X : Control


"Angel, I'm here. What's next?" Crimson spoke to Jimin as soon as she wore her earpiece, "So, what did you think about it?" he can imagine her wearing a smirk while asking that.

"That was not so bad, but wait for me until I find another way of entry. Stay where you are unless you already know what you're doing. I'll look for you once I get in," she heard everything he said but never really understood a single word as her attention was directed towards the clothing lying a chair inside the small changing room she was in.

"Copy that," she half-heartedly spoke and heard Jimin mutter an 'okay'. Crimson pried herself off of her clothes as she went over the plan she formed in just a few seconds. Jimin must've heard the rustle and grew alert at the loud sounds she might produce that will catch other people's attention.

"What are you doing?" his question was followed by a series of panting.

"I think I know what I'm going to do. When you find a way in just go look for our guy instead because that's where I'll probably be," she began to take off her earpiece but still left its speaker on so Jimin would hear what's going on in her situation. Ignoring the protests from the other agent, she shoved the device somewhere inside the new outfit she was wearing. Crimson pulled a red wig on top of her head pairing it up with a white glittered mask and black gloves.

As soon as she went out, every girl was still watching her. Not being able to stand several pairs of judging eyes on her, she walked frantically out of the place and began her task on finding the target.

Jimin said he would most likely be in one of the private rooms since he's a frequent customer here. At the left side of the club was a dark hallway where several red padded doors lined up. Heading over to that direction, she stiffened when she saw a security camera noticeably turning its head to follow her steps. A chill ran down her spine when a man in a suit approached her before she entered the dark hallway.

"The boss is interested," he said monotonously, "He wishes to see you."

The man must've noticed the curious look in her eyes so he made sure to make his words clear, "Mr. Bae wants to see you."

Jackpot. She couldn't believe that she's actually doing this right now. Squirming in a tight, revealing dress, Crimson tried her best to keep her smile intact. 

The man guided her in front of one of the doors and talk to someone on his earpiece. Crimson was literally a few meters away from the target and she hoped that her partner was doing well on his own too. 

The door opened and the first thing that met her eyes was a man sitting comfortably on a black leather couch surrounded by several women that looked like dogs asking their owner for food. The only thing that illuminated the room was the disco ball hanging in the ceiling next to the pole that was in the middle of the room.

The man asked everyone to leave the room except for Crimson whom he ordered to start doing what she's supposed to do. She smirked at the huge advantage that she now had as she made her way around the pole. Gripping it tightly, she realized that she had no idea how to do such a thing. She rolled her body and raised her legs to let it rest on the pole. 

She was starting to get sick of what she's doing that's why she walked towards the man instead. After confirming that he really was the target, Crimson pulled out a small knife that she managed to hide in her dress. 

"You look so beautiful, baby," the man whispered to her ears while she shuddered in disgust, "Should we continue this at my house?" he suggested.

She leaned further down to meet his eyes and said, "I'm afraid we couldn't," the older man's distanced his face from hers to show his perplexed expression.

Crimson laughed bitterly and licked her lips as she started to grip the handle of the knife tightly, "Can they hear us from outside?" 

"I see where you're getting there," he folded his arms behind his head, using it as a pillow, "Don't worry, the walls are soundproof. They won't hear a single thing, babe," he whispered the last part seductively but her face convulsed when she tried to stop herself from puking out her lunch on the carpeted floor.

"That's good. I wouldn't want them to hear your screams," she made sure to add a wink in the end.

"Just mine?" he gestured for her to come closer.

Crimson replied with a nod as a smirk made its way to her lips when she realized how much this man's guard is lowered. This is definitely the perfect situation for killing. No witnesses, no onlookers, just the predator and the prey. Just the killer and her target. 

Her smirk widened as the successful end of her first mission was near her grasps. But Crimson wasn't supposed to enjoy this. There is no way that she should like this job. It's just a necessity for her to obtain information about her father's killer.

Looking around the room, there are surprisingly no security cameras. She figured that it was probably to give customers the privacy they deserve. The girl now took her knife out of hiding that glinted underneath the flashing disco lights. 

The man evidently panicked and started to reach out to his back pocket, which she assumed was where his gun was, but Crimson threw her knife that eventually pierced his left arm, leaving him no chance to even just touch his weapon. 

"What the fuck?!" he bellowed, his right arm clutching the injured one tightly, "HELP!!!!" 

"You just said they can't hear you so don't shout," she reached for the gun behind the man and waved it up in the air to mock him. 

"Who the fuck are you?! Who sent yo一," the two of them were silenced by a chuckle that came from one of the dark corners in the room. Crimson looked all around her and her eyes stopped at a person leaning on the wall, their arms crossed in front of them. 

"Mr. Bae Deul-hi, we're from the Scouts of Justice. So even if you report us, no one would listen because you're a criminal who deserves to die," the person walked out from the dark corner and revealed himself to the two, "No one would even care if we upload a live footage of this online. Think of this as your execution because it actually is."

Jimin smile was so innocent yet so scary, "When did you get in here?" the girl asked, completely ignoring the other man's presence.

"Let's talk about it later," was all he said before everything happened within a split second in front of Crimson's eyes. Before she realized it, Bae Deul-hi was already dead on the couch, blood seeping out of the wound on his neck and Jimin was now standing behind the couch holding up the man's head.

The dead body plopped down on the blood-stained couch as Jimin wiped his knife clean with a handkerchief. Crimson, on the other hand, was watching him with big eyes while she was registering in her mind what just happened. 

"That is what a quick kill looks like," he said, making himself sound like a teacher, "Let's go."

They went outside the room and noticed that it was unguarded. The guards were enjoying themselves at the bar area and some were already wasted. This made their task of escaping easier and soon they were now out the front door where Crimson went in before. 

Outside, the buff man from before was lying on the ground, unconscious giving her an idea of how Jimin got in and also why he sounded exhausted earlier. Of course, fighting with a person almost twice your size is harder than it looks.

"So when were you there inside that room, Jimin?

"Why did you remove your earpiece?" 

They both asked at the same time but Crimson gestured for Jimin to go first.

"You removed your earpiece earlier. Do you know what could've happened to you if you didn't have my guidance or if you didn't know what to do? That's a dangerous move, don't do it again," he rolled his eyes at her but they soon softened when he saw the girl lowering her head.

"I just couldn't afford any distractions. Your voice might get me startled and I wanted to really be focused."

"It's alright. I understand. Just don't do it again, okay?" she nodded, "What were you going to ask me?" Jimin said as he opened the car door on Crimson's side before walking over to the driver's side. Crimson allowed them both first to settle down on their seats and for Jimin to start the car.

"When did you get in that room?" Jimin's mouth displayed a somewhat arrogant smirk at her question, "Like, how did I not notice you?" disbelief was lacing her voice.

"Have you read my file?" Crimson agreed with a nod before the boy continued, "Then you should already know how."

"No no no. Were you there from the very beginning? I want to know," she held the steering wheel at its place to prevent Jimin from starting to drive. 

"Yes. I was there even before anyone entered. I got information from Yoongi hyung before that he reserved that room and managed to get in there and hide before anyone else did. That's why I told you to wait for me. So yes, the moment you said you're inside, I made my move and beat the heck out of that guard," he pouted his lips towards the man on the ground at the front of the bar. Someone who would walk past might think he's already dead especially because of the darkness of the night.

"Damn you're so fast," was all she whispered, "So you saw everything?" her eyes widened in realization.

Jimin let out an amused laugh and began driving. After that, they were back to the awkward situation once more. To try and lighten the mood, Crimson turned on the radio but only got static sounds in return.

"The radio is connected to the HQ, you won't get any sound out there. It's useless unless you want to talk to the general himself," exclaimed Jimin, his eyes focused on the quiet road ahead.

Crimson had no choice but to lean back on her seat and look out the window to watch the sun start to rise. Then did she start to wonder how long missions mostly take to finish. If this was a quick one, she can't imagine how longer would it be for bigger operations. She doesn't want more work to be piled up in front of her as it can hinder her from doing what she's supposed to.

The sooner I get what I want, the better.

But she can't help but love what she's doing. It just felt.....right. It was as if she finally found her comfort zone. A place where she can freely let her skills shine. 

"Jimin, how did I do?" she suddenly asked. He looked at her momentarily until he face the road again.

"You saw what I did earlier. You saw everything. Heck, you even saw me dancing," a blush spread through her pale cheeks and she looked at Jimin to see his adam's apple bob up and down.

"Well, it wasn't too bad. You were pretty good and let me say, that's very smart. Wouldn't have thought of that," his sentences were followed by a warm smile.

"That's the worst attempt you made to not hurt my feelings, Jimin. Truly the worst. Tell me the truth. I'm used to harsh words, sadly," a look of pity flashed from the said boy's eyes but she dismissed it with a shrug. 

Eager to lighten the sudden gloomy mood (or is it just him who became gloomy?), he cleared his throat and sat up straighter.

"No, really, you were good," this time, he was more focused on sounding truthful than convincing.

"How good was I then?" Crimson rested her chin on her palm and kept her eyes on the man beside her.

"God, you're very stubborn," Jimin hissed as his jaw visibly tightened showing his annoyance but he tried to just laugh it off.

"Fine then, I'll answer your question but make sure to still make yourself comfortable around me, alright?" he said with authority.

Silence followed and Crimson was eagerly waiting for his next words despite looking uninterested at the situation.

"You were so good," Jimin began not even stopping to think about his words, "So good that I had trouble controlling myself. God, how much I wish I was in his position when you started dancing like that."

She gaped at him in shock but then she pursed her lips to prevent herself from cracking up. She failed to do so and soon, the only sound heard inside the car was the cackling that came from Crimson. Jimin was conflicted between driving and seeing her reaction. He was utterly confused at why she would laugh at such thing but it was embarrassing for him nonetheless.

"Jimin, I wasn't asking about my dancing. I was referring about how I threw the knife because you taught me that," she giggled lightly in between the words and laughed a little at the end. After composing herself, Crimson drew out a satisfying sigh and looked at Jimin whose face was now as red as a tomato.

"Thanks for the ego boost though. I appreciate your compliment," she said to try and ease the boy's humiliation.


As soon as they arrived at the headquarters, Jimin was avoiding every possible eye contact with her and she was starting to feel a liiiiiiiiiittle bad at what she said to him. 

Well, Jimin's a very professional man so he might just forget about that incident, her own words to reassure herself echoed around her mind.

"Would you look at that. Guess who just finished their very first mission successfully," the silent pair heard Seokjin's energetic voice first as they enter their home.

"Oh, oh!" Hoseok raised his hand like how a model student participates in his favourite class, "Kang Eunmi," he beamed and ran towards her to wrap her in a warm embrace.

"Kang Eunmi! Kang Eunmi! Kang Eunmi! Kang Eunmi!" they started to chant except for Yoongi although he seems to be happy with the situation too. 

"How did you guys already know? We didn't even tell you yet," she plopped down on the couch that was somehow unoccupied.

"Jiminie here sent a message to us earlier that you guys were done and that you did an excellent job," Namjoon smiled like a proud father.

"Yep, that's right. I was sooo good wasn't I?" she teased and nudged the quiet boy who nodded in response to her rhetorical question.

Crimson snickered but then it died down when the atmosphere noticeably shifted. 

"We really would love for you to rest but you see, the reason why most of us stayed behind is because we're working on a new operation assigned directly by General Kim himself," Namjoon's tone was now very professional, the same tone he used when he first met Crimson. 

"It's a very big mission and he needed all the Bulletproofs to participate in it," Taehyung continued for him, "He assigned this to us a few days before you got accepted so normally, you would think that you would be excluded."

Her heartbeat fastened when she tried to reason out and form a reason why they would say this. She was not liking the possible outcomes she came up with so far and she grew nervous at this.

"But while you were out on the field, he visited here and ordered, not asked, that you should participate in it too," Yoongi caught everyone's attention when he spoke aloud. 

"So yes, after your quick mission, he assigned you in a new and bigger one," Seokjin said softly beside her hoping that she would not have any violent reactions towards the news.

"Isn't this like torture? I mean, I just did my first mission," she stood up and Seokjin gulped at the gesture that might soon turn into what he didn't wish to happen.

"Remember when I said you're going to be the asset of this company?" Namjoon spoke up again, "Well, he wants to see you become the best too. Just trust the general, he knows what he's doing," he smiled reassuringly that did little to calm Crimson down.

Sighing in defeat, she sat back down and looked at everyone before making her decision, although she didn't have any other options in the first place. 

"Fine," the boys smiled in triumph at the one word that she uttered, "When are we leaving?" 

Everyone turned silent once more and they started to give each other looks that she had trouble reading. Hoseok jerked his head towards Jungkook who shook his head in return. Namjoon and Seokjin were looking firmly at each other, debating on who will answer her. Jimin was fiddling with his thumbs and gazed at Taehyung who was also already looking at him. They raised their eyebrows at the same time, not knowing what to do at the situation.

"Guys?" Crimson said impatiently.

Compared to the totally clueless girl, Yoongi could sense the strong hesitation and strong tension in the atmosphere so he decided that he should answer her if no one wants to. He cleared his throat, which was his mistake because now, everyone was focused on him, expecting him to say something. 

Seokjin, the only one older than him, gave him a 'say-something-shitty-and-you're-dead' look and Yoongi gulped before chuckling nervously.

"What was your question again Eunmi?" he took the girl by surprise at how nice he sounded while speaking out every word in the sentence. Yoongi could sense the boys mentally facepalming. Ever since her final evaluation, everyone had a newfound fear towards the girl and they all made an oath to not get on her bad side. Also for the fact that she's now a part of their team and should be respected too. 

"When are we leaving?" she said much more slowly so they would understand although they already did during the first time she asked it.

"Tomorrow. We're leaving tomorrow."

YAYYYYYYYY!!!!! You've finally reached the 10th chapter. CONGRATULATIONS ヽ(͡◕ ͜ʖ ͡◕)ノ

And it looks like another mission is about to come their way. Can you guys guess where their next mission could be? A little hint : They're going outside South Korea *wink wink* A new mission also means more interactions with other members ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).


I wrote this at 2 a.m. so please bear with the mistakes. 
