XXXII : Reunion


Crimson ran for her life and so did the others. She took one look at everyone and the only expression she could read was Hoseok's

He's probably worried about Mijin now.

They all dodged in sync when something pierced through the air and immediately shattered the wall beside them as if it was glass.

Jungkook clicked his tongue and pulled Jimin up while the others recovered, "Is everyone alright?" Hoseok, the oldest among them, asked.

The rest nodded and continued their way towards the rooftop, "What was that Jungkook?" Crimson asked.

The said boy was evidently controlling his breath, not wanting to be easily tired before they even reached the stairs. It was not spoken of but everyone mentally agreed that the best route would be the emergency stairs instead of the elevators.

"There's probably a sniper up on the roof somewhere."

"What if they're on the main building's roof? Does that mean we can't jump there anymore?" Jimin worriedly asked as he overheard their not-so-hushed conversation through their devices.

"That's just the least of our worries," Jungkook stated.

"What should we look out for the most then?" Crimson asked as they were nearing the stairs.

Jungkook hissed and stumbled a little when he felt a bullet graze his side.

The Scouts are really the best ones.

As he clutched his fresh, bleeding wound, Jungkook glanced briefly at where he predicted the sniper might be at. His sharp, observant eyes caught sight of the huge black weapon that was not just any shotgun.

It was big and dangerous looking. He remembered seeing it before but haven't used it yet as the weapon was only to be utilized in critical moments where even the lives of innocent people passing by are not of their biggest concerns.

Brutal but effective.

The weapon was clearly aimed for them and the one using it must be really skilled and bold enough to use such a killing machine.

"No need to be nervous about it though," Jungkook stated, "That weapon is pretty new and this is probably the first time it's being used by anyone."

He paused for a moment, looked back at the sniper and fixed his gaze ahead, "So they can't shoot us?" Taehyung inquired with a loud voice.

"If we're fast enough...then yes," and that was all it took for all of them to speed up their running.

When Crimson felt herself falling back, she hastened her steps and her timing was perfect when she heard a booming sound behind her again.


Yoongi was catching up to them already as he took the shorter route. There was still a little bit of hope with the elevators and he decided to test his luck by hacking into the agency's system once more to control one.

As soon as he does, he had to make sure he was fast enough before he loses control of the machine again.

He was already five floors away from the rooftop until the elevator suddenly shut down. It was pure darkness except for his own device that he loved so much.

Yoongi heaved a sigh when the power came back on. It was a few seconds later that he realized the elevator was going the opposite direction now.

"Shit," he muttered as he took out the guns inside his suit when the elevator was nearing to a stop on the third floor.

"Fuck this," he said to no one as he pulled out a glass looking full face mask together with white gloves on. He grabbed his foldable cap and placed it carefully on his Yoongi pressed a button on his inside pocket and it took a few seconds before his suit turned into a silver color the same as the elevator walls.

When he shoved his hands inside his pockets, his form was completely concealed. It was like there was no one standing inside.

Yoongi held his breath when the elevator doors opened, making sure to squish himself just so no one would stumble upon him.

He stood idly as three agents filed in and went upstairs. One of them pressed the 12th floor as he placed his hand on top of his weapons.

The doors closed and he took it upon himself to announce his presence.

"Where are we going folks?" the three agents looked at each other and searched for the voice but to no avail.

"Don't be scared..." Yoongi pulled his hands out of his pockets as the elevator began travelling up, "It's just me," was what he said before he completely pulled out his knives and immediately stabbed one in the neck before he could be shot.

He was left with two and they were already on the 6th floor. Yoongi dodged a few of their punches but one of them managed to lock his head between their arms.

He struggled to free himself from the attack and using his killer instincts, pulled his body towards the railings inside the elevator. He rested his left foot on top of it and pushed himself upwards to flip them both.

The technique was effective despite the constricted space.

9th floor. Three more floors to go and two agents left.

Yoongi smirked when they were both caught off guard by his actions. They both pointed their guns at him and was about to shoot but he was fast enough to twist the weapon towards them.

"It's Min Yoongi, by the way," they were startled by his strength and speed but too late to realize when he placed his fingers on top of theirs and pulled the trigger.

Their blood splattered on the metal walls and as if on cue, the elevator doors opened.

Surprisingly, their was no one in sight so Yoongi took his time to fix himself and grabbed the useful weapons out of their bodies. He stumbled a little as he stepped over the dead bodies and went to the door leading to the emergency stairs.

Better safe than sorry, he thought.

"Well that was hellish," he said through the mic but no one answered. Not even a static sound was heard.

That was when he realized that no one was really going to answer. Their communicating devices were shut down.


Namjoon cursed and threw his mic and mini earpiece down when he found out that it was not working anymore. There were too many problems and the last thing they needed was to lose contact.

He still had his phone, luckily, so he pulled it out and immediately contacted their rescue.

The phone rang for a few seconds while he went up the stairs until someone picked up, "Namjoon-ah?" the voice said.

"We're heading to the bomb storage," he spoke and hurried up even more when he heard several footsteps a few floors below him, "We'll be there until someone comes."

"Copy that," the voice sounded very restricted as if they have been running for hours and Namjoon could imagine his own sounding almost the same, "I'll relay the message to the others. Just make sure that you and Sooyeon are alive."

Namjoon nodded his head, even though no one could see him, "Understood."

Just on time, his phone died and his focus was now fully on how to kill or at least hold back the other agents that are literally just a floor below him.

There was enough time for him to pull a small weapon out of his inside pockets and to throw it on the ground, "Put your hands in the air, officer," one of them shouted as they caught up.

Namjoon obeyed, as he had a feeling that several guns are pointed at him and that he was probably outnumbered. But refused to turn around.

There was something in his hand, they noticed. It was like a small pen with his thumb resting on the clicker. Namjoon smirked cockily when they asked him to turn around and to drop whatever he was holding.

Slowly, he did what he was told and some of them were a little surprised at the familiar face. Never once did they think that such a brilliant and loyal agent will go rouge.

Namjoon smirked again, his dimples attractively showing themselves, as he slowly pried finger after a finger from his pen. Before he could fully drop the pen, his thumb slightly pressed the clicker and he let go of it in a split second.

"Oops," he nonchalantly said, "My thumb slipped," then a bomb went off, creating a diversion and killing off some of the agents.

Namjoon took that as a head-start towards the rooftop. As soon as he reached there, he pushed the door open and found the daylight to be very relaxing even in such a crucial moment.

He could hardly hear any gunshots from up there and it was almost like he was in heaven.

A few footsteps followed and he was on guard as they approached. A smile crept up his face when familiar faces filed out of the door.

"Namjoon," Crimson smiled in delight and ran towards him to embrace him. She nuzzled her face against his chest. The others looked at the sweet exchange, not minding that they were literally hugging in a life and death situation.

Hoseok had a bright smile on his face, not even curious as to what might be the relationship of the two.

"Since when were you two so close?" Yoongi inquired as he walked closer to the bunch with his arms folded together.

The said two broke out of their embrace and turned to look at the newfound presence, "Since when were you here?" Namjoon asked.

Yoongi clicked his tongue and went beside Crimson. He snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her towards him more, "Why were you hugging her?"

Namjoon displayed his hands in front of him as a sign for the jealous man to calm down.

Crimson punched Yoongi's chest too hard and frowned at him, "We're still going to have to talk after this."

A rare smile was shown on Yoongi's face as he replied, "We will," he placed a chaste kiss on her head, "We will," he repeated.

"Alright, enough of this lovey-dovey shit," Taehyung complained and shoved some of them aside when he checked how far they are from the other building.

"How high are we from the ground?" Hoseok asked as he walked towards him and was about to look down.

Taehyung placed his arm in front of Hoseok's body to prevent him from doing so, "I think it's best if you don't look down."

When Hoseok heard his sentence, he gulped and had a scared look on.

They all walked farther away from the edge with Taehyung being in front, "At least we don't have a sniper there," Jungkook said, in hopes to lessen the fear of the others.

Without any warning, Taehyung ran at full speed towards the edge before anyone could even stop him. In the right timing, he used the momentum to lift him off of the building and hoped that it was fast enough for him to get over the edge of the other one.

It was a scene that was too difficult to watch for them and all they could do was see it unfold in front of their eyes with their fingers crossed.

Hoseok's face began to grow pale when he saw that even Taehyung had a difficult time with it. The daredevil rolled over on the other building and stood back up. Taehyung showed his box-shaped smile with his thumbs up to show that everything was perfectly fine.

"I am going to die, Namjoon," Hoseok said for the second time in the day, "I am so going to die," he repeated.

"You won't, hyung," Jimin reassured him but his words did nothing.

Before Jimin could jump, they heard another voice, "Guys!"

They all turned around to see Seokjin who just recently got there.

"H-How....?" Yoongi began but his mouth could not form the right words.

The tall man caught his breath before he spoke again, "There was a mini earpiece that was left in front of my door earlier before I left. I managed to hear enough to know where you're all heading."

They simultaneously looked at Namjoon, knowing that it was him who planned on involving Seokjin.

"I knew you would somehow take it with you," Namjoon said with a cocky shrug.

"But we have to hurry up, I saw several agents heading this way."

Hoseok let out a shaky sigh and looked at everyone, "I guess we're just going to jump altogether."

At their own paces and own (rushed) time, they all backed away from the edge and sprinted full speed ahead. Jungkook's long legs together with the several on field experiences helped him to be faster than the others and he reached the other building at ease after he rolled on the cement.

Jimin was next to land safely then Seokjin, Yoongi, Crimson and Namjoon. Hoseok was the only one left on the other side.

They all made gestures to encourage him but at the same time to tell him that he should jump already or he'll be killed by the others.

Hoseok was just the skilled getaway driver and the trap-maker in the team. Never in his life did he see himself having to jump off of a building.

He hesitantly stepped away from the edge and the others looked up warily, thinking that he already gave up. Crimson drew her head down, slightly disappointed and sad for Hoseok.

Mijin wants you to be alive, you bastard.

The same thought was coincidentally running through Hoseok's head. That thought was the last thing that he needed to convince him that he should jump.

His teammates thought he already had other plans but they all looked up at him again when his battle cry was heard. Hoseok leapt off of the edge of the rooftop and found himself flailing towards his fellow agents.

In that split second, he heard the door behind him bursting open and the shouts of many other agents who were probably thinking of shooting at him already. The adrenaline pumped through his veins as he also realized that he might not make it when his foot did not touch the cement.

Oh no. Oh no no no.

He needed to be alive. He has to be alive. Hoseok would not allow himself to die like this.

It was like his life flashed before his eyes as he felt himself plunging down to his death.

"I was born to be a Scout and I will be one when I grow up," he proudly stated to himself as he looked at the mirror.

Ever since he was young, Hoseok had always been very passionate about his dreams. Being a Scout was one of them. Unlike the others, he wanted and accepted the destiny laid out in front of him before he was even born.

Both of his parents were Scouts as well and they had always been loyal to the agency.

He was the perfect child that they could ever ask for but Hoseok's heart was one of the purest. Something not compatible to the dream he has.

His physique and movements were perfect for the job but only his mind was not ready. Not because he was weak but because he was actually one of the stronger people that allowed their hearts to grow bigger even if they know that others in this world will only break it.

He looked down at the woman struggling to tighten the strap tied to her ankles and connected to her heels.

She seemed to be cursing so much under her breath and the sight amused him.

Hoseok crouched down and his appearance surprised the lady. There were lots of speculations about him around the agency and god, they were right when they said Jung Hoseok looked glorious in real life.

It was like Mijin saw stars that lit up her eyes in an instant. His sunshine-like smile was enough to made her day better and before she knew it, the strap was already tightened and in a fixed position.

Hoseok looked up at her now, not expecting to meet her eyes in an instant. A blush crept up his face at their proximity and she broke the eye contact when she stood up straight and bowed towards him.

He chuckled at her cuteness when her face became redder than a tomato, "Thank you," Mijin said.

"You're very welcome," he replied with a polite smile, "I've seen you before haven't I?"

The lady furrowed her brows at him and shrugged.

"Oh! You were the one who went against Yoongi hyung on the Duels," Hoseok exclaimed.

Mijin laughed shyly in return, "Only lasted for twelve seconds though," she muttered.

"I think you still did great," complimented the man.

He extended his hand out for a handshake and he laughed internally when she looked at it like it was a new object, "You're supposed to shake it."

"Right," she immediately answered and wiped the sweat off of her palms on her sleeve to shake his hand, "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Ms....." he trailed off, waiting for her to finish the sentence.


She was cut off by the sound of his phone ringing loudly. Hoseok gave her an apologetic look before parting ways with her.

"Maybe we could talk more soon. Just call me," he left with a simple wink before he picked up the phone call.

Hoseok left the bustling hall and went out the revolving doors with his back towards her and his phone glued to his ear.

"B-but I don't have your........number..?" Mijin was about to protest but she felt something poking her palm. It did not hurt at all but the different feeling was easy to notice.

When she opened her palm up, a folded paper was resting on it. Mijin hesitantly unfolded the white piece and was amused to read a series of numbers.

His phone number.

Dang, he was fast.

Hoseok was fast. If there was one of trait that he could boast about forever, it was his speed. That's why he became the getaway driver in the first place.

His tendency to make such a risky decision in a crucial time was one of the aspects that allowed him to be an exceptional Scout. He was daring and smart at the same time.

He sees hope even within the smallest of cracks.

So during that leap of faith, Hoseok extended his right arm as far as he can to reach the edge of the building. This caused the left part of his body to become heavier.

Luckily, he managed to grab the cement with his fingers. The agent was literally pulling himself up with just four fingers.

Just a little more.

Hoseok gritted his teeth, fighting for his survival even if he felt one finger beginning to slip already. Then another one came off.


His eyes teared up as he helplessly stared at his reddened fingers.

I won't die like this.

With all the strength he had, Hoseok lifted his left arm up and allowed his right arm to rest as he was now in a much better position than before.

His face brightened when he saw Taehyung's face looking down at him on the edge of the building. The said agent offered a helping hand and pulled him up with a groan.

"I told you, Hoseok hyung!" Jimin exclaimed in excitement as he ran over to help the man stand up.

Hoseok was still shaken up by fact that he almost fell to his death, twenty floors from the ground.

He smiled genuinely, which lightened up the rest of their moods, "Yes. I didn't plan on dying, Jiminie," he ruffled the younger ones hair and they all ran downstairs, with Namjoon leading them.

The trip was very short and was not as problematic as the one they had at the other building considering that not many agents would be or are supposed to be in the main building in the first place.

It was very easy reaching their destination. Too easy that they felt that something might be wrong.

And their instincts were right.

The next thing they knew, they were all cramped up in the middle of agents with all their weapons pointing at them. They were easily outnumbered and there was no way in hell that they will live if they fight back.

"Two tips in surviving," Namjoon whispered as his fingers tapped on something behind him. His voice was so hushed that it can only be heard by his teammates, "You either fight back..."

Their was a small hissing sound, almost inaudible due to the shouts of the agents telling them to raise their hands. No one complied.

"Or run," was all he said before he pushed the heavy metal door behind him and dragged whoever he can with him.

Thankfully, the Bulletproofs were clinging to each other at that time which made it easier for him to get them all inside the safe place.

The door was shut tight and it was pitch black inside the room.

"Where the heck is the switch?" Seokjin muttered.

There was a whine that came from Jimin telling whoever it was to stop squishing his face with their hands. Then there was also someone groaning and complaining that they have been kicked in the wrong part.

"Yoongi?" Crimson called out, "Yoongi where are you?"

There was no answer but after a few seconds, a breath that fanned her face startled her.

She only realized their proximity when she heard his voice lowly speaking, "Right here."

Then she felt a hand going up her arm.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" he asked in concern.

Crimson immediately shook her head but internally facepalmed when she realized that he can't see her, "No...I guess."

But her eyes widened in shock when she felt something wet on his chest and the stench of blood became stronger. Crimson pressed against it, worry written all over her unseen face.

"What about you? Is this blood on your chest?" she pressed harder to see if he would make any sounds that signified that he was hurt.

"Calm down," he brought his hands up to her face, "It's someone else's blood."

She heaved a sigh of relief and embraced Yoongi as hard as she can, "You're making me worry so much," she said against his chest.

Yoongi smiled in the dark and caressed her head lovingly.

"There it is!" Namjoon exclaimed and the sudden light made everyone cover their eyes.

Groans were heard as everyone stood up on their own. Crimson immediately pushed Yoongi away from her hoping that nobody saw but the scene was what greeted their eyes first.

A blush crept up her face and she could only see Taehyung glaring at Jimin then at Yoongi through her peripheral vision.

He must've been the one squishing his face.

"What the一"

"Flowers," Hoseok finished Jungkook's sentence as he was about to curse.

All around them were various bombs. All deactivated, lucky for them. Seokjin's hand was on top of one and the revelation made him squeak and back out from the deadly weapon.

"This is your safe place?" Yoongi said in annoyance.

Crimson looked around, gazing at everyone's baffled reactions and also knowing that she was wearing the same expression.

They were altogether again. The Bulletproofs were reunited in a way that they least expected.



