XXXV : Protect

Get ready to cry (Soooo...yeah. I'll just hide inside a closet before you hunt me down.)


"Hey guys it's time to--" Taehyung cut himself off when he got a view of the sickening sight. His heart ached at what Yoongi and Crimson were doing and there was nothing else for him to do but to turn his back on them and walk back to the team. 

"Where the heck are the two of them?" Seokjin shouted, clearly getting impatient.

Hoseok saw the expression on Taehyung's sullen face. By the look of it, he already understood what was happening, "Yoongi hyung told me they were going to talk about something important. They can catch up," he said, saving the sad man's ass from crying in front of them before even speaking.

Taehyung cleared his throat and turned to his hyung with a small, sincere smile. 

"What do you mean catch up? To be honest, you guys aren't even supposed to be rescued. It's just Crimson and Namjoon. I'm putting my life on the line for this so they better hurry up," Clifford rolled his eyes, not budging because he knew that Crimson needs to be by his side when they go out to make sure that she's safe. 

Taehyung saw Jimin from the corner of his eye, ready to pounce on the impatient person until Jungkook stopped his body with his arm.

As if on cue, the two of them were seen turning on the corridor and Clifford heaved a sigh of relief. However, Jimin noticed their reddened faces and very swollen lips. As he saw that, a smirk placed itself onto his plump lips.

"There're the lovebirds of the century!" he exclaimed, not aware that he was also hurting his friend at the moment. 

Hoseok knocked his fist against Jimin's head, who clearly does not have a clue of what's going on. Along with that, Hoseok also heard Jungkook sighing beside him at the sight of the woman in Yoongi's arms.

He looked at the younger one in awe, "Don't tell me you're...."

A blush crept up Jungkook's face because of what the older agent whispered to him, "N-no. It's not what you think it is."

Hoseok smiled but then frowned again at the depressing state of the other younger man. Taehyung had his head down, obviously not wanting to spare a glance at the endearing couple.

Yep. His case is much worse than Kook's.

"Let's go. We've got no time to waste," Namjoon ordered and they were already on their feet. 

However, when they already went through two floors down, a group of agents were swarming the hallways and the stairs below. Crimson heard Namjoon curse under his breath as Clifford was also busily communicating to other Rangers through his walkie-talkie while they were running. 

Yoongi pulled something out of his pockets, which was a strange looking device that only had a speaker and a small antenna on it. It was like a mini radio. He was tuning it to listen to God knows what (Crimson doesn't even know how he still keeps such a thing).

After a few minutes of crouching down to hide from the Scouts' view, the static sound from his mini radio was replaced with a voice.

"The rogue agents evacuated the twelfth floor. I repeat, the rogue agents left the twelfth floor. Please look around the areas you are assigned at to see if they can be spotted."

They were now all focused on that voice as Namjoon smirked, "They never really think of using codes on situations like this, huh?"

"It's really sad thinking that they don't know what I can do," Yoongi boasted with a mischievous smirk on his face. 

The same expression were painted on their faces, "It's sad, knowing that they have no idea of what we're capable of," Seokjin said.

The group huddled afterwards and proceeded at what they planned to do.

"Our top priority right now is that we need to get out but all the ways towards our only exit point are blocked by other agents," Clifford began and left the end for Namjoon to continue.

"Aside from that, we have to go and save a few other people too," Hoseok spoke before Namjoon could and everyone already knew what he meant by 'a few other people'.

Jimin gave him an apologetic look, "Hyung, we don't even know if she's on our side."

"Fine. I'll go get her myself. If you want to come with me then that's great. If you don't, it's fine."

Crimson sighed and raised her hand, "I'll go with you. I can't just leave Mijin in here knowing that she might be in danger."

"I'll go with you too," Seokjin said, taking everyone by surprise. They never really expected that he would still want to stay given the possibility that they might run against the general who is after them.

"Why don't we just all come with you, eh?" Yoongi proposed and looked at Namjoon for his agreement.

Everyone was on the same boat, especially Jungkook who was ready to say that he wants to tag along after what Crimson said. He briefly glanced at her, who was focused on trying to tend to a few wounds that she has then he gazed down to her hands who were on Yoongi's and the sight made him feel envious of the man.

It was but a simple infatuation, really. Nothing like a fan's admiration to their idol. It was nothing deep. Nothing deep.

"So which way do we go though? We can't split up since we can't risk anything again. We have to get out of this place altogether." said Namjoon, with a firm tone, "No one will be left behind."

"That means we have to go through these agents and steal their weapons so we can use them. Then Yoongi hyung, find a way that we can contact Mijin or confirm her location. Hoseok hyung, you go look at possible routes that we can take to reach her."

Namjoon pointed at Taehyung and Jimin, "You guys, I want you to lead the way while Hoseok hyung navigates you two. You guys make sure to also grab as much weapons as you can use, you'll need it. Seokjin hyung and Jungkook, I want you two to take the rear and make sure that you get rid of any agents behind us and following us."

"Crimson," he sighed as he said her name, "Stay close to Clifford, he'll protect you."

The lady was mad at that order, "You can't just expect me to not fight! This is a life and death situation, Namjoon."

"It's alright, Crim. We need you to be alive."

She furrowed her brows at what Clifford said, "What for?"

Clifford pulled her aside and close to him and Namjoon while the others were busy and getting ready.

"Your father has stored very confidential information and nobody knows where it is except for you. This information can destroy the country if it falls on the wrong hands."

"What? Why am I just hearing about this now? Is this why you wanted to save me?" her accusing glare pierced their hearts.

Namjoon spoke, "It partly is. The reason why your father is such a legendary agent is because he worked on lots of highly confidential cases and missions. Through this, he gathered lots of information and stored it somewhere no one could find and we believe that only you can help us. We need you, Crimson. We need your help."

She was about to walk out until Clifford stopped him, "Don't forget that we're also saving you because you're family. It's not all about what people can gain from you. Learn to trust us."

She hesitatingly looked away and nodded her head briefly afterwards.

They returned to the bunch with Yoongi confirming Mijin's location after tracking her phone. They were ready.

Namjoon's stern gaze was returned with the same ones aside from Seokjin who was fiddling with his thumbs. Jimin nudged him while Taehyung curiously eyed him.

"Can I....?" 

The leader laughed and proceeded to nod his head, knowing what Seokjin will do.

His lips curved into a smirk as he put his hand inside his pocket, "It's game time."

Taehyung turned to the left of the corridor as ordered by Hoseok. As quietly as he could, he pulled a nearby agent's collar and twisted the poor person's neck before they could attack them. 

Seokjin hissed at the sickening sound of the man's neck snapping, still feeling a little guilty for going against people that he worked with for years. Taehyung grabbed the gun settled within one of the man's pockets and immediately gave it to Jungkook who was way at the back of the gang.

When he felt something sharp poking his finger and almost wounded him, he already knew that it was a knife and so the first person he thought of giving the weapon to was Jimin, knowing that it was his specialty.

Much to their luck, the knife was not by itself and he realized that they came in pairs. Butterfly knives.

"She's beautiful," Jimin admired the item like it was a person. The red and black swirling pattern extended up to the knives handles and placing them next to each other creates the image of a dragon. 

"Let's get going," with that, Jungkook went out of their hide first, firing at any Scout within his path and not missing a single shot. That aided the others into having an easier fight and immediately charging at anyone who tried to kill them.

Everyone made sure to protect Hoseok and Yoongi as the two of them essential in tracking Mijin and getting everyone out safely. Clifford tried to protect Crimson along with Namjoon, who is still staggering because of his wound.

Crimson pushed Clifford out of the way when he blocked her view, muttering a complaint afterwards as the boy would not even let him lift a finger, "I can take care of myself."

A suited woman was charging right at them and Crimson noticed the shiny pointed tip on her heels, making it look as if the tip of a spear is attached under it. 

The woman jumped towards Clifford and was about to send a sharp kick towards his forehead until he blocked the woman's attack with his forearm. The pain hit him like a wave when he realized that blood was trickling down his new wound. When the lady agent pulled out her weapon, Clifford heard the disgusting sound of his flesh tearing even more.

Crimson remembered how Jimin once taught her about how people who specialize on high kicks utilize that weapon properly. This meant that those people's weakness would be their hands since it barely does anything to protect them.

She ran back to Clifford's aid and jumped to let herself flip upside down mid-air. Crimson used her hands to hoist herself up higher when they touched the floor and she sent a deadly kick towards the back of the woman's neck. That caused the agent to grip her injury and turn towards her with a glare.

The look didn't faze Crimson, instead she charged straight towards her with the attempt to punch her face. The woman easily predicted her movements and was about to slash her arm with her weapon until Crimson saw the glimmer of the shiny object within that split second. 

She retrieved her arm from the direction it was going at and used the speed to her advantage to tilt her body a little to the left of the agent. A stinging pain erupted from her arm and she didn't have to look to see that the sharp object grazed her.

With her uninjured arm she grabbed the left leg of the agent and used her elbow to give her knee a painful blow. Clifford was near them, gawking at the abilities of both women. He wanted to help but he was already busy trying to fight another agent.

Yoongi saw Crimson struggling by herself but knowing that he can't abandon his task, all while helping Hoseok block a person's attacks, he can't come to her aid.

The woman let out a cry as she heard her bone crack. This enraged her even more and she began to pull out a knife from her pocket. She started slashing blindly and managed to slash through Crimson's cheek. 

The red, sticky liquid left a trail as it dripped down her cheek. Crimson smirked and said, "Once an opponent gets angry, they become worthless. You're lucky that I'm even merciful enough to fight you and not just end your life."

She grabbed the person's arm, finally getting ahold of her weakness and twisted it so she would drop the knife. As soon as she did, Crimson stepped on the blade of the knife, making the handle stick out even more before she used her other foot to kick it up. When the weapon was in the air, both of their instincts kicked in and they were both clamouring to reach it.

Even if she's smaller than the lady, she had two strong legs and so she kicked the agent's injured leg and when the poor woman crouched down in hopes to end her pain, Crimson jumped up to catch the knife and used it to pierce the woman's eye.

"I'm not going to kill anymore people. So I don't care if you would consider yourself lucky or unlucky to still be alive."

She walked out of the scene, panting when she gazed at the other Scouts who were on the ground, unconscious. The blood loss must have made the woman faint when Crimson realized that she couldn't hear her screams anymore.

"I think that was everyone," Yoongi huffed out, wincing at his painful shoulder that caught someone's punch, "They all climbed up here when a Scout reported and asked for back-up. The coast should be clear for now."

Without even taking a breather, they all took their respective positions and started descending down the emergency stairs and towards the main floor. Conveniently, Mijin was in the same building as them which also made Namjoon and Hoseok agree on their assumption that most agents must have ran off or are fighting the Rangers at the main floor.

Six floors down and everything has been going peacefully. Namjoon, being the smart guy that he is, grew suspicious of this. The last time everything was going well they found themselves cornered by Scouts with guns pointed at their faces which ended up with them having to stay inside a room full of bombs and gave Namjoon a horrible injury.

"Guys," Yoongi spoke up amidst the sounds of their shuffling feet and quiet pants, "Mijin's going upstairs."

Jungkook looked over and noticed the red dot moving on the screen, "Maybe she's looking for you, Hoseok hyung."

"No. She won't do that, she knows that it's too dangerous."

"Well, she's your girlfriend. Fear is nothing when you're in love," Yoongi countered, making Clifford let out a comment about him being so cheesy. Jimin agreed with the Ranger.

They headed to their original spot and went out the floor where Mijin was now at which was the third floor. Yoongi let out a sigh of relief when they finally found her and he saw the less tensed expression on Crimson's face.

Namjoon couldn't help but still feel suspicious about everything, he began to walk slower than the others and Seokjin noticed this, "It's all too easy isn't it? I'm thinking the same as you too," the older remarked, making Namjoon raise his head up.

"Knowing the general, he must have something else up his sleeve," Namjoon noticed how Seokjin still felt uncomfortable talking about his traitor of a father so he immediately apologized to his friend, who dismissed it and said he was not affected in the least. Namjoon still saw through his lie.

"You're right. My father will not let us leave this place, knowing how much more we can do to him and the Sco--"

"Well, well, well...if it isn't Lee Crimson and the gang."

The general's voice boomed through the hallways, him and two other agents being the only people around aside from Mijin, who was caged in his arms and cannot move an inch because of the gun pointed straight at her temple.

Hoseok's heart shattered at the sight of his girlfriend's tear-stained face, making him almost fall to his knees and beg the general if it weren't for Jimin who placed a hand on his tensed shoulder, trying to calm him down. Right, he wasn't going to beg. The old man did not deserve it.

All they could do was to watch calmly while Namjoon cursed at himself for not being so sure of his own decisions. He could have told everyone to be cautious but now they already fell inside one of the general's traps.

Crimson painfully glanced at her friend, nearly crying because of her state and then she looked at Hoseok who is probably the most worked up in the bunch.

"Look at me when I'm speaking!" the general shouted, clearly aiming his words to Crimson and showing that she really was his target.

Seokjin only looked away, half guilty and half mad at his father and his actions.

"Let's cut to the chase, shall we? I will let go of your dear friend if you would come with me. It's not so hard isn't it? A girl in exchange for another girl. I'm pretty sure the Bulletproofs would not mind me taking you away from them."

"And what if I don't want to?" she challenged, a smirk displayed on her face which made her look tougher.

The general laughed at this as if what she said was a joke, "Everyone dies," his expression changed to that of a person who would stop at nothing to get what he wants, and that was exactly how he was like.

"Do you really think your teeny-tiny army could kill the top agents of the agency? Don't make me laugh."

Mijin squirmed when the general's grip on her neck tightened, making Crimson divert her gaze towards her for a split second, "I know we're outnumbered but think about what would be faster. You, killing me or me, putting a bullet through her brain," Mijin nearly shouted at the force that general was applying on her temple.

"SHUT UP!" Mijin jumped up when he shouted the words right at her ears. Hoseok was being held back by Jimin, his fists shaking in rage.

"Time's running out, Lee Sooyeon," he sang out, irritating the girl by saying her real name, "Make your decision now."

He was now pointing the gun at them and Crimson looked over to see what the others think. They were all pleading her with their own eyes and Yoongi's grip on her hand tightened even more when she read the expression on her face.

"Did you think I'm giving you the time to look at all your teammates' faces?! Make a decision right now or I'll kill this whore."

"Did he just call her a--"

"Hyung! Calm down. We can't move an inch or she will die," Taehyung lectured Hoseok, understanding the man's outrage but also knowing that they couldn't risk anything at this moment.

Of course none of them wanted Crimson to surrender, after all she was already a part of their family. No one budged as they looked at her, who was still firmly standing in the same position.

Crimson turned towards Jungkook again and saw a gun in his grasps. In a flash, she stole the weapon from his hands, immediately turning around and stepping farther from the group and closer to the general. They were all caught by surprise when the sight they came to see was her pressing the barrel of her gun at the side of her head.

Yoongi was about to run towards him until he saw one of the agents beside the general pointing his weapon at him.

"They're not just my teammates, bastard. They're my family. So if anyone will ever die today, it won't be them nor Mijin," with every word she said, she took a step closer, intimidating the general and the two people beside him, "It's going to be me or you."

"You don't want me to be dead. You want me to help you find the information that my father has hidden somewhere. I'm useful alive and you can't have me dead. So let's change up our deal, shall we? You let go of Mijin or I will kill myself. Your answer should be pretty obvious, right?"

Everything happened all too fast, when the general started to lower his gun, Jungkook grabbed another gun that he retrieved from one of the Scouts earlier, he used it to shoot at the agent on the general's left.

Jimin ran a little bit forwards and threw his butterfly knife with extreme accuracy towards the head of the other agent, piercing the man's forehead and causing him to land on the ground.

Mijin managed to get away from the general as the man was recovering from shock and the first thing she did was to run towards Hoseok's loving arms. Clifford felt a bullet graze his shoulder and was now being tended by Namjoon.

Seokjin was pointing a weapon at his father but he could not bear to shoot him and only used it as a threat. But one last gunfire sounded, which came from the general, who squeezed the weapon's trigger. Only that the course of the bullet changed when Crimson sent a bullet flying through his shoulder, changing the direction of where the gun was pointed at.

Jungkook witnessed everything though. He saw the events unfold with his own two eyes. He saw the general's weapon pointing at him. He heard the loud sound made by the gun. He saw Jimin suddenly flying in front of him and blocking his view. He saw everything but he felt nothing.

No pain or anything.

And it was like everything was in slow motion. It was as if he was watching the world destroy itself right before his own eyes as he saw Jimin's back facing him and in return, catching the bullet that was meant to kill him.

The man fell to the ground, painfully slowly with blood seeping out from his chest and staining his shirt. He fell with a loud thud that Jungkook heard even in the noisiest sounds of guns firing and people's shouts. He heard and saw everything. Felt every muscle in his body contorting to pain and his brain shutting down momentarily. Taking in the painful view before him.

Jimin was shot. And Jungkook was supposed to be the one in his position. But he jumped in time to take the bullet.

Jungkook crouched down immediately after shoving God knows who out of his way to get to Jimin's nearly lifeless body.

"Hyung! Jimin hyung!" he shouted in such a desperate tone that it even caught the attention of a few others.

The general ran down the hall and out of their sight. Jungkook was now holding Jimin's head and perched it up on his thighs. Jimin held his chest, in pain and in a poor attempt to not let anyone see it. Nevertheless, he was trying to hide his pain even in moments like this.

Jimin laughed, at such an inappropriate time...he laughed, "And you're using honorifics when I'm about to die?" the pain in his voice was evident and it was a scene that was so hard to watch.

"Shut up!" Jungkook shouted, not intentionally. He was panicking so much internally, quite a trait that should not be possessed especially by a sniper like him.

Jimin laughed again but ended up coughing blood afterwards. This time, everyone was around the two, knowing what was about to happen.

"We need to get him to the hospital. Hoseok hyung! Start up any car you can find from the garage!"

"Jungkook," Namjoon calmly called out, pitying the young man before him.

Jimin was hardly catching any breath and there was obviously no way that he was going to survive. Jungkook just did not want to admit it yet.

"Taehyung hyung, please look for any medication you can grab and Yoongi hyung..."

"Jeon Jungkook," he repeated, in a firmer voice.

"Please help Taehyung hyung find something usef一"

"JEON JUNGKOOK!" Namjoon shouted, stopping him from speaking.

He looked around. No one moved from their places. Hoseok did not look for an available car nor did Taehyung or Yoongi did what he asked them to. They were all staring at him. With pity in their eyes.

Why are they already losing hope?

"Seokjin hyung..?" Jungkook looked up, expecting the man to help him. But he was holding the same expression as the others.

"Jungkook, we can't sav一"

The younger man was looking down at Jimin, who was trying to say something. Hoseok decided to cut his own words short as he also listened in to the man's words.

"...was perfect.." a cough and then another strong one followed.

Jungkook placed his ear closer to Jimin's mouth, the warm breath fanning his face.

"M-my timing....was perfect," and that was when Jungkook went quiet. He looked down at his hyung, losing all the hope that remained in his body. Then he looked at the rest, who held the same expression as his.

Jungkook picked up Jimin's lifeless hand and held it tightly as he spoke, "Hyung, you can't do this to us," he was talking too fast, "Didn't you say you were going to open your own coffee shop and一and..that you wanted to live a normal life after this....Jimin hyung you一"

"Shhhh.." Jimin shushed.

"You.....can't," Jungkook whispered.

"Just..shhhh.." A lone tear fell on the fabric of Jimin's shirt.

They all fell silent.

"Thank you for making me not regret the decision of joining," Jimin began, "Thank you."

Crimson did not want to think that those were his last words. Hell will freeze before Jimin dies and there was no way that today is that time.

But her assumptions were right.

His eyes glazed over and focused on everyone, lastly at Jungkook, whose life he saved. Jimin's hand went limp as he drew in his last breath.

"Hyung," the youngest whispered, rocking back and forth.

Crimson felt a tear slip and she grabbed the nearest person possible which was Namjoon. She cried on his shoulder. Not wanting to imagine the pain that everyone was feeling and not wanting to believe that his was all true.

She can't.

Nor could anyone.

Jungkook's shoulders shook. His sobs racking up his body and beginning to become louder. There was Jimin, head resting on his thighs, his lively eyes are seen no more with his lids shut tight forever.

No one wanted to talk or move an inch.

Jimin's plump, pale lips were formed into a small smile that was contrary to what everyone was feeling.

Yoongi placed a hand over his mouth and closed his eyes before turning his back to the lifeless body.

The oldest grabbed a fistful of his own hair, his eyes turning red as tears were waiting to fall off. Namjoon followed Yoongi then patted his back in a comforting manner, being the team's stronghold once more.

Hoseok, the once happy man was down on his knees, face covered with his long hands as he looked down the ground. Taehyung was beside Jungkook, not doing anything and just looking at his hyung.

Jungkook did not move or made another sound.



I know you're all mad. I'm mad at myself too :(

But this is really an important turning point for character and plot development.
