Years Later


It's been years since Abe was gone. He decided to live outside the loop, leaving all of us. We knew he wouldn't come back, ever since he sent the photo to Emma. It said 'THIS IS WHY' it showed him hugging a little girl. It was his explanation of why he is not sending letters anymore, and also the reason he can't come back.

I was right, everyone is back who they used to be a week after. Emma is still the way she is when Abe left. But she's doing fine now, she's just not into love anymore.

The picture was sent, for like around 50 years ago. Miss Peregrine is in bird form in or out the loop. She's not telling us. But, she did say a thing, she will tell us something later after dinner.

It's 3:30 PM, Everyone else is outside and playing and others are doing their chores. Just then, a knock was heard on my door.

"Who is it?!" I asked annoyed.
"It's me, Olive!!!" Olive shouted through the door.
"Alright, come in!!!" I shouted back. She entered my room.
"What do you want?" I said. Olive answered almost immediately, because she's eager I guess.

"Well, I was thinking, since it's a nice day outside, would you like to go out and play with us?" She said excitedly.
"No." I immediately answered, making her face fell and excitement gone. "Please???" Olive said in her cute voice and made her face cuter. "Will you stop annoying me if I agree?" I said. She clapped her hands repeatedly and nodded. "Alright." I said bored. She then grabbed my wrist, almost dragging me with her.

"Hey Guys!!! Enoch's here!!!" Olive said obviously happy. Emma teased Olive and me about it. "So, you got him, someone's who is always cooped up in the house, outside??? He really does have a soft spot for you." Then, after saying that, she winks at Olive.

"Not even close." I grumbled and glared at her. "Alright, anyways I will just be there Enoch. Have fun!!!" Olive said going to the playing Bronwyn and Claire.

I just shrugged, not knowing what would I do. I just sat down against a tree near Olive, Claire and Bronwyn.

Olive really is good with kids.

I thought. Everyone's already doing their own thing. Good. They don't have to tease me.
Time passed with me watching what everyone is doing.

As you know, Olive, Claire and Bronwyn is playing tag or dolls. Millard and Hugh is playing ball. Like they usually do. Horace is talking to Emma, probably about clothes. Because she look so bored. And Fiona is making the plants grow very green and healthy.

Just then, exactly 4:30, Miss P arrived. "Children, that's enough for now. Go inside, clean yourselves if necessary, dinner will be served in a few moments. Thank You." Miss P said in a commanding voice. Everyone go inside the house.
Miss P then noticed Fiona running towards us.

Miss P then looked into her pocket watch and said, "Miss Frauenfeld. Right on time. Just a carrot and cabbage for salad. Thank You." Then she looked at Olive, "Miss Elephanta, do you mind to help cook the dinner tonight?" Olive smiled and replied, "Not at all Miss."

She then spotted me before I got in the house. "Oh, Mr. O'Connor, could you help Miss Elephanta cook? The dish would be Finnan Haddie."

Um....I actually don't know how to answer that. "Uh, I guess I could?" She smiled brightly. "Alright then, you got plenty of time to cook. We don't need Fiona to grow anything else, everything you need is in the kitchen." Miss P explained. We nod and went to the kitchen.

We cooked the dish with me telling Olive what she have to do and also lighting the fire.
Cooking the food is easy with Olive, she listens very well to what I say. After a few more minutes, we're finish cooking. I let Olive taste the dish, since we have to make sure it's delicious.

After tasting the Finnan Haddie, Olive's eyes widened.
"It's.........delicious!!!" Olive exclaimed. Then, Miss P told us, "Well done. Everything is ready, I will be the one to put this on the table. Go get ready now." We nod in unison and walked to our rooms to change.

When I got downstairs, almost everyone's already there. When everyone is finally here, dinner started.
Miss P looks happy today. Well, actually she is everyday, if you know what I mean. But, she looks happier today. Probably about the announcement she will tell us.

"Miss P, who cooked this food? Is it you, Miss P?" Little Claire ask. She's already finished, eating the fastest.
"Oh, no, no. It's Miss Elephanta and Mr. O'Connor who cooked this." Miss P replied.

Claire's eye became wide, she gasp and clapped her hands. "Really?!?! Olive you really have talent in Cooking. And Enoch, the food is delicious." Claire exclaimed a little. Olive replied with a sincere, "Thank You." While I just nodded at Claire for thanks.

When everyone is done eating, Miss P said she will say the announcement before Movie Night. "Alright everyone, I will tell the announcement in the Living Room. Everyone be there please." She said. Everyone obeyed.

After a few minutes, Miss P followed us. "Everyone is suppose to clean their rooms and the house." Before anyone who want to ask something, she added. "Before you ask, it's because, we will have a new peculiar with us!"
Everyone gasp, I didn't of course. "What's his/her name Miss P?" Olive asked excited.

Miss P smiled and said, "Jacob...." then, she added, "Jacob Portman." She took a deep breath and said. "Abe's Grandson. He's paying us a visit tomorrow. Not literally but, he's visiting our house outside the loop."

Everyone's silent for a little while. "Um, Miss P, how will Jacob find our loop?" Olive asked again, curious this time. "Well, Miss Elephanta, you, Miss Bloom, Mr. Nullings, Miss Bruntley, Miss Densmore, and the twins, will lead him inside our loop of course." Miss P answered her question.

Olive clapped her hands excitedly. Miss P smiled. "Well, that's all for tomorrow. Now Horace." Horace just nods in response. We watch his dreams, mostly about clothes. I'm not paying attention, until it changed. It's about when Jacob arrived, Olive and Emma showing him around, Emma spending time with him, Jacob helping her with her chores and so on.

"That's enough for now, Horace." Miss P said turning the lights on. Right on time, it's time for the reset. We all watch it while singing 'Run Rabbit Run'. After that, we all were ordered to go lay down and sleep. Everyone obeyed, this time, including me.

To be continued.......

