V : Seven


General Seong-jun made his way towards the place where the newbies are waiting while Namjoon and another agent was following behind. When they reached the place, the new recruits took notice of their arrival so they stood up to salute. He returned the gesture before smiling warmly at all of them.

"Congratulations to all of you," Crimson heard the loud sigh of relief that came from the three people standing beside her. Mijin was beaming when she looked at her and she doesn't know if it's because she was accepted or because of the attractive guy standing behind the general or maybe.....both.

"Ms. Jun, Mr. Go and Mr. Lee, I am very glad to inform you three that you are assigned as the newest field agents of the Scouts of Justice," Mijin's smile widened but after realizing that Eunmi's name was not mentioned, she looked at her with worried eyes, "Please follow my friend here who will escort you to your new assigned areas. Welcome and good luck."

Mijin hesitated to leave Crimson by herself, feeling sorry about leaving her friend. Crimson nodded towards her direction with a small smile. The only thing Mijin could do was to follow the agent in front of her for she had no choice.

Once Crimson was left with the two gentlemen standing in front of her, she grabbed the stuffs she brought with her, expecting the news she didn't want to hear to come out of the general's mouth.

"Ms. Kang Eunmi," said the general, "I want you to follow Agent Kim here who will explain you the details of what you need to do. Good luck," afterwards, he walked away. Crimson felt a little disappointed when she didn't receive any type of welcome speeches from the man.

"Follow me," she snapped her head towards Namjoon who began walking without even waiting for her. He was walking so fast and Crimson cursed him in her head for having such long legs. She had no idea where this man is going and the only possibility she could think of is that he's leading her outside the headquarters.

"I'm not throwing you outside those gates," uttered Namjoon as if he could read her thoughts after he saw the confused and scared look in her face.

"I don't really know how I would describe your situation but let's just say..." he trailed off, "Let's just say that you're halfway to becoming a Scout," this earned a puzzled look from the girl. They went through the revolving doors where Crimson first entered earlier that day. The place was still as busy but it wasn't as crowded now. People who passed by greeted Namjoon and gave her scrutinizing gazes even the ones from the front desk and Crimson could only shake her head in disbelief.

"What do you mean?" she asked, creases forming between her eyebrows.

"This is the main building," he said, ignoring her question, "Within its 26 floors, are about 5,000 employees including the general whose office is located in this building as well," Namjoon led her to one of the many elevators as he continued to babble about the information she paid little attention to.

"In those 26 floors include the open rooftop with a helipad, the basement and the three parking floors too. The general has a floor all to himself which he both treats as his office and home since he rarely leaves this place."

"What about his family? They live outside the headquarters, right?" Crimson looked up at the taller male while they were walking inside the empty elevator.

Namjoon sighed before saying, "No one really knows. But that's a story we should save for another time," he smiled and Crimson had to briefly look away because of how attractive his dimples looked. They went three floors up until the elevator opened and she was met with the sound of people typing on their keyboards and talking to either each other or someone on the phone.

"Welcome to the busiest place in the agency," he gestured to the people at the huge space below the balcony they were standing at, "The Beehive," she looked around and all she could see are people crouched down, eyes glued to their computer screens.

"These are the Scouts who receive calls from clients, arrange meetings with field agents and their missions, monitors how much money the agency receives and gives. In short, they do all the paperwork," Namjoon said enthusiastically and saw the eye roll from the female.

"Can you stop for a second, Mr......?"

"Kim Namjoon. You can just call me Namjoon," he tucked his hand in his pocket.

"Yes, Mr. Kim. Why are you telling me all this?" his brows raised at her question, "I mean, what's the point of this? It says in the letter that I need to attend an interview. Why can't we just cut to the chase and tell me, why am I here?" Namjoon sighed and looked down at the floor for a moment before answering her.

"I see. You're a very eager person," he walked closer to the unmoving Crimson and inched his face closer to hers. Crimson's eyes widened and was about to push him but he stopped when his face was a few inches away from hers, his burning gaze was fixed on her eyes.

"You want to know why you're here? Well, I am the reason why," the man narrowed his eyes before stepping away after noticing a group of people approaching them. He waved at them with a smile and turned back to Crimson once they were gone.

"We had a meeting where all the heads of every branches are required to attend. We discussed about the results of the assessment," Crimson stepped back from him with her arms crossed, "You, Kang Eunmi, did a very great job on the skill tests but failed miserably on the style test."

This made Crimson's eyes to narrow and her brows to knit together, "Style test? When did I take that?"

"The moment you stepped inside the headquarters and met the person who guided you, you were being observed. That was also the interview you were referring to earlier," she found her jaw dropping at this, "They were not going to accept you but some wanted to assign you to jobs that I know you're too good for. If not for me, you would have either been outside those gates or forever rot in a job position too low for your abilities. So you should be thanking me, Ms. Kang."

"What exactly did you do?"

"I made a proposal that if you are able to improve your style for a month, you become a Bulletproof and if you fail, then they won't accept you."

"W-why would you say that? How am I supposed to do that?" Crimson was panicking internally and was mad for showing it on the tone of her voice.

"Look, there was no other choice. Can't you just be thankful? And as to how you will pass, we're going to help you."


"Us, the Bulletproofs."

"Wait. So you mean, you are a Bulletproof," she asked in disbelief.

"You weren't aware that I was? How cou一, shit!" Namjoon immediately covered his mouth and glanced back at his watch again, "The general expects to see me in a few minutes. I'm pretty sure you have seen those two buildings connected by a bridge outside. Can you go inside the one on the left and ride the elevator up to the 20th floor?"

Crimson replied with a nod and he dashed back to the elevator. She was left alone once again and remembering what Namjoon said, she pressed the down button on the elevator beside the one Namjoon rode to leave. She ventured to the 20th floor of the building Namjoon told her to go to and it was not the most pleasant experience. Crimson could feel the looks of the other Scouts behind her back so she hurried her way to the elevator.

Fortunately, it was empty. As she was about to press 20 on one of the buttons, she noticed that it was not there. Namjoon said to go to the 20th floor but she doesn't know how. Crimson huffed before she heard someone shouting to hold the elevator open for them. She did it and waited for the person to come in.

"Thank you," he said while panting and Crimson had to blink rapidly because of the man's unbelievably handsome features. From his blonde hair to his wide, manly shoulders, he looked like a sculpture.

"Which floor are you going? I do believe you're going off first," he smiled and Crimson could not help but admire the epitome of perfection standing in front of her.

Snapping out of her daze, she cleared her throat before saying, "Mr. Kim Namjoon from the Bulletproofs told me to go up the 20th floor of this building but it seems that there is none so I'll一."

"Namjoon?" he tilted his head slightly causing a few strand of his fringe to fall over his eyes, "Are you a Joey?"

"Forgive me, I don't know what a Joey means."

"Ah. Yes, of course," he said mostly to himself, "You're the trainee from earlier. Yes. Namjoon has informed me about you."

He pulled out a key from his pocket and inserted it on the key slot at the bottom of the buttons that were resting on the elevator's wall. Crimson was frustrated at how almost all the people she met in this place ignores her questions.

Suddenly, something slowly slid out of the space below the keyhole so Crimson inched closer to take a look, it was a number pad. The guy entered a series of numbers and Crimson was startled when the elevator wall behind them suddenly opened.

The man gestured at her to step outside, "Ladies first," Crimson followed his orders and was surprised when she realized that she was standing inside another elevator. The man followed after her and pressed a button. Crimson looked over his shoulders to see that the 20th button was found at the elevator wall and during the elevator ride, the same word repeated on her mind. Wow.

"I apologize for not answering your question earlier," he interrupted her thoughts, "A Joey is the term we use to refer to our new Scouts. The real meaning of a joey is a baby kangaroo and that's how the nickname was invented. Because you guys are new to this world, like a newborn joey," the girl felt refreshed that one of the questions held in her head are now answered.

The elevator doors opened and Crimson saw what was probably the most luxurious living room she has ever seen. She followed the guy who stepped outside, her mouth wide open to show how flabbergasted she was at the sight.

"Ah. I'm sorry. It's very messy but I hope it will do," he scratched his nape while looking down in embarrassment, "Namjoon told me that you need some rest so follow me," his smile was sickeningly sweet and Crimson found herself looking away again. The man turned around and led her to God knows where. Crimson observed her surroundings and she noticed that most of the walls are made of glass. The place was a combination of a penthouse and a mansion.

The guy went up the stairs and walked along the balcony while Crimson followed, although her attention was glued on the interior of the place. She did not notice that the man in front of her stopped which caused her face to collide on his broad backside. Crimson immediately apologized and bowed her head. He held the door open for her and her eyes widened for the umpteenth time this day. The theme of the room was black and white which coincidentally suits her taste.

"You can sleep here for tonight and maybe you'll get a chance to meet the other boys tomorrow," she was not even paying attention to him, "If you need anything, just go down to the front desk. Most of us are quite busy today and that's the only best way to get help. your closet is that door on the right so just set your things down there."

Crimson smiled warmly at him before he spoke once more, "Goodnight, Eunmi. Sleep well," he was about to close the door until Crimson pulled it open to stop him.

"Thank you very much.....?" she trailed off.

"Kim Seokjin. Jin sounds good too, if you ever feel like it."


"Eunmi," a voice said, "Hey. Hey, Eunmi. Wake up," something was shaking her.

Is there an earthquake? 

"Wake up, Eunmi. It's seven in the morning."

"For Christ's sake. Shut the f一," Crimson rolled over and saw Seokjin smiling at her, "Oh..uhm. Hi."

"Wash up and get dressed. We have a big day today," then he left the room leaving Crimson by herself. Groaning loudly, she tried her best to get off of her comfy bed, not wanting to let it go. She stood up with the warm blanket still wrapped around her and went to the washroom inside her room. 

She was not anymore surprised at how grand the bathroom looked like. It seemed like a normal thing here in this place. This made her wonder how much money they receive to build such things.

It even has a built-in hot tub.

When she finished cleaning up, she immediately grabbed any piece of clothing she grasped from the bag she brought here. She heard various voices from downstairs as she was walking along the balcony. They did not even seem to notice her so she made sure to stomp as she was going down the stairs. All of them turned around and the atmosphere suddenly became silent.

Eunmi scanned their faces and saw four familiar men. The rest were giving her the same look she had on, "Kang Eunmi," it was Namjoon who decided to cut of the thick tension in the air.

"We are the Bulletproofs. I believe you still remember my name so I will skip my introduction. This is Min Yoongi," Namjoon pointed at the man with the black hair that contrasted his pale complexion. His eyes were so cold that Crimson could feel shivers running down her spine.

"You might have already met Kim Seokjin," Crimson nodded her head and looked at the tall blondie.

"The one standing next to him is Jung Hoseok," she almost covered her eyes at how bright his smile was,

"I was quite impressed with your incredible techniques. Forgive my attitude at that time, I believe you deserved to be the winner more than I do," he bowed down at Crimson who was taken by surprise.

Seokjin smacked the man's head and asked him to stop it as it might freak the girl out.

Namjoon shook his head before saying, "Standing next to Hoseok is Park Jimin," the Jimin guy smiled at her and Crimson couldn't help but smile back. 

"Nice to meet you," he waved his right hand at her.

"Next to him is Jeon Jungkook, the youngest Bulletproof," Jungkook was basically glaring at her when she was about to greet him with a smile. He did not even say or do anything and was still glaring at her as if his life depended on it.

Namjoon cleared his throat, "Lastly, Kim Taehyung."

"Mr. Gucci," they said at the same time. Everyone looked at Taehyung then at Crimson, confused.

"You know each other?" Seokjin asked.

"Yes. We bumped into each other yesterday," Taehyung said, keeping his eyes on the girl before smiling widely. 

"Anyway," Namjoon caught everyone's attention, "Boys, I would like you to meet Kang Eunmi. I already explained to you why she's here so please, welcome her. Make her feel at home," the boys nodded at his request. 

"Think of this place as your temporary home."

This chapter was not proofread. I did this at school so forgive me if there are any mistakes :)))
