Wights and Hollows



The wights and hollows are here.


Lolite's Point of View

Wight and Hollows!!!

I thought. I think I want to cry!!! What?!? Don't judge me!!! I'm just 9 ½, I don't want to die yet!!! "Lolite! What's wrong?!? Why are you crying?!?" Someone was panicking. I realized that I was crying. I looked to where the voice came from.

It was Olive who said that. "Are we gonna die, Olive? Are we?" I said, hugging her and crying harder. Olive started rubbing my back, calming me down a little. "Why would you think that we're going to die?"
Olive said, in a calm voice.

"I heard Jake said in his mind that t-t-the w-w-wi-ights and h-h-hol-l-lows are h-h-here." I said, stuttering because of being frightened and because of crying. "Well, we're not yet sure about that. So, would you like to go where the others are and find out?" Enoch said. I suddenly hiccup, stopping the words to come out. So I just nodded for an answer.

I wiped the tears from my eyes. And walked with Olive and Enoch. We were greeted by Miss Peregrine with a, "Right on time. Jake is about to tell us something."

*sighs* Here it goes. I wish the kids won't freak out.
-Jake thought

That's it. I know what he meant by that. I was right.

I hugged Olive tight. She got the message, she knew that what I heard was right. She started to rub my back, soothing me. "I think there are wights and hollows on the island. Outside the loop. There are victims already, sheeps and an innocent person." I heard Jake said.

I can't take this. I am too young. I just learned my peculiarity! And now this!!!
-I complained in my head.

I hugged Olive tighter than I did before. "Hmm. It seems that we should get ready. But Jake, do us a favor please, and keep an eye on what is going to happen. You're the only one who can do this. Lolite can, but she's too young. And she might loose control and show her peculiarity." Miss P said.

I still kept hugging Olive, not looking at anyone. Then I heard a thought worrying about my behavior.

Is Lolite alright? It looks like she's frightened. Well who wouldn't be? You're just 9 ½ and you're going through this.

It was Millard who said that in his mind. I raised my head up, high enough to look at him. He's staring at her too. I smiled at him, a small one. Then mouthed at him, 'I am alright. Don't worry'. He was about to nod, but then realizes that I suddenly know what is in his mind. I didn't answer his unspoken question.

"Speaking of Lolite's Peculiarity, we already know it!!" Olive said, putting her enthusiasm in it. She said that to break the tension all around the room. Since they're talking about me now, I released Olive from my hug. I don't want anybody else thinking about my behavior. I don't want to be the weak one.

"Amazing work you two!!! So..what's her peculiarity?" Miss P complimented then asked. Olive and Enoch looked at me, their thoughts are the same as the other.

Would you like me to say it, or you'll do it?

They thought. I shook my head, letting them know they should announce it. They answered me with a nod. Then, Enoch gestured 1, 2, and 3 with his hands (and also mentally).

"She's a Mind Reader!!! And her other peculiarity is Telekinesis!!!" They said unison. Everyone suddenly looked at me. "Wow. You read minds? Awesome!!!" Claire said. I smiled, forgetting whatever I was worried about. I nodded in response.

We all started talking about my peculiarity.


Everyone was having a good time. But...

Little did they know...
Miss P talked to Jake alone.

"Jake, if something, a horrible something, happened....and you know the others can't handle, I am the first one to find out. Alright." Miss Peregrine said, commanding at the end. "I understand Miss." Jake replied, then added after realizing what the time is. "Although, I already have to go, Miss. My dad is already getting suspicious."

Miss Peregrine only nodded in response. Then gestured for him to go and say goodbye to the others.

« Time Skip »

The next day.....

Jake passed by a crowd while walking home. Curious what the crowd is all about, he checked what's the matter. Jake found his dad on the crowd. He pushed passed some of the people on the crowd (saying excuse me of course).

"Dad, what happened here?" Jake asked his father. And what he saw next shocked him. The man from where he is staying is dead! His corpse is resting on a rock, and his wheel chair is not that far from him, making it look like he was pushed by someone down the hill. "Same thing that happened to your grandpa." His father answered his question. Jacob let out a silent gasp.

Looking closely at the corpse, he saw that the man has no eyes. Same thing that happened to his Grandpa Abe.

Little did they know...

Someone heard what Jake's father said.

Ahh! The Portmans. Let's see if Abe's grandson is peculiar. I might have a new victim soon. *evil laugh*


"Be grateful of the
Time you have.
You never know what
Would happen tomorrow."

