Lolite Ainsley


Olive's Point of View

Ever since Enoch rose Victor from the dead, I didn't talk to him nor assist him. He seemed to not care anyway, so whatever. I just played with the twins, Claire, and, of course, Bronwyn. I also help Miss P do chores when I got free time.

Today, Miss P summoned me. Because, well, I don't know why really. "Miss Elephanta, right on time." She said, once I entered the room. "Of course Miss P. Why did you summoned me?" I replied. "Olive, Horace told me about one of his dreams, he said that a new girl is arriving. Horace is not sure if the girl is peculiar. So, Miss Elephanta, do you mind going there with someone, and find out if she's a peculiar?" Miss P said.

Hmmm. Why not? Like I said before, someone new is a new friend!!!

"Sure Miss P!!! But, who will I go with?" I answered. I immediately got excited. " seems like it should be.........Enoch." Miss P said, while looking at the backyard, from the window.

Ugh!!! Of all the people, it has to be Enoch!!!!

"Um.....Alright Miss. I will tell him. Um, when will we go Miss?" I asked, still excited by the way. "You could go now, on time is really necessary. You have 30 minutes to tell Enoch you have to go." I smiled at Miss P, then stood up. I nodded, then went to Enoch's room.

I knocked at the door. "Enoch???" I called out. "What do you want?!?!" Enoch suddenly yelled, making me jump back a little. "Miss P told me to go in the village, with you." I answered his question. "Pff, what for?" I opened my mouth to explain, but, when I looked at the clock, I realized my 30 minutes is almost up. I looked at Enoch and say, "Can I explain on the way. I am running out of time."

"Fine, Olive. Lead the way." I squealed, but stopped myself by covering my mouth with my gloved hands.

We kept walking, and me explaining. ".........and that takes us here. Looking for the girl." I explained. And, of course, as Enoch's usual self, doesn't seem to care. "Yippy, how fun!!!" Enoch acted cheerful, mocking slightly. "Pff, it'll be fun, come on." I said, and might also need to drag him on the way.

Then, finally, we saw someone new. It's the girl we're looking for!!! She's like 9 years old, I guess. She looks scared nd curious. I got so excited. "Come on Enoch." I said, so so excited.

When we reached were the girl is, I said, "Hello, are you new here lil' girl." I did my best sweet smile, which isn't hard. "No, I am not new. I was playing hide-and-seek with my friends, then, I saw this bog. I didn't know why, but I went in, then I came out here. Do you have a cellphone? I will call the ones who takes care of me to tell them I'm lost." She said. She looks so cute. Then, I realized something.

Did she just say, 'cellphone'?

"Enoch!!!" I said, nudging him with my elbow. "I know, I heard her say it. For the first time, I thought Jacob was the only one talking about those things." He replied, then added. "Come on, I wanna go back home."

" you mind coming with us? Instead of getting even more lost, why don't you just come with someone you know? Well, in this case, you know by the face." I said.
"Sure, I'd rather be with you than lost out here alone." She replied. I smiled, then I grabbed her hand and we walked back to the house.

"So, let's get to meet each other, is that alright with you?" She nodded repeatedly for an answer. "Alright, I'll go first. I'm Olive Abroholos Elephanta, I live in a house with other children like me." I said smiling. I didn't mentioned the Pyromancer and peculiarity thing, it might freak her out if I did. "Your Turn." I said pointing at her.

"Um, I'm Lolite Ainsley. I'm an orphan. My name is a name of a gem. My nickname is Violet, since it's the translation of the language greek, mixed with another word. I am 9 years old." Lolite said. Then, she whispered to me. "Could you tell that guy it's his turn. Please Olive." She told, I nodded and ruffled her hair slightly. "Hey, your turn." I said, nudging him. He just looked at me then said.

"I am Enoch O'connor. I live in a house with Olive and other children. I am not friendly, so don't expect me being very nice." He said. I was shocked by what he said, I nudged him in the chest. I guess I might jave hit him too hard. Cause he let out an "Ouch!!!". I whispered to him a "Sorry."

After our walk, we finally arrived at the house. "Olive!!! You're Finally back!!!!" Claire exclaimed when we arrived. "Hello to you too Claire." I said giggling slightly. I looked at Lolite and see that she is slightly uncomfortable. I smiled at her and squeezed her hand a little. "I will go outside now. Bye!!" She said, then smiled at Lolite and me. "Ah! Miss Elephanta, Mr. O'connor, I s she really what we think she is?" Miss P asked, popping out of nowhere. She mentioned for me to come to a corner with her, to talk privately.

"Yes Miss P. She sure is, although she doesn't know about being............peculiar." I answered, whispering the word peculiar. Miss P just nodded. But then say, "Maybe you should show her." I am the one to just nod this time. "Maybe we should introduce her to everyone first. Then, I'll show her my peculiarity, Miss." I said. Miss P nod and said, "Well Olive, since you and Enoch know her already, maybe you should be the ones to introduce her to us."

"Sure thing Miss." I replied. Then I went back to Lolite. Who is watching the other play on the backyard. Miss P went outside, then give a command. Everyone started to go in the house.

"Come on Lolite. You're going to meet everyone." I said, then smiled. "Will they like me?" She asked nervously. I immediately became sad, "Of course they will. Do you remember Claire? She smiled to you didn't she?" I said. Se just replied with a, "I guess".

We went to the Living Room with everyone. "Everyone, this is Lolite. Lolite Ainsley. She doesn't know why she's here yet everyone, but she'll find out sooner. So don't say anything about it yet." I introduced her. "Now, introduce yourself everyone." I said. Everyone introduce themselves and shook hands. Very careful in Bronwyn's cast of course. And obviously, she will not meet Millard yet.

"Hello, I'm Claire, Claire Densmore."

"I'm Bronwyn, Bronwyn Bruntley. Claire's best friend."

"I'm Horace. Horace Somnusson."

"I'm Emma. Emma Bloom."

"I'm Hugh. Hugh Apiston."

"I'm Fiona. Fiona Fraunfeld."

"Hello. Nice to meet you all."

Lolite smiled at everyone, I am so happy she's finally warming up to us.

"Um, Miss Elephanta. Why don't you brew us tea with Mr. O'connor and Miss Ainsley?" Miss P said. I guess that's my cue to show her that were peculiar. Enoch groaned. But stood up anyway.

"How can I help?" Lolite asked. I thought for a while, then said, "You could ready the teacups. And I will boil the water." Then Enoch said, "Me? What would I do?" I placed the teapot on the stove, just to be not suspicious now. She'll find out eventually. "Get the teabags ready." I answered his question.

I started to take my gloves off. Then Lolite asked, "What are you doing?" I looked at her and smiled. "Wait and see." I then placed my hands on both sides of the teapot. It started to heat up, then after a few minutes, it's done.

She looked at me like I was crazy. "How did you do that?" I just answered her with a "It's my thing." Then raised my hand and open my palm. Fire lit above my palm. I started to control it. I expected her to panic but....

"Woah! That's so cool!!!" I smiled because of her answer and also her enthusiasm. "I will answer questions later." We started preparing, then we served the tea. All of is are still quiet. Knowing that Lolite already saw my peculiarity.

"So, Lolite. You already know them being peculiar, huh?" Jacob asked, breaking the silence. "Wow!! You all are peculiar?!?!" She exclaimed. Then I just realized something.

Jacob don't know that if you go through the loop, it means you're a peculiar children.

"Alright everyone, let's just talk about this at lunch. Go to your rooms now." Miss P commanded. She looked at me, as if saying 'you ask Lolite if she's gonna stay.' So I did.

"Lolite, will you stay with us from now on???" I said in a soothing voice. She just looked at me first, then she smiled wide. "Of course I will! I'm an orphan only, remember?" She said. I nod for an answer to her question.

We went upstairs, and I lead her to her room. Which is near mine. I told her where my room is, so that when see have a question, she'll just go to my room.

Before I went to my room, Lolite told me, "Thank You Olive. For everything you did. Specially because you made me have more friends."

I smiled sweetly to her.


To be continued...


Do you like the name Violet, but cringe at the thought of it being too common? Then go with Lolite, which is the Greek word for violet and gemstone for cordierite. Lolite comes in all shades of blue. But the fascinating feature of this gem is that it can serve as a compass on cloudy days."

