

Enoch's Point Of View


Come on Olive.....wake up. Please, wake up already.

Yes. Olive is still passed out. She lost a lot of blood because the cut on her neck is deep. And if you're wondering about Mr. Barron, then, yes. He got Miss Peregrine, so is Miss Avocet.

~ flashback ~

"Oh...I didn't noticed that I pushed too far." Mr. Barron said while laughing. Suddenly he turned serious. "But, give me Miss Peregrine and Miss Avocet this instant! Or else, I'll take every peculiar children in this house and take their eyes!" He threatened, but then added. "Your lucky that girl just have a deep wound, it can heal......but she is losing a lot of blood. She might die at blood lost."

My grip on Olive tightened. I am carrying her bridal style. My thoughts are all jumbled up. I can't choose who to save. Olive, or Miss P and Miss Avocet? If I won't do anything Olive might die. Whatever I do, I'll just loose someone. Someone close to me, someone-.

"Don't threaten them any further. I will just voluntarily come with you." Miss P said, snapping me back to reality.

"So will I." Miss Avocet said.

~ end of flashback ~

That's how they got Miss Peregrine and Miss Avocet. Olive was already bandaged, but she's almost as pale as a ghost. "Hey Everyone! I got something to say!" Lolite exclaimed, making me look up at her. She opened her mouth to talk, but when she looked at what is in front of her, she just shouted these words.

"Millard put some clothes on!"
We all looked at her. "Yeah, it's as if you ca-....wait! YOU CAN SEE ME?!?!"  Millard exclaimed. Lolite didn't noticed what she did was weird for us.

"Yeah, I can! It's not lik-.........wait! I CAN SEE YOU!!!" Then, she looked straight again. "But you better put some clothes on." She added, shoving his clothes to his chest. We saw the clothes float, so we know that she really do see him.

"Done putting clothes on. Now what was the announcement you were saying." Millard stated, after putting on his clothes. Lolite nodded in response. Suddenly, she got everyone's attention.

Hmm. Guess she sent a message on their minds.

Course I did. How could they possibly had interest on what I'm talking about, if they're busy panicking?......at least......some of them.

I didn't respond to her. Instead, I looked at Olive once again. And every second that pass by, I was wishing that she'll wake up.

"Lolite...can you hear me? If you can, I want you to tell everyone this. There are only two choices you have to choose from.

1. Save us from the wights and hollows. Leading danger to yourselves.

2. Stay here and be safe. Although you will be in great danger after, no, if they succeeded.

Either of the choices, it will lead to both danger and safety. I entrust the decision on you, peculiar children......take care of yourselves."

I still have my eyes on Olive, but I was listening. Everyone was silent. Then, Lolite answered the unspoken question.

"And before you ask, these words came from Miss Avocet....and as for Miss Peregrine's thoughts, she just wants us to be safe." She smiled sadly while mumbling the last part. "So.....are we gonna attack, or hide and wait until they succeeded and it's the end for us?" I said sarcastically. Hoping they would get my message.

They all looked at each other.

"By the way. Jake......Miss Peregrine entrust you to protect us."

Jake looked down. Even without Lolite's Ability, I know what running on his mind. He's doubting himself...again.


We all looked at the direction where the groan came from. We saw Olive, trying to sit up while holding her bandaged neck. "Wait here for a moment Olive. I made a tea just for you. It's not as good as the tea that you brew. But it will bring back some strength, blood, and will ease the pain." Fiona stated. Then, she left and came back with a cup of hot tea. I helped Olive sat up to drink her tea.

Truthfully, I have an urge to hug her when she woke up. I was so worried about her. Thinking that she might not wake up was a complete torture to me.

And when I look back to our memories with each other, every time I remember her praising my homunculi, even though I know that they're creepy looking, it gives me a funny feeling on my stomach.
It feels, as if butterflies are flying all around it. And I can also feel my cheeks heat up. Specially when I remembered that I carried her bridal style earlier.

It just means you're in love.

I gave Lolite an annoyed look. It's been hours ago ever since I had privacy in my head. Which, not to mention, is annoying. "*coughs a little* so...what happened?" Olive asked us.

We all looked at Lolite, making her sigh. We all know that she can send Olive a vision, making it easy for her to catch up. She placed her forefinger and middle finger on both of her temples. Her flares started to surround  her hands. Then, her temples started to glow too.

"Oh....." was Olive's response after a few minutes. "Why are we just looking at each other and wasting our time instead of planning how we'll get Miss P and Miss Avocet back?" She smiled while saying this.

Her smiled gave me the feeling in my stomach again.

I mentally scolded myself. I keep on saying in my mind that I should remember what's going on.

But, her smiled sure is Beautiful. It could light up this whole world. Wait! What?!? Beautiful?!? What's wrong with me?!?

*sighs* you sure are Oblivious Enoch.

Give me privacy in my head, will yah?!?

She just gave me an apologetically smile. "Well then, Jake, what should we do?" Hugh said. Making bees fly everywhere. Luckily, there are many flowers here, making the bees fly to the flowers, instead of bothering us. We all eyed Jacob. Waiting for an answer. "Do you really trust me on this?" Jacob asked.

We all nod at him. He gave us a grateful smile.

"Alright then, huddle up. I got a plan."


To be Continued...


Author's Note: And finally done! Hi Everyone! I'm back! And of course not dead. Anyways, I guess you can all see who I am pairing Lolite with already...don't yah?

Millard of course!

You can see well enough their little cute scene together.

Anyway, I didn't updated sooner cause I was thinking about a great plot twist.....

???: Stop blabbin' already!

Katherine: Who are you? You look and sound familiar.

???: *cheerfully* I am your OC!!! My name is-

Katherine: Hey! Zip it! You'll be in the story soon enough.

???: Alright then.....*leaves*

Now....where were we?

Oh! Quote of the day! 'Ere yah go!


"It's funny how Oblivious and Obvious  are close to each Other. But Oblivious means you're missing what's the most Obvious."

