Meeting Victor Bruntley


Enoch's Point of View


Jacob is here in the loop again. I have to do something to make him leave once and for all. And I know just what to do to make that happen.

Everyone is doing their own thing right now. Great timing, maybe no one will notice what I will do.

Right now, I am working on my homunculi, until Olive and Jacob went in the room. "Come on Jake, meet Enoch properly." Olive said. I sighed, I don't want to see him, but Olive is bringing him to me. "I will warn you right now, you may not like my peculiarity."

"Scissors." I said. Olive placed it on my palm. I used it to open the chest of an old doll I used to reincarnated before. I placed a rat heart on it's chest. I did the same on the other. Then, I controlled it and rose it from the dead.

"H-h-ow d-did yo-u do t-hat?" Jacob asked. I looked at him, I knew this is gonna be his reaction. "This isn't even the fun part Jake. Do you wanna see the fun part?" I said, in a taunting voice.

Even though we know he is scared, he nodded. I whispered a command to the dolls. It looked at each other, then started fighting each other. Olive squealed and clapped her hands. When the fight was over, Jacob just looked at us and walked out of the room.

"Um, Enoch, I'll be outside too." Olive said. I started cleaning my table. Then finally answered, "Alright, go." I only looked up when I know she already left. Then, when I know the coast is clear, I get enough of the thing I needed and get it ready. I will just need the right time to do it.


Jacob's Point of View


I looked for Miss P after a few minutes after Enoch showed me his peculiarity. And obviously, it's creepy. Once I found Miss P, I immediately asked my question. "Miss Peregrine, who's Barron?"
When I asked it she looked at my hands, which is holding the letter I got from my first visit here. "First of all, Mr. Portman, you shouldn't have snatched this letter. And Mr. Barron is once was a peculiar like us." She said, angry at first.

I then got another question. "What do you mean 'once was'? What happened to him?" I asked, again. She sighed, I guess she didn't want me to ask that question. "'s best for you to not know." Miss P said calmly. I got a little angry because of this.

"What do mean 'best for you to not know'?! My grandfather sent me here to know everything he knew! To make my questions answered, so, why are you not answering them, huh?!?!" I exclaim, letting my anger out. "I am truly sorry Jake, I have to go." She left, before I even said anything.

I sighed to myself.

So much for expecting answers.

"Oh how sad. I can't help but hear your outburst. Would you like me to be the one to show you something that might help you your question?" Enoch said, suddenly appearing behind me.

Answer to my question. Why would I say no?

I thought. "Sure. Just be sure this will help me." I said, trying to be threatening. I think he almost laughed. "Course I'm sure." Then he added. "There is someone you didn't met yet. His name's Victor, Victor Bruntley. Bronwyn's brother." He said.

That's right. Nobody said a thing about Victor for like...............ever.

I nodded. "Alright. Lead the way." He started walking. He went up the stairs. A lot of turns. Until, we reached Victor's room, well that's what I think it is anyway.

When we were about 15 inches away, somebody saw us.

"Enoch!!!" A lady's voice said. She went pass Enoch and me, while doing it, I saw red hair. Olive. She put both of her hands out, stopping us from going in the room.

"What Olive?!?!" Enoch said a little annoyed. "You know that you're not supposed to be here!!!" Olive spat back. They're staying a little quiet before it's Miss P who hear them.

"I know. So? Do I have to care?" Enoch said, I just looked at them both. "Yes you should!!! You know Miss P forbid you to go to that room!!! You know who would be upset!!! And you know my reason for stopping you to do it!!!" Olive shouted at him. This is the first time for me to see her like this.

"Yes, I know." He said, emotionless.

"If you do, then you do know I will be broken if you do what I know you will do!!!! Enoch he was our friend!!! He is still our friend!!! Or you're just too cold to realize that!!! Maybe I am his friend!!! And not you!!!" Olive said, and for once, I saw an emotion on Enoch's face. Guilt.

Before anyone has a chance to talk, she added. "If you're gonna be like that!!! Then maybe, I don't want to be your friend!!!" Then she pushed pass us and walked away.

The next time, it's Fiona who got to see us. "Enoch, you know that Bronwyn don't like it when we bother Victor." Fiona said. "Don't you think Jake here needs to meet everyone?" Enoch said.

Fiona has no answer to that, instead she said, "Jake, ignore what Enoch said. Come and play with us instead." She smiled to convince me.

"No, sorry Fiona. I would really lobe to meet Victor." I told her. Enoch immediately got something to say to make Fiona leave. "See Fiona, he wants to. Now run off!" He said. Fiona got nothing else to say, she just run off like Enoch said.

Enoch opened the door. "Hello Victor. I am Jacob, sorry if I'm interrupting-" Enoch cut me off before I got to finish my sentence. "Just shut up. He can't hear you." He said. By that, I know what he meant. Victor's dead. "Oh." Was all the reply I could muster. Then, Enoch mentioned to me to go closer to Victor. I did.

I saw a heart in Enoch's hand.
He placed it on Victor's chest. Which is disgusting by the way. Then, he stood up, and concentrated. Victor immediately sprung up, head down. He looked at me. I don't know if that possibly because...

...HE DOESN'T HAVE EYES!!! It's more creepier because he said, "Hello Jake, I'm Victor. Do you want to know what killed me?" I immediately ran out of the room.


Enoch's Point of View


Hah! He's so scared!!! I wish that would be enough. I looked back at Victor, I saw a tear fell from his eyes.

*sighs* Yeah, what kind friend am I? Why did I continue it anyway?!?! I know it would hurt Victor!!!! Ugh!!!! Idiot! I'm an idiot!!!!

I hatred myself for doing this. Maybe Olive is right. No! Not maybe! Olive is right!!!! "I'm so sorry Victor." I mumbled. *sighs* No one will see me like this again. Yes, I am sorry about Victor. But no one cares that I am rude anyway. I thought about this, and everything about me is back to normal.

Normal, as in Rude, Cold, and nobody's friend.


Miss Peregrine's Point of View


When I was walking around the house, I passed Victor's room. I went in, he's the peculiar that passed away because of wights. When I looked at him, he have tears in his eyes. He must be in pain. Enoch rose him from the dead again!!!

I need to talk to Mr. O'connor later. I hugged Victor and fight my tears back. "I am so sorry Victor. If I kept an eye on you better, you wouldn't be dead. I am truly sorry." I said I let few of my tears to fall. I tucked him in the bed again. And then left the room, I need to talk to Enoch.


Olive's Point of View


How could he do that to our friend? Is he oblivious that whenever he rose him from the dead, he cries? Maybe he knows but doesn't care!!! How could he?!?! *sighs* If only you could help me Victor. I wish you're here.


Author's Note:

Hello Everyone!!!! I'm so thankful for the support. Thank You everyone!!!

