Who are you?


Olive's Point of View


We're back at the ship. Miss P landed at our ship earlier. But, there's this funny feeling I keep on having. But I don't have an idea what it is.

It's been bugging me for a while. Without a specific reason, all of us are in one room. Surprisingly, even Enoch is here, not in his room resurrecting his homunculi.

Jake arrived earlier. He still haven't come down here, he's still with Emma. How did I know even when I haven't seen him?

Let's just go to a flashback.

~ flashback ~

"Ugh!!! Why did I have to see that?!?!" I heard Lolite shout.

"What's the matter?" I asked sweetly before she goes hysteria. Lolite touched my left temple and her hand glowed sapphire blue.

I saw her memory, it's about Jake and Emma doing 'things' here on the boat.

*ahem ahem*

I giggled silently at Lolite's face, she looks like a tomato right now. I know that if I was on her situation with her age, I would have reacted like her.

How cute can Lolite get?

~ end of flashback ~

"Miss Peregrine..." I heard Claire asked Miss Peregrine, . Miss P looked at her and said, "Yes Claire?"

"Why do I feel like we need to go back?"

"Back where?" I heard Millard's voice interrupted Miss Peregrine's answer. "Millard! Don't just interrupt someone's conversation! Plus, remember that I can see you!"

Lolite is referring to the fact that he's naked. Somewhere near her. With-who-knows-what expression.

Then the two started arguing like there's no tomorrow.

They look like a happy couple *giggles*

I teased Lolite, knowing she will be able to hear what I said in my head. And I was assured when her face turned as red as a tomato.

"Miss P, I think we should go back to the loop."

"I actually feel the same." I said. Placing a hand on Claire's right shoulder.

"Me too."

"Same goes for me."

"Count me in!"

Those are all of their answers and, not to mention, more. Except Enoch. All of us looked at him.

"You wouldn't get an argument from me."

All of us smiled. "Then it's settled, we're heading to the loop!" Miss Peregrine announced with a cheerful voice.

« Time Skip »

Here we are, in front of our old loop. Not knowing what to do. Miss Peregrine is in front of us. I'm beside Lolite, a hand placed on her shoulder.

"Someone's in there." Lolite said out of nowhere.

"How can you tell?" Bronwyn asked out of curiosity. "I can hear their thoughts. Plus, who in the world would go to a bog?" She answered with a matter of fact tone.

Miss P entered the bog/our loop. She motioned for us to follow her. All of us entered one by one.

And what we saw surprised us...
... The loop is restored.

"How come the loop is restored?!?!" Hugh exclaimed, astonished. All of us looked around, not knowing if this is real or not. "Who would have done this?" Asked a curious Fiona. No one can answer though. All of us needed that answer and all of us don't know the answer.

We've been walking for minutes already, and finally, we arrived to our home. Our reason for coming back. But then, there's something, more like someone, who wasn't there before.

"Who are you?"

