XLV: The Plan


"Question," Seokjin raised his hand like a good school boy before clearing his throat to speak up. Crimson just had to roll her eyes. That was the question number 62 this time and yes, she kept count.

At first, the questions that they gave were very relevant. Most of them were easy to answer but some made her ponder for a while before Namjoon told the others that maybe she was not comfortable sharing it just yet. Noticeably, Yoongi and Taehyung were both the most silent ones. It was well expected from Young but not from Taehyung who is often a literal ball of sunshine.

But as time passed, the questions grew less interesting and too specific like, "Where do you buy your clothes?"

For the umpteenth time that day, she had difficulty controlling her urge to roll her eyes. But, oh well, she had to answer them all or they won't just shut up. Hoseok asked her earlier about which countries she have been to and she remembered him gasping dramatically when she answered: 'Pretty much all of them except for Antarctica and North Canada'. She was not really a fan of cold places because it ruins her outfits.

"Lots of designers. Mainly the underrated ones. They like to keep their names private so, sadly, I can't give them away."

"Since when did you stop wearing hoodies?" Jungkook interjected, causing flames to light up inside Crimson's eyes.

Just one good question. Please! All I ask is one goddamn question that is worth answering.

"Honey, I have a closet full of them in one of my houses," the younger one cannot help but blush at the endearment. But her answer seemed to have sparked another question inside Jihee's head.

Surprisingly, the girl was participating with their interview and even asked a few inquiries herself which Crimson thought was pretty strange since they were not really that close. Especially after that incident in the kitchen. After all, Jihee was giving her the wrong vibe, "One of your houses? How many houses do you even have?"

Crimson smirked smugly, "I didn't know that I had to keep count. No one told me."

Jungkook was about to speak up again after the silence that her answer caused but she knew it was better to stop before they lose time to actually talk about something proper.

"No. One more question and that's it. I agreed to this so you guys would not have to interrupt me when I explain everything soon. But it seems like you're all taking advantage of it," she slumped down on her spot at the couch, pouting a little, "One last question."

She saw Jungkook opening his mouth, "And you better make it count," she warned with a hard glare, making his form grow smaller even if he is nothing close to that.

To all of their surprise, Yoongi took his chance to use that last question and him leaning forward from his seat must have been the reason why Crimson felt a strong pull of dread from her stomach. Everyone was quiet, showing respect to one of the oldest people in the room, expecting him to ask something.

"Why..." he paused, gazing down at the floor as if blurting out that one question would rip his throat open. The anticipation was too strong and Crimson found a lump forming from her throat when she saw Taehyung's eyes focused on every inch of her figure instead of the man who was about to speak.

"Why did you come back?" there was something different with the way that Yoongi said it. Something that screamed how there were several other questions hidden behind his mouth and that he was trying his best not to let it all out in a string. Millions of query flooded his brain and she can see it in his eyes yet all he said were five words to sum it all up.

Crimson's gaze flickered at Taehyung. He was still looking at her with that hard stare.

"I," she felt her throat dry up. She was expecting the question to pop up soon. She just didn't expect that it would come from Yoongi's mouth. It hurt to look at him or even Taehyung so she casted her eyes upon the person who she was most comfortable with in the room: Kim Namjoon.

Namjoon smiled, sensing her sudden tense form. The others were not saying anything as if there was an unwritten agreement that they all wanted to her the explanation from her. That it was by far the best question they all heard and there was no way that they would let her slip through their fingers again without a word.

"The gen--Seongjun. Kim Seongjun. He placed a bounty on my head. A huge one," now for them, it was unexpected. But they all kept silent, keeping the promise they made to let her talk without stopping. Now this situation made her want to go back in time and wish she could've just accepted every interrogating words thrown at her with open arms.

"Lots of gangs around the world heard it which is the reason why I have been all over the place. I didn't want to get too close to you guys and give him a reason to have leverage over me. I didn't want to get you involved."

She gulped hard before continuing, "I thought it was better to make you think that I was dead. That way, you wouldn't have to look for me or something like that.

"Seongjun wanted to capture me, get whatever it is that he wants and kill me. I found out that it may be a folder that my father hid. Several evidences and proofs about the unfair rulings of the past leaders of the Scouts and how we all have been killing people that don't actually deserve it. They wanted to tie up loose ends and shut loopholes. They never wanted to be a model of justice in the first place," she tries to look at Seokjin, feeling guilty that she was talking about his family like that but the man gave him a reassuring smile. He thought to himself that he would not consider them his family again because of how gruesome they act and how he would never want to be like them, "So I think that's what he wants from me."

"I was afraid that a price would soon be over your heads and you all will be sought after by money-thirsty gangs when you have absolutely nothing to do between our feud. But a few months ago, I got word from...someone who told me about the news that the event that I've been trying so hard to avoid happened."

Silence covered the room, "They all found out where you are. Now, I know that some of you are not really hiding from anything but considering how you are now all acting like civilians, which was a situation that thankfully Seongjun least expected from elite assassins like us, it was harder to find you. But as soon as I received information that he sent out your addresses to a few gangs, I had to come in and kill them first before some of them got to you."

They were too astonished to fathom the words that Crimson just spouted. Jihee was staring in space, as if she was deep in thought, trying to let the situation sink in. Jimin was pouting not aware that he was living in such a danger zone. But he was just a janitor...right?

His head suddenly ached, sending a sharp pain through his temple which then caused him to raise his hands to it. Jimin tried his best to not show anyone of his discomfort as he didn't want to ruin the flow of secrets coming out of the woman that he now idolizes as much as Jungkook does. Thankfully, no one noticed his pain.

The more time he spent with them, the more frequent these episodes happen. Something inside him was telling him that there must be something wrong with his mind or maybe with them. But all that Jimin could do right now is to trust them all and know that they will keep him safe.

"Not only that," his head whipped up, attention now back to the talking female, "My very reliable sources told me that Seongjun is planning to detonate a bomb somewhere and somehow accuse us of it. Clearly, he has the upper hand here."

Yoongi was the one who countered her assumption, "What makes you think that he can have that much power over us? You said that Seongjun has been partnering with many gangs, how in the heck would the police not think about pointing a finger towards him? He should've committed lots of crimes for him to be the talk of the police town."

A hoarse laugh came out of Crimson's lips. Yoongi gave her an incredulous look, as if she was insane. By the time that she began talking, she was still trying hard to suppress her chuckles. Namjoon, who was thinking of the same reason that his cousin was having, spoke up on her behalf.

"The police are too afraid of him considering how he came from a bloodline that consisted of generals."

"B-but," said Jungkook, "His son. Seokjin-hyung is a celebrity. That should be an advantage for us right? We can use your relationship with him and--"

"And reveal to the public that I'm a son of an unjust leader who became a cold-blooded criminal?" Seokjin intercepted, obviously not in favour of the idea that Jungkook was about to suggest, "No. Way."

"The police forces though. They should know the right thing to do," this time it was Jihee who participated in the feud.

Taehyung decided that as a cue for him to speak his mind too, "Well, they obviously don't, Jihee. Let's just not get the police involved alright? Crimson, do you have a plan?"

It was the first time that he spoke to her ever since last night. Something about the way he said her name made her heart clench. Clearing her throat, she composed herself to answer, "Guys, the last thing you should expect from me is to come here empty-handed so yes, I do have a plan."

She threw the folder that she was carrying onto the centre table, the object sliding right at the middle. Everyone's eyes were drawn by the manila folder and they all leaned forward to get a look at it.

"Now, you might wonder how the heck Seongjun intimidates all of these people around him but really, it shouldn't be too hard to figure that out," Crimson waited for someone to realize it and thankfully, Hoseok did.

"Money. He has lots of money."

A smile was now painted on her lips, "Aside from the money that he got from selling off the headquarters to the government to keep the agency a secret, Seongjun and his team had been stealing priceless objects from many people around the world and he sells it to the black market or keep them as a trophy," she went towards the unopened folder and sat on the floor to pull out a news article that she printed out months ago.

"This man was sent to jail for illegally owning the En Canot painting. He testified that he bought it from a man that offered it to him in exchange for a huge sum of money."

Yoongi was getting impatient, "So, what's your point?"

"Calm down, mister. I'm getting there," Crimson pulled out another paper but this time it was a photo of a man with distinct Japanese features. He was about the same height as Namjoon but his posture made him look as tall as him, probably even taller. Just from the picture, it was easy to tell that the regal man was either born with a silver spoon or worked hard to get it. He sported an authentic Rolex with a silver band that hugged his wrist which was connected to a hand that held a phone towards his left ear. His suit added onto the professional look and altogether, he gave the impression of a rich person.

"Kaneko Ryu, a man in his early 30s who owns the biggest legal casino in Japan: Haruna Casino. Named after his beloved sister who died in a car crash. Turned something tragic into a source of money."

"That's very....sad," Jimin commented with his puppy dog eyes as he thought of it.

"It is. But we don't really care about his casino. We care about what's hidden under it," a smug look formed on her face yet the others didn't understand it, "About three floors below his casino is an extremely secure vault that holds one of the most expensive diamonds in the world. The Mikrokosmos."

The others were rendered speechless, "W-Wait...you mean the pure red diamond that's a myth?" Seokjin, who had a little bit of knowledge in jewels himself, asked.

"Apparently, it's not a myth. It's in Ryu's basement," Crimson's comment made Jihee snicker. She narrowed her eyes at the mysterious woman who was not conscious of the suspicious eyes on her. At this time, it was really really important to take extreme caution. Crimson just can't find a will in her body to trust her.

"Tell me, what's the best way to stop someone from doing bad?"

It would have been impossible for Jimin to get even cuter but he managed to do so when he meekly raised his hand to answer, "Talk to them nicely....?" he squeaked out.

"Woo them with my charms," Seokjin confidently answered and Crimson tried her best not to roll her eyes even though that method might actually work.

It was Jungkook who spoke up next, "Run them over with a car."

"Um...maybe not," she chuckled awkwardly.

"Be the smarter person. Try to understand their situation and make them realize that we are all mere equals in this little world."

"That's really nice, Namjoon but that's almost the same thing as Jimin said only more...philosophical."

"Carbon monoxide poisoning. You know, make it look like an accident."

Crimson had no idea that these guys were more cruel than she thought they were, "Yoongi, that's really--"

"Cool," Jihee gushed from beside him like a hormonal teenager only looking much more mature than one.

"Not really," Crimson mumbled to herself, making sure that no one hears it. These guys are weird.

"Find their biggest fears. For example, if they hate clowns, we should dress up as clowns," Taehyung's deep voice emerged but it was the complete opposite of his childish suggestion.

"Or maybe you're just looking for an excuse to wear a clown costume," the girl said, raising her brows.

Hoseok, who was almost as innocent-looking as Jimin, managed to give the suggestion that is closest to the plan that Crimson has in mind, "Steal something important from them. Like a puppy," Hoseok stopped himself before running his fingers under his cleanly shaven chin, "But that would be too cruel. Maybe just their plants or something."

"Or their diamond."

"You want to steal Ryu's diamond?" Hoseok gasped out.

"Mikrokosmos is a tremendously valuable object and from my predictions, it should be at the top of Seongjun's to-steal list. So yes, we're looting the diamond from Ryu to take it from Seongjun," Namjoon found himself nodding at her statement.

"And I'm guessing that you want to use it as a leverage. To give it to Seongjun in return of all of our safety."

"You really are a smart man, Namjoon," Taehyung and Yoongi narrowed their eyes at them. The two males sensed something strange between the connection of Crimson and Namjoon. Them being blood related was still a fact that was yet to be revealed to them but they could not help but translate this family love into something else.

"That is just the introduction of what we plan to do. When we go to Japan, I will introduce you to someone who will help us with our task. By the time we get there, we need to have everything we need for this heist. Including the appropriate clothing, skills, an elaborate plan that prioritizes speed and secrecy and devices."

Jimin tilted his head, surprised at the thought that he would be able to go back to Japan. From his scattered memory, he recalled that he spent a few days there for something work related. He just did not understand how a janitor like him could have even reached different countries.

"They say cherry blossoms in Japan taste like cherries," he half-stated, half-asked without even thinking about his own words. To say the least, he was ecstatic to be boarding on a plane and heading to the neighbouring country. Aside from that, he gets to be on a new mission with the coolest set of people in his life.

Jungkook snickered, him being the only one who heard Jimin speaking as the others were too busy discussing to themselves about certain flight arrangements and accommodations in Japan after Yoongi stated that they're not 'Scouts' anymore and cannot exploit money like they used to. Then Seokjin complains about the fact that people might recognize him in Japan only until he was reminded by Hoseok that his face was not very known to the public when he once professed to his agency that his looks might blind too many people from seeing him as a good singer.

"Let's try it out when we get there, hyung," Jimin liked how caring Jungkook sounded, almost as if he was the younger one here. After Jungkook heard about Jimin's odd situation, he started handling him like a fragile package and hopefully Jimin did not notice the drastic change in Jungkook's behaviour.

"W-Wait..." Hoseok's voice that was louder than the others stopped the small banter that they were having, "So we're stealing right? That means we're committing a crime."

Crimson gave him a 'duh' look, as if what they were about to do is just a walk in the park. But Hoseok continued, "Don't you get it?" he said after the silence, "We don't have the protection from the agency anymore. This is such a huge risk. Not to mention that we are just civilians now. The police can easily touch us and we're breaking so many laws."

His point seemed to have gotten through everyone's head but one sentence from Crimson shattered all their fears and uncertainties.

"If the law cannot protect you, what's the use of following it?"

With that, she stood up, standing near the centre table, "What do you say? Same team, new mission."

Namjoon followed her actions, his eagerness being heavily observed by two pairs of eyes, "I will always be a part of this team," gleamed Namjoon, stretching his hand out for Crimson to place hers on top of.

His activity was mirrored by Seokjin, "I mean, you can't really run a proper mission without the Jinius. HAHA get it? JINius? Okay, you know what let's just do this," he placed his hand on top of Crimson's.

"If Crimson's going, then so am I," it was Jungkook who said it this time, making Crimson snicker at the boy's cuteness. And as if Jungkook's bunny looks were not enough, Jimin shouted a loud 'Me too!' causing her to think that they act like little kids.

Then to Crimson's surprise, Taehyung was already standing next to her, his hand outstreched and already placed on top of the pile, "I would never pass up to such an adventure," his eyes shifted slightly towards the woman beside him, gulping afterwards after he caught her soft stare.

Hoseok clapped and shouted a, "Alright! Now I'm more pumped up!" he slapped his hand on top of Taehyung's making the younger one wince.

Now, all was left was Yoongi and Jihee and the man did not seem to want to budge from his fixed seat. But he did what everyone least expected him to. Yoongi smiled, almost laughed actually, "You guys," he swung his head side to side, shoulders shaking as he chuckled to himself and left the clinging arms of his girlfriend to stand up and join the circle.

"To one last mission?" exclaimed Namjoon as he looked around, eyes scanning each and every person around him. His team. His family.

"To one last mission!" they all chanted, dipping their hands down and throwing them up in the air like a dream sports team.

"Hey, Crimson," the last person that she expected to approach her was in front of her now, "I trust that you will get us a good flight, yeah? I better get a lot of sleep there."


Yoongi didn't.

The others were either too busy or too loud. Despite the private plane provided by the Rangers as a favour to Crimson and the comfort that his seat offered, he found no way to sleep. Now, they were walking the streets of Tokyo altogether like lost children on a field trip, eagerly following their guide who also had no idea where to go.

They have been ambling around aimlessly, ending up in the same road which had the same tree and the same house that had the grey metal gate. The sunset was beautiful but Yoongi did not really want to take it as a sign that they have been lost for hours.

"He said he was going to be on this street but I can't even find it," Crimson pointed to a map that was obviously no use, scooching over to Namjoon, who she hoped knew how to read Japanese. Taehyung was standing not too far from them, keenly observing the taller man's movements like a predator on his prey.

"Are we there yet?" Seokjin whined, "You said we were going to meet someone. Please tell me he has lots of food and a comfy bed to greet us with."

Everyone was pretty much tired because of the jet lag and also because the champagne bottles that they emptied out from the private plane was slowly taking its effect, "That was what the food at the plane was for, Seokjin. But no, all of you decided that champagne was very ideal for lunch."

As if he was the angel in their desolate universe, someone who was a few feet away from them shouted, "Hey! Are you guys lost?"

Crimson stood up immediately, her alertness suddenly catching everyone off guard because they were all close to wasted. She took a step forward and then another and then another and soon, the steps that followed them were faster than all of them have seen.

She was running madly towards the person as if not doing so would kill her. Crimson cried out something that they did not quite her until she jumped into the man's arms and secured her hands by his neck.

"Clifford!" now that they were closer, it was much clearer. Yoongi's eyes widened, remembering the man that helped them on that day that no one wanted to recall. The new presence almost made him forget the woman who was slowly nodding to dreamland beside him.

It has been a long time since Crimson and Clifford saw each other. Yes, they did talk a lot on the phone but only during the crucial times which left them only a few minutes to catch up with each other's lives, "Alright, alright. That's enough. Is he the person that we're supposed to meet?"

Crimson pulled away from the embrace when Namjoon was close enough to stop them from literally being molded into one body. The woman blew a raspberry to show that she found Namjoon's question to be absurd.

"God, no. I am going to introduce you to the best hacker in the face of the Earth. Obviously, that guy is much much better than Clifford," Clifford clutched his chest as if pained by her comment, "Clifford's just here to be our tour guide since he lives her in Japan now."

Yoongi was rendered speechless. How come the best hacker in the face of the Earth was not him? He thought that it was childish but he could not help but feel jealous of the fact that Crimson actually thought of asking for the help of another hacker when he was right there with them. His face turned slightly red from anger when a thought dawned on him. Yoongi realized that he might not even touch a single keyboard or mouse in this mission because Crimson did not want him to be their computer guy which was what he was practically the best at.

Just who is this person who she claims to be the best?

"No need for introductions since you already know anyone except for Jihee."

"It's great to meet you all again and oh? New girl?" Clifford gestured towards Jihee as she was now fully awake because of the arrival of a new person.

"Uh.." Crimson began but she could not find the right words to say without making Clifford go batshit crazy on Yoongi. She knew Clifford too well and he would probably not be able to bear the fact that Yoongi found another woman now.

"She's just tagging along to be kept safe. You know, we can't really leave anyone involved behind," thankfully, Namjoon was there to save Yoongi's ass. He was sensing the hard stare that Clifford was giving him even if he was not looking at the man. Clifford was not stupid though. It was obvious with the way that Jihee clings onto the person that he nicknamed 'ghost boy' in his mind.

Silence enveloped all of them and they all could sense the strong tension in the atmosphere until Hoseok's cheery voice shattered it, "Can we eat somewhere first? It would be my treat."

His method seemed to work as the others began to cheer loudly, especially Seokjin. When they all decided a place to dine at, Taehyung brushed past Namjoon and the elder knew that he purposely bumped into his shoulder. Taehyung stood near the front of their line, not even daring to apologize to his hyung.

What's wrong with him?



And there ya goooo. Who do you guys think will they be meeting?

Hint: It's a new character so you won't know 'him' but his portrayer is someone that most of you might be familiar with so answer away!!! (He's from a group that had its debut not very long ago ;))

Anyways, I haven't updated in such a long time because I was making several edits from my plans for the future chapters and since their heist is probably one of the most clever, action-filled chapter/s that I've ever written so it's taking much more time for me to make sure that every little detail is perfect. Please please please anticipate it and I will try my best to write the craziest scenesKSKSKSK

Thank you so much for all of your patience and I hope that you loved this chapter <3


