XIX : Suspicions


Crimson was panicking about this new found information. It was too much for her to take in. First, she learned that there is actually an organization that is against the Scouts of Justice. Jungkook did mention that most of the members are close friends or families of those victimized by the agency.

The next point is that there is an inside man that she's afraid of. Who knows if that person actually knew about her secret? The fact that it could be anyone among the Scouts terrifies not just her but the other agents as well. The boys and the general have well established the knowledge in her brain that the Rangers are enemies.

Lastly, the person the Rangers' target. It was really frustrating how their hostage is now dead. They couldn't have anyone to crack information out of and it would be too risky if they release the news that there is a foe in their territory. It will make the spy be more careful and wary of his moves.

For now, the only thing that the general could do is to entrust the useful information to his most loyal agents which are the Bulletproofs.

"Project Iris," Namjoon was mumbling to himself for the entire day. Yoongi was busy with his computer, trying to dig out information from other reliable sources but to no avail. Seokjin had been pacing back and forth and it was starting to get into Crimson's nerves.

"Sit down for a while, will you?" she asked in with an impatient tone, "I'm getting dizzy by just watching you."

"At least we know that the spy is a man and their target is a woman. I guess that narrows it down......?" Crimson really appreciated Hoseok's attempt to break the tension in the room but it made it more awkward for everyone.

"Yeah. It totally narrows it down," Seokjin sarcastically exclaimed.

Once again, it was just silent aside from Yoongi's constant keyboard tapping. Crimson had so much going on in her mind as well but she's still making sure to make her father as the top priority.

She still has that file hidden somewhere inside her closet and she has not even gone through it fairly well yet. The first thing she has to do is to find a way to contact her friend, Clifford, because she would surely need his help this time.

Now that she has her father's file, it would not be a difficult task to find everything about his killer. Whoever it was, they have to get ready now.

"But he did say that they should not kill the target, so whoever it is, she must be pretty valuable to them," Taehyung suggested, not knowing that it sparked tons of theories inside everyone's heads.

"I really don't understand. Why would they not kill a target? If they want information, they already have their spy," Jungkook was now the one who was talking, "I swear this is getting harder to understand the more we think about it."

"Anyway, we've been worrying over this too much. Everyone needs to rest from what happened yesterday. I'm going upstairs already," Namjoon began to invite everyone and Crimson followed his orders.

She needs to be by herself right away so she can plan her meeting with Clifford.


Crimson couldn't believe that she did it again. Despite Jungkook's warning that they might get fired if they sneak out and even if she got caught the last time she did it, Crimson is going outside the agency again.

Earlier that day, she used one of the disposable phones that she has at hand. In fact, she still has it in one of her pockets right now.

Crimson sent an e-mail to Clifford hoping that he would immediately get it and he did. A few hours earlier he replied to her message saying that they should meet in front of their favourite ramen store.

There she was, walking alone in the streets of Seoul with a folder and a phone at hand. The only things that kept her from being recognized from plain sight were the hood in her jacket and a mask that covered half of her face.

"Took you so long," was the first thing that her friend said. After several months of not seeing each other, he was going to greet her like this.

"Thanks for that heartwarming greeting, Cliff. Appreciate that," she sarcastically replied. Clifford raised a brow at her attitude. Crimson acting like this means she's meeting him due to serious business matters.

"What do you need help for?" he went straight to the point, "Don't tell me that's your father's file," Clifford pointed at the rectangular thing she was holding.

"It exactly is my father's file. I need you to look into it."

"Alright. Let's go to my chamber and we'll talk business," Clifford stood up, offering to the girl but she ignored. As smooth as he can, he brought it to the back of his head and pretended to scratch it, "So cranky today."


Clifford was in front of his computer and Crimson was back in his place again. To be honest, she missed this place already. Being in the agency kept her so busy but she promised herself to immediately go back to normal once she finished everything.

She misses the Underground. She never thought she would even miss her run-down apartment. She misses Amor and Clifford, the only friends she has. She misses being a criminal. She misses her old life and she would do anything to finally get it back.

"一son! Crimson!" Clifford snapped her out of her thoughts, "Are you high or something? Anyway, I found something that you might want to hear."

She walked towards him and looked at the notes that he jotted down. They were mostly scribbles so she turned to him and waited for him to say something.

"Your father's codename during his time was Inferno and he was deemed as the Scout of the Year fo一"

"For twenty consecutive times. I know that. Oh my god, Inferno is my dad?!" Clifford nodded with a smug look as he continuously scanned the files.

"It's really weird though. There's this Lucifer guy that he always had missions with but that person did not win any awards apart from the time when Inferno was out of duty."

"Suspicious. Suspicious but interesting," she rested her chin on her hand while her orbs looked at the distance as she thought deeply about it.

"I say you find out who Lucifer is first then you come back to me and I'll help you more with this," he suggested but Crimson had second thoughts.

"I don't know. Your fee would be too expens一"

Clifford turned his swivel chair around to face her, "For free," this made Crimson narrow her eyes. This boy has never been eager to help her with dangerous stuff like this before. She couldn't imagine the word free coming out of his mouth until this moment.

"I just want you to come back already, okay," he explained, sensing the expression that is coming out of her, "It's been such a long time since we saw each other, I'm afraid you would've replaced your best friend with another guy."

At the mention of another guy, Crimson averted her eyes when she thought about her encounters with the Bulletproofs. Lots of things have happened and she couldn't help but blush at those.

Clifford stood up from his chair, his eyes widening as if he had been betrayed, "Crimson! You told me I was your only best friend."

This made her giggle, "You are. You still are. I just......I just remembered something," her mind turned back to the unforgettable moments she had with the Bulletproofs.

"Our little Soo is in love," Clifford teased but the girl looked like she was about to attack the man.

"Cliff, how many fucking times do I have to tell you, that name is forgotten already!" she was practically whining.

"Come on. I just love calling you by that nick name," he attempted to defend himself but seeing as how she was affected by it, Clifford's gaze softened, "I'm sorry. I won't do it again."

Silence surrounded the room but Crimson has a strong feeling that her friend has something else to say. In fact, she also wants to ask another favour but Crimson is starting to think that it might be too much.

"I know you want to say something."

"Who is this mystery guy that's softening out Crimson's heart?" he cooed and talked to her as if she was a baby.

This caused Crimson to be slightly enraged, "Oh, shut up," she decided not to answer his question.

"You think I didn't notice? You're even wearing make up right now. Totally not like Crimson," he pointed and Crimson unconsciously brought her hand to her face. She forgot to remove her make up.

"It's a requirement, alright? Women are expected to wear make up there. It's a good thing that they allowed to not put too much on," she huffed and rolled her eyes at the memory.

"Is there anyone who's bullying you there? Just tell me and I will seriously kick their sorry asses."

Crimson chuckled at him before saying, "No, mom," she teased, "Besides, I can take care of their sorry asses myself," she wiped her shoulder like there was dirt on it to act cool.

"Alright. I'm done with my questions. What did you want to ask me?" said Clifford.

Crimson was hesitating. Asking him to do this favour would mean that he will unravel great secrets as well. If she told him about it, she would be breaking the promise she made with the general and the Bulletproofs. But she didn't mind because this will actually help their situation.

"I need you to look into two more things," she began.

The man raised his brows, expecting her to say something related to her father. His friend looked as is she has trouble saying it which is not a really good sign for him.

"Can you somehow look up any information about the Rangers and Project Iris?"

Clifford stiffened in his seat. He was asking himself, how did she know about this? But a forced smile made its way onto his face, concealing his confusion. But despite his attempt on hiding it, Crimson still noticed his former expression.

As Clifford turned around, her eyes remained piercing on his back. He was definitely hiding something.

"What time did you say you had to go back?" he asked her, trying to change the topic. That was a wrong move as it made her become more suspicious about him.

She skeptically eyed him while his fingers constantly touched the keyboards. The best thing she could do is to not become too obvious.

"I have to go back in an hour. We still have time."

Clifford gulped, sweat trickling down his forehead even if it was quite chilly in his room. He could feel her eyes boring onto the back of his head, making him uncomfortable.

So he tried to open up another topic, "You know the Underground has less people in there now. They want you to come back already," he let out a nervous chuckle.

"Is that so? I thought you don't like me going there," she caught him off guard and Clifford decided to just shut his mouth in order to not get flustered even more.

"I've noticed you don't type to fast now, Cliff. What happened?" she stepped closer to him, scanning his right shoulder that seemed to have a little bump, "Are you wearing a bandage underneath all these clothes?" she asked.

"What? No. Those are muscles. And I'm not typing as fast since I lost some of my customers so I'm mostly loitering around in here."

Crimson straightened up and said, "You know that you're really bad at lying, right?" she grabbed the files that she brought from his desk.

Clifford looked panicked but he carried on with his research, "Forget about the Rangers and Project Iris. I just heard someone talking about it last night. Let's just focus on my father shall we?" her smile looked too good to be true.

Her friend nodded with a nervous gulp, "I don't want you getting tired when I come back. I'll see you again next week. Same time, same day," she squeezed Clifford's shoulder and her assumptions were right when he flinched.

Before she left his place, the memories of last night flashed back in her mind. The Ranger that she shot but she, unfortunately, couldn't kill. She remembered vaguely that he was holding his injured shoulder where the bullet went through.

Now she understood why that person couldn't manage to shoot her. It's because the man knew her and that man was Clifford.

"Clifford's a Ranger. Holy shit," she mumbled to herself as she walked alone back to the agency.


She was back in her room, safe and sound but her mind was maze of questions. Clifford is a Ranger and she didn't know his intentions.

She felt betrayed once more, not knowing who to trust.

Crimson was currently at the dining room, drowning her worries with alcohol. She did not know how long she was drinking and she did not care if she would wake up any of the boys.

It was like a tiring cycle in her life. Give your trust to someone and then they'll break it.

Yoongi was having another one of those sleepless nights. It was annoying how he either sleeps for hours or how he sometimes cannot sleep at all. He was turning around his bed for the whole night. Despite having almost nothing on his mind, he was still unable to fall into a peaceful slumber.

He decided to knock himself out with just a bottle or two of soju. Nah, who was he kidding, of course he would drink more than that. He wasn't a lightweight.

As he was making his way down the stairs, he could hear sobs from the dining room. This made Yoongi curl his eyebrows together. Who would be up at this night and why would they be crying?

"Fuck this shitty life. Fuck it all. Fuck everything," it was a woman's voice.

Yoongi peeked his head out, trying to see who the person is, "Eunmi?" he finally called out but the lady was too drunk to answer him not even to notice him.

Heaving out a sigh, he sat beside the girl and noticed the empty bottles of soju loitering around her and on top of the table.

So much for 'knocking yourself out', he said to himself.

"Why are you crying like a child?" he didn't even know if she heard him.

"I hate this life," she was sobbing so hard while her face was squished on the table.

Yoongi swept out the hair that was fully covering her face, now exposing her puffy eyes and swollen nose, "Aish. This girl," he mumbled.

"You look like a fucking cat. My lil meow meow," she purred and began to pet his hair as if he was an actual cat.

Yoongi just allowed her to do it, feeling relieved that she was now calmed down. Until she released another fit. Crimson nearly shouted when she started bawling her eyes out so he had to cover her mouth.

"I don't understand lil meow meow. Why am I always the one being lied to? Why does it feel like I'm the only one who's hurting?" Yoongi's eyes softened at this. He had never encountered such a situation before. When the boys were drunk he just usually ignores their banters and perverted comments.

Jimin and Taehyung is very touchy when drunk. Namjoon usually talks about how everyone is nearing their doom and that it is time that they understand the vastness of the universe or whatever, Yoongi doesn't really understand a shit he's saying but he goes all Einstein on them.

Seokjin is so so so much friendly when he drank too much. As if cracking jokes on a daily basis was not enough, he makes several puns that does not make any sense. At all. The worse thing is that he laughs at his own jokes too. Jungkook, on the other hand, mumbles something about how it's unfair that he can't marry fictional characters and he is the type to confess everything he knows. His weaknesses are exposed during those times. Then there's Hoseok. He's just knocked out. As in his eyes are closed and his breathing is even as if he has been sleeping for decades.

For Yoongi, he does not really remember but the others did say that he acts all cute when he consumed too much alcohol. He would rather not imagine the possibilities.

But then there's Crimson, she's the whiny type that Yoongi has never experienced before, "I just want someone that's true. Everyone judges me for being so closed off when the reason behind that is them."

She repeatedly hit Yoongi's chest for every word she says, "I'm always left alone," Crimson rested her head on his chest, her tears soaking the thin fabric of his pajamas, "I just don't know who to trust."

This was definitely the first time he saw her crying, "I know, Eunmi. Me too. But you see there are some instances when we need to lie in order to protect the ones we love. To protect people like you," Yoongi internally cursed at himself, "Why am I even talking to you? You won't remember everything I'm saying," he let out a soft chuckle when he noticed that she was now silent.

Her small hiccups were replaced with soft snores and soon she was fast asleep in his arms.

"If you're scared of giving your trust, don't be. Because it's me you're trusting," he softly whispered to her sleeping form as he placed a soft kiss on top of her head.


The man turned his swivel chair, overlooking the city beyond the forest illuminated by the moonlight. The beautiful sight was enough to calm him down despite the several issues he have to worry about.

"What would you like me to do, General?" the guy was one of the agents that Crimson trained with. He seemed loyal and smart enough to accomplish the task he was about to receive.

And what the general needs is someone who can keep their mouth shut. The guy just came from outside the headquarters. It was such a hassle having to be discreet but attentive at the same time when he was following Crimson and now the general is giving him another task.

"I want you to do a thorough background check on Eunmi's friend. See if there's anything suspicious about him."



lil meow meow ( 灬♥ 3 )

.........hi to everyone who said that Min Yoongi is not good at comforting others. FITE ME

( ͡ ʖ̯ ͡)

Btw, what's a good ship name for Yoongi and Crimson/ Yoongi and Eunmi?
