for being here with me.'

They didn't broke the hug, they were at ease in each others' warmth and enjoying the comfortable silence surrounding them. They silently were enjoying this peaceful moment they have right now.

He secretly hopes that this could last forever. He never wished to let go of her and maybe y/n too.
974 words

It's still short- I'm sorry for the late updates and short chapters my fellow potatoes QwQ

But I hope you enjoy this little moment with nighty senpai uwu

Anyway, onto making the next chapter now!! See ya and I hope ya'll have a safe day my potatoess ovo

Finished typed in: April 22, 2020

Time Finished; 3:32 am (Philippine time)

(Yes, I sleep very late but I like to stay up late night uwu)
