What is Love?


Realize: Enolive


Olive's Diary


Dear Diary,

I saw Enoch passing by my way. I didn't know what do do, I used to smile and greet him, but I feel so awkward, so I looked the other way. Beside, he's the star of the basketball team. He'll never notice a geek like me.


Enoch's Diary


Dear Diary,

I passed the corridor and saw the pretty smart girl I usually sit with in chemistry. Olive. I tried to smile at her, but she looked the other way. Besides, I'm just a guy who shoots some hoops. While she is a pretty honour student. She'll never like a guy like me.


Enoch's Point of View


I sighed.

Here we go again.

I saw Olive today again. But, as usual, she looks at the other way. *sighs* guess I won't bring back the old times, huh?

We used to be Best Friends, but ever since the day I joined the basketball team and became the star player, everything change between us.

My next class is Chemistry. Which I have with Olive.

Guess I'll have to deal with this awkwardness more...

« Time Skip: After Classes »

The bell rang, telling us that it's time to go home.

While going home, I went to the park. Thinking I was alone. And yet again, I saw the pretty and smart honour student. Olive.

Ugh! I can't take it anymore!!! I need to tell her already!!!

"Olive..." I said softly, catching her attention. She slowly looked up, still sitting on the swing.

"Oh...if you want to be alone, I can leave already." Olive stood up, not even waiting for me to answer her question.

"Wait!" I stopped her from leaving, by holding her arm. I gently pulled her arm and walked towards the swing. Mentioning for her to sit back down. She did, and I sat beside her.

"What happened to us? We used to be Best Friends..." I said, almost whispering the last part. But she still heard it. She cleared her throat. Then said.

"Well....that...um...yah know... a guy like you, popular, star player of the basketball team, friends and is with a geek like me... it's sort of like two opposites together in one place...do you get what I mean?" I frowned at that. Does she always think so lowly of herself?

Then, I got an idea. I smiled.

"Hey, Olive..." I started. She looked at me, then hummed in response.

She's so cute...

My face became red because of what I said in my head.

"What's the definition of love?" Her face became a little red. Or is it just my imagination?

"Um...an intense feeling of deep affection.."

I nodded, but then said, "Do you want to know what is love to me?" She looked at me suspiciously, but nodded anyway.

"What is Love?

In Math: An Equation

In History: A War

In Chemistry: A Reaction

In Art: A Heart

In Me: You."

I recited the quote, and every now and then, lean in closer and closer to Olive. When Olive realized that we're only centimeters apart, she immediately became flustered.

I smirked at her flustered face. But I know I'm a blushing mess right now too. She keep on closing and opening her mouth, proving me that she's speechless.

"Is that the meaning of love to you too?" I teasingly asked.

I touched her left cheek, stroking it. Then, I leaned in even closer. I closed my eyes, closing the gap between our lips too.

Olive's lips taste like strawberry.  It's soft and so gentle. It's as if my lips made contact with a feather.

The kiss was not short, it was not long either. It was just right. It was gentle, passionate, tender, and it shows our love with each other.

"So...is that your definition of love too, Olive?"

She smiled, wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Yes... I Love You too."

