XXI : Adventure


She got out of the building and saw Taehyung waiting for her near the gates.

"You ready?" he asked as he threw the helmet for her to catch.

Crimson slipped it on her and adjusted the strap below her chin while Taehyung fixed his leather gloves, "When was I not?" she spoke with pride making Taehyung chuckle.

A few days have passed since that situation inside her office. Crimson sure hoped that he somehow forgot about it. Now the time she has been waiting for has arrived. She can now get a chance to go outside the building without being discreet.

"Let's go," Taehyung swung his leg around his pure black Ducati before looking back to check if Crimson is sitting tight behind him.

The sound of his favourite vehicle was music to his ears. It has been such a long time since he drove his baby. Taehyung allowed the sound to flood his companion's ears as well and he let out a satisfied smile when she said, "It sounds good."

"I know," then they accelerated out of the agency. Crimson let out a gasp because of the unexpected speed that Taehyung was going at. Her arms latched in front of her and hooked around Taehyung's waist.

The boy smirked when he felt her arms wrapped around his body.

The two of them were out on a mission today. They were assigned to assassinate the deranged woman that a chairman of a huge company is having affair with. The man sent a message to the agency asking for help as the lady kept on threatening him and his own family.

He said that there was an incident when he thought his son was kidnapped but it turns out that the woman just took the little boy out for a walk.

The chairman has committed lots of corrupt activities behind the back of the company's CEO and as a matter of fact, his mistress was once a prostitute that he bought in an auction at the black market and sadly, the two of them have to die.

He sent a warning to the general that he would be visiting the woman's apartment today and asked to send two people to protect him. Too bad for him those two people made him their target as well.

"It's a quick mission, you know?" Taehyung tried to talk to her despite that loud gust of wind, "We just go in there and kill the two. Let's just hope there aren't any onlookers."

Taehyung made the motorcycle go even faster so they can reach their destination at a shorter time. It was currently noon and the chairman said he would be there at one in the afternoon which gives them an hour left.

The original plan was that the two of them would go through the front door of the apartment and Crimson would try to somehow sneak her way in the unit of the lady at the third floor and Taehyung would have to stay at the parking lot and wait for the man to arrive.

As soon as the two of them kill the two criminals, they will exit through the balcony of the lady where not many people are present and make their way back to Taehyung's motorcycle.


"You know what to do?" Taehyung asked her again and Crimson had to roll her eyes at it. The boy accepted that as an answer before he warned her, "And don't. I'm telling you, don't you remove your earpiece and microphone again."

She gave a stern nod, sensing the serious atmosphere lingering around the two of them, "Let's hope this mission will be a success."

Taehyung hummed, looking like he disapproves whatever she just said, "I'd like to think of them as adventures rather than missions. That way," he threw his pocket knife up in the air and caught it right at its handle, "It sounds more fun."

Giving him a thumbs and a small laugh, she turned her body around and headed towards the main entrance of the building. She did remember reading from his file that he's the adventurous type so his attitude towards this mission makes sense.

The plan they had was supposed to be smoothly done and they were supposed to be outside, riding his Ducati after a few minutes.

"Hey V," she called out through her earpiece, making sure that she didn't move her mouth too much, "I think we have a problem. I don't see her inside her unit," she whispered when she pulled out her gun and glued her body to the wall while moving to the kitchen.

"I have a situation here as well. The man has about five guards with him right now, I thought he just needed us for this."

"What do we do?" she gritted her teeth when there was no sign of a living thing inside the room. When she stumbled upon the empty closet and the room that was trashed as if it was left in a haste, a bitter chuckle escaped her mouth.

The coffee maker was still hot and the coffee inside the mug was still quite warm when she dipped her finger in, "The lady ran away not too long ago," if she would escape from someone in a building where there's just one elevator, the safest route would be the stairs. She followed her instincts and it didn't betray her when she saw a woman running down the stairs, almost at the bottom, ""She took the stairs, V."

"Alright, I'll go inside and try to catch her. You stay in her unit and as quietly as you can, kill him and his guards. As soon as I'm done with the lady, I'll go up and help you."

"Shit. Alright, cop一"

"Don't be too nervous," she heard Taehyung pant along with the sound of the elevator opening, "We're just on an adventure."

As if he said a magic chant, calmness flooded inside Crimson and a smirk was now painted on her lips, "Yeah. We're just having fun," she agreed before rushing over to the television with a silly plan in her mind.

The door opened and Crimson remained in her seat, nonchalantly watching whatever show it was on the TV.

"Who is this girl?" she heard an old man's voice, making her scoff. She can visualize him surrounded by buff men standing behind her.

One of them approached her as if she would lash out on them any second now. Crimson enjoyed people being scared of her like this but for the sake of suspense she had to keep her mouth shut and act like it's just a normal day for her.

"Hah. Let me tell you that girl is going to say 'Run, Forrest, Run' in three......." her right hand wrapped around the gun that she hid under a pillow at the couch.

"Two......." crossing her legs and making the slightest movement possible, Taehyung's words repeated inside her head.

We're just having fun.

"One," in the blink of an eye, she raised the hand that was holding the gun and aimed it at one of the guards. It went straight through his forehead which caused a few blood droplets to land on the chairman's clothes.

Crimson hoisted herself up on the couch and jumped over it as she threw her pocket knife straight to another guard's chest. She only has to kill three more.

Rolling over the ground, it was difficult for them to catch up to her speed. She immediately twisted the handle of the knife pierced onto the dead man's chest and when she managed to pull it out, she slashed the legs of the two men standing beside the chairman.

They doubled over and clutched the injured parts in pain and Crimson took this chance to shoot the both of them. Then there was also a guard behind her which kicked right at the face. It was pure luck how she predicted the precise height of the man.

Then there was one more guard left. He kicked the gun out of her hands and it will take a lot of time for her to grab it. So Crimson just aimed and threw her knife at him but he was moving too fast so it ended up digging a hole in the wall. The man does not have a gun as it already ran out of bullets when he tried to shoot her earlier. He slashed her with his knife but Crimson kept on backing up to avoid him.

By now, the chairman seemed to be in shock, needing time to recover from what happened to his beloved guards. Crimson's opponent kept on missing her with his knife for so long that they already reached the bathroom. She tried her best to avoid every attack until he aimed it close enough to cut bits of her hair.

The look on her face was enough to scare the grown man in front of her. If looks could kill, his body would have been mangled right now.

"I spent a lot of time to learn how to do my hair and it took so much effort for it to look this good. You can't just fucking ruin it like this!" she screeched at him. The man flinched at her voice and she used this moment to grab the shower curtain and pull it down towards her.

The plastic material was a good weapon so she lunged forward and wrapped it around the startled man's head. She pinned his arm to the ground using her foot and was shouting a string of profanities towards him.

It took a minute until he was weak enough to even move and soon, he was dead on the ground after being suffocated.

Crimson winced and stood up, now greatly enraged and so pumped up to murder the chairman. But she never expected to see him pointing a gun at her when she reached the living room.

"You bitch! What did you do to my guards?"

"They were misbehaving so bedtime was really early for them," she mocked him using a mom-like voice. His hand was shaking which showed how he didn't really want blood on his hands which is why he hired her and Taehyung in the first place.

"T-too bad.....Too bad the same thing will happen to you."

Tilting her head, she raised a brow at the man, "Oh, really?" was all she said before his head was blown off right in front of her face.

Taehyung was standing by the door, the barrel of his gun still producing the smallest amount of smoke after recently just using it to kill the man.

He was wearing a smirk on his face, obviously showing off at the same time. Taehyung twirled the gun around his hand and held it in place to tuck it in its holster.

"Thanks," said Crimson, smiling at him, "That was a really cool way to end it," she complimented.

Taehyung looked around the house, checking the bodies all around it. He grimaced when he caught sight of the suffocated and badly beaten up guy, "God, what happened to this poor guy?"

Crimson picked up her gun from the chairman's hand reloading it with the extra bullets in her pockets, "He tried to mess with my hair," she nonchalantly answered.

"Everything but not the hair, eh?" Taehyung chuckled as he went back to the living room, "Anyway, the cleanup team will be here in a few," he went to the balcony, their original exit route before he came back muttering curses.

"Shit. We have to go out through the front. There's too many fucking people out there," Taehyung turned his body towards Crimson, rushed through the front door but before he could open it, a knock was heard.

"Hey is everything alright in there? This is the police. Your next-door neighbour called and said they heard something going on," a voice said from the other side of the door. The two of them made eye contact and terror was obvious from just one look at their orbs. Taehyung pulled Crimson to him, looking everywhere in the room.

"Ma'am? Is there anyone inside?" their whispers got louder as the person, or probably even several people outside, knocked harder.

The two of them stepped out onto the balcony with Taehyung still having her arm by his grasp, "Why do we even have to run away from them? I thought we cannot be touched by the law?"

Taehyung chuckled and shook his head, he looked down and looked up, an idea forming in his mind after he saw the ladder attached to the wall which leads to the rooftop.

"Not those ones outside. They're basically just patrollers acting all high and mighty when they actually do nothing. Trust me, you wouldn't want to stumble into them."

"W-what?" he let go of her arm and checked how sturdy the ladder is by bringing it down with all his strength. It didn't budge.

"It's not because they're someone you should be scared of. They're just too stupid for us to deal with. Besides, the last thing we want in a mission is for others to recognize us."

The last sentence triggered a memory in Crimson's mind. She remembered Hawaii and then GD, who immediately recognized her without even blinking. It was really a good thing how no one knew about it. She just hopes that that secret will be buried with her until death.

"Look," Taehyung said after noticing that she was spacing out, "We don't have to go down. We just need to climb up."

As if on cue, the thudding on the front door sounded different as if someone was really trying to break in. Crimson noticed that the hinges are almost coming off and a small crack was getting bigger in the middle of the wooden door.

Taehyung clicked his tongue and did not hesitate to climb up the ladder. He offered a hand to Crimson, beckoning her to hurry up. She jumped off the balcony and he caught her just in time before she got out of his reach.

Her arm was burning due to the sudden force but her partner was strong enough to pull her up, thankfully. The two rushed to the top of the building, only going faster when they heard the sound of the door hitting the floor. 

Loud, rushed footsteps were heard below them and she seriously wished that they would not notice two people trying to climb up the rooftop. But they did.

"Over there!" one of them shouted until they both heard guns firing. She tried her best not to look at the balcony they came from just so they won't see her face. Heck, she spent a lot of years trying to hide it as a criminal and she would not allow this single mission to break that streak.

"Follow me. We have to jump to that other building," Taehyung said, panting as he waited for her to go up. Crimson walked towards the edge and almost lost her lunch when she saw how high up they were. The roof of the other building was a few feet lower than the one they were standing at and the only thing separating the structures is an alley.

This was different from what they did in Hawaii. They don't have zip lines or anything to hold onto. Their lives literally depended on the strength of their legs and luck.

"Just jump as hard as you can. I'll catch you if you're about to fall," something in his sentence made her feel safe, as if she really can get to the other building without a scratch.

The only thing she can do was watch in awe as Taehyung walked backwards, his focused eyes never leaving the place where he wants to land. He ran so fast that Crimson felt a rush of wind hit her face and luckily, he jumped far enough for him to safely land and roll over the other building.

"Shit. I really wish I was a bird in my next life," she muttered, nearly crying and regretting almost everything. She was just thinking of the worst-case scenarios. What if she slips or what if she trips? Crimson did not know what to do.

Just freaking jump, will ya? She tried to give herself a pep talk.

She ran as fast as she could not before making sure that she walked back at a distance far enough that she can gain the right amount of momentum. When she was a few steps away from the edge, Crimson jumped to the best of her abilities and closed her eyes, leaving everything to luck.

When she felt her feet hit the ground, she rolled over just like Taehyung did. Am I in heaven? Wait no, I can't be in heaven since I killed too many people already.

Crimson opened her eyes and saw Taehyung looking at her, "We're gonna have to jump again."

Because of her successful first attempt, Crimson felt more confident about her skills now. Taehyung took the lead once more and got a firm grip on the cemented edge of the building nearby.

This time, it was closer but it was higher. Crimson just hopes that she would not hit the wall.

After another successful jump, a relieved and proud smile marked her face as Taehyung looked down from the top.

"Look at that dumpster down there. We only need to jump down and the garbages will be enough to cushion our fall," he moved so fast again, like he did it everyday even though chases were not always included in their missions. Crimson did not even encounter such a situation like this before. 


"You look tired," Jimin commented when he looked at his hyung, standing along in the kitchen. 

Seokjin glared at him, looking down at the fried chicken he was cooking, "Because I am tired."

"Oh...you stayed up too didn't you?" Jimin switched to his left side after he noticed that he was too close to the deep fryer.

"What do you mean 'too'? Jimin, I was still thinking about that Ranger incident, y'know?" Seokjin pointed at Jimin with his tongs when he rolled his eyes.

Silence followed, until Jimin spoke, "Hyung, I don't even know why I decided to work here," Jimin pouted, changing the topic all of a sudden, "I don't even know if I still want to be in here."

With a sigh, Seokjin turned down the heat of the stove and looked at Jimin, "Hey, when I become the next general, I am going to give you a loooot of day-offs, okay? You can start working on that dream job of yours if you want to."

"H-how did you...?" Jimin began but then he was reminded by his own self that he's right in front of the best agents in the agency, "Never mind. But, hyung...opening my own bakery requires lots of time and that means I have to leave you guys. I can't just live my whole life being a killer on the side and what makes you think that you'll be the next one?" he pouted, deep in thought and also disappointed at how his life was not going the way he wants to.

"And what about me, hyung. I want several day-offs too," Hoseok whined behind them as he grabbed an orange juice for himself.

Jimin just wanted some thrill in his life when he entered the Scouts. He just intended to finally work in a field where he can use his skills to the fullest. He never expected it to be as exhausting as this. Jimin was not aware that being a Scout means having to give up almost everything else in your life that is not needed to be successful in this field.

He gave up his skills in baking pastries and even his dreams. It was not just him. Almost everyone that worked in the building needed to let go of at least one thing. But leaving this field also meant he has to take a big risk.

Everyone make balancing everything sound so easy when in reality they really had to remove one item from the other side of the scale just so they can put another object in it. Even great people like them have troubles too and they would really give anything up just so they can all live normally.

"You're actually lucky that you even had a choice," Seokjin mumbled but the two others heard it all.


"Yow, Taehyung. You alright?" Crimson called out so casually as if they didn't just jump of a building and landed on a dumpster, nearly endangering their lives.

He was not moving. Taehyung didn't budge nor does it look like he was breathing. Crimson tried to knock his head with her knuckles but her eyes widened when she saw red liquid staining her hands and her clothes.

"Taehyung?! Oh shit. Taehyung! Don't you fucking die on me now!" she jumped out of the dumpster, not even caring how much she stinks now. Crimson tried her best and succeeded on pulling his body out of the stinky place.

As she sat him down, leaning on a cardboard box, Crimson stood up and looked around, "For Christ's sake, Kim Taehyung. I will fucking murder your ass if you don't wake the fuck up."

She was now crying, her eyes scanning his form over and over in panic, "No no no no no," she started to say in horror, "Look, I'm going to buy you lots of Gucci stuffs if you wake up just please....."

Crimson sobbed in his chest, her tears making the fabric wet. But his chest moved up and down as he chuckled. When she looked up, her face greatly stained with her own tears and her eyes wide, she found the man looking down at her with a smug smile.

She recoiled and immediately slapped him.

"Ouch!" he shouted, his stinging cheek now growing red, "I'm sorry I thought it would be funny." 

Crimson was standing in front of him like a sassy little kid with her arms in front of her and her mouth in a pout and Taehyung couldn't help but admire the rare sight.

"Pretending that you're dead is not funny and what's that behind your head?"

Taehyung touched the back of his head and laughed his ass off. 

"Eunmi," the agent tried to catch his breath as he was almost wheezing after finding the situation very amusing, "This is just tomato. I apparently landed on a pizza box," he pointed to the dumpster which she looked at. 

Crimson blushed when an open pizza box greeted her eyes.

"But are you actually crying?" Taehyung now towered over her and set her head in a firm place when she tried to avert her eyes, "Hey, look at me."

His face was so close that she was almost breathing his breath. Taehyung's eyes landed on her lips that were slightly chapped because let's be real here. No one can maintain their lips nicely glossed when they just killed about five people and chased by good for nothing officers so they had to jump from building after building with no harness whatsoever.

But it was such a myth how the person before managed to still look as perfect even if he has tomato ketchup behind his head. He looked so damn irresistible.

His face went closer as he fluttered his eyes shut. His lashes looked so long that it just fits him right. No one can resist this man.

She felt his breath hit her face, "I would have kissed you right now if we weren't in a rush," he softly whispered before his lips landed on the tip of her nose.

Fuck those suspicions he had. For several years he has not been crazy over one single person before. There was just something in her that he wanted to explore.

She was the sea that he wanted to venture out on despite not fully knowing the dangers it might hold. All because of the sea's beauty and because he now realized that he loves it too much.

"I have a few errands to go to. You take my baby and come back to the HQ. I'll call Hoseok hyung to pick me up later."

Crimson tilted her head when he stepped back and carelessly threw the keys to her, "You call your Ducati your baby?"

From the look of her face, Taehyung can tell that she was trying to hold in a laugh so he decided to turn the tables, "Why? Do you want me to call you baby as well? Or is there another form of endearment that you like?"

"Fuck-face would be good," she jokingly suggested, not expecting him to take it seriously.

Taehyung waved his hand and started running away while she walked back to the parking lot. Before he was out of earshot, he turned around and said, "Bye fuck-face!"

A chuckle escaped her lips but now, she has other things to do.



Guys, we are finally halfway through the story and that means shit's really about to go down ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ
