Wedding Day


Olive's Point of View


"I'm so nervous!!!" I whined. It's my wedding day today...I'm getting married to Enoch. Just the thought of it makes my heart skip a beat.

"It's alright, Olive. This is your first and last time to get married. What's the worst that could happen?" Emma reassured me. Emma is my Maid of Honour. And trust me, she looks beautiful in her dress. But according to Emma and everyone else,

"You're really beautiful! No one can match your beauty right now!"

And I don't know if I should believe it or not. I never thought of myself being beautiful. If you're wondering why I don't believe them, here's why.

I actually have no idea what I look like yet, they're still doing my hair.

"And....done!" Emma said the words I've been waiting to hear. Believe it or not, it's tiring sitting here. If you're in my place here, you'll understand.

I looked at myself in the mirror. And saw someone that is not me. A girl in front of me is wearing a beautiful wedding gown and her hair is tied up on a braided bun.

I look beautiful.

I thought to myself, finally believing their words. I take a deep breath.'s now or never...


Third Person's Point of View


"Everyone in their tuxedos and gowns. Check.

Olive's bouquet. Check.

Music. Check.

Rings. Check.

Doves. Check.

Bible. Check.

Everything else looking like the future (2018). Check.

Everyone where they should be and know what they should do. Check."

Lolite said, holding a checklist. Millard watching her, thinking how cute Lolite is. Those two might argue all the time, but they still have a special connection with each other.

"Wait! I almost forgot something." The mind reader exclaimed, startling the invisible boy.

She started looking for 'certain' floating clothes. "Millard with clothes. Check- wait! Could you at least fix your hair?!?!" Then that started another argument.

"Nobody will see me but you anyway! Why should I?!?!"

"'Cause it annoys me!!!"

"Well, feel free to be annoyed!!!"

"Ugh!!!" The invisible boy snickered, thinking that he won the argument. But with a snap of Lolite's fingers, a comb came floating in, fixing Millard's hair.

The groom laughed silently, amused of his and Olive's Little Bride and Little Groom.

"Children! If you haven't noticed, the wedding is about to start." Miss Peregrine said, holding her pocket watch.

Everyone lined up, starting with the flower girls, the ring bearer, bible bearer, coin bearer, then the little bride and little groom, then the bridesmaids, the groomsmen, the best man, and lastly, the sponsors.

When the song started, the groom, Enoch, started to walk.

Next to him is Bronwyn, she walked forward slowly, following the rhythm of the music (which is also slow). Then she was followed by Claire, then other girls from other loops. All of them wearing a cute red and black dress and holding a basket with flowers.

They were followed by the twins, they walked together (no one could separate them) The first twin holding a pillow, on it is the rings. The second twin holding the coins. The boy who followed after the twins is holding a bible with his gloved hands.

Maybe he's also elemental. Just like Olive.

Next are Lolite and Millard. Lolite is wearing a gown that looks a lot like Olive's.Although hers have straps. She's also holding a bouquet of flowers. Millard is the same with Enoch's Tuxedo. They walked with linked arms.

They're acting like they didn't fought just now.

An amused Emma thought.

The next are Fiona and Hugh, they walked together, arms linked, blush clearly seen on their cheeks. Then followed by other two boys and two girls from another loop. They are all wearing identical clothes. The girls are all holding a bouquet of flowers.

The girls are wearing...

Then, the next are Emma and Jacob. The Maid of Honor and the Best Man. Arms linked, it was as if they don't want to let go.

Emma is wearing a long red dress that reach her feet and has only one strap. It's strap are roses. And also holding a bouquet of flowers.

Next comes the sponsors. First Miss Peregrine. Then behind her are her fellow ymbrynes.

Then, the 'Here Comes The Bride' song started.

Ereryone looked towards the door, seeing the door closed, but then slowly opened. It revealed Olive, the veil covering her face. Flowers on her hands and Victor is beside her, walking her towards the isle.


Olive's Point of View


My heart beats faster and faster as I slowly walk towards the isle. Everyone's eyes are on me, which worsen my nervousness.

But then, I looked at the man waiting for me on the isle. The love of my life. The thought of being with him forever, starting today, calmed my nerves.

For what seems like forever, we reached the isle. Victor let go of me, handing me to Enoch. Then he sat down with the others.

The priest started to talk about marriage. I listened, but sometimes look at my soon-to-be-husband beside me.

"Do you Enoch O'Connor, take Olive Abroholos Elephanta, to be you wife?" The priest asked Enoch.

Not needing to think twice, Enoch answered. "I do."

The priest turned towards me, then asked the same question.

"Do you Olive Abroholos Elephanta, take Enoch O'Connor, to be your husband?"

Like Enoch, I don't need a think to think. I love Enoch years ago, it's impossible for someone to convince me to not to marry this man.

"I do."

"Now please recite your vows in front of the audience and God." The priest said. In the vows, we could choose either to write our own or recite the traditional one, so I decided to do them both.

Enoch recited his vow first,

"Olive, I want you to know this, you're a lot of my first. First crush. First love. First kiss. First and also last girlfriend. And because of that, I promise to always be by your side. No matter what conflict comes our way, I will love you and never leave you. I will stay the same Enoch, and never change. So...

...I, Enoch O'Connor, take you Olive Abroholos Elephanta, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'til death do us part: according to God's holy ordinance, and thereto I pledge you my love and faithfulness."

After saying these words, I have tears threatening to fall already. I gave him a short hug, then started to recite my vow.

"Enoch, everyone, to be honest, I memorized my vow already, but right now, I forgotten everything I have to say. I just want you to know, I love you and I will love you for forevermore. No matter what happens, I will still be the bubbly pyromancer whom you love. And...

I, Olive Abroholos Elephanta, take you Enoch O'Connor, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'til death do us part: according to God's holy ordinance, and thereto I pledge you my love and faithfulness."

Now it was Enoch who's smiling so brightly now. I then just noticed that we both thought if the same thing (joining their own vows with the traditional one).....which I find cute.

"I now announce you husband and wife." I smiled at those words. I am finally married to the man I love.

"You may kiss the bride." The priest didn't need to tell Enoch twice. He pulled me into a passionate and full of live kiss.

I pulled away, knowing kids are watching. Enoch wraps an arm around my waist.

I looked at the people in front of us. While looking, I saw Mackenzie and Maximilian. They're wearing a red dress and red tuxedo.

I think both me and Enoch have the same thought.

What are they doing here?

We wouldn't miss it for the world, Mom, Dad.

The voice that answered my question was Mackenzie's. I smiled.

See you in the future, dear.

I felt tears threatening to fall. Not because of sadness, but because of happiness.

I don't like happy endings,
I want to be happy without ending.

~ The End ~


"When you let Jesus write you a love story,
You are guaranteed a happy ending."


Extended Ending


~ Year 2020 ~

"Enoch!" I exclaimed enthusiastically, looking for my husband.

"Yes, love?" I smiled sheepishly at his sleepy face.'s like...5:30 in the morning. It's a good thing Enoch loves me too much to complain about that.

I dropped the smile and acted all serious. "Enoch, can we talk?" Enoch sensed the change of my emotions.

We sat down on the bed, I took his hand in both my small hands.

"Could you please get me water and grapes first?" I asked nicely. I know I was acting serious, but it's because I'm just nervous.

Enoch reluctantly got what I asked for. "What do you need these for?" Enoch asked right after sitting down. I immediately drank the water.

"It's because I started throwing up when I woke up this morning." I took a bite on the grapes.

Enoch started to get worried again and keep on asking me questions. He even checked my temperature to see if I don't have fever.

"Enoch, I also don't need napkins for the next 9 months." I know it should be a private thing, but I need to let Enoch know. He's my husband after all! He might but me napkins even if I don't need it!

"I know it should be private...but, why?"

"Cause I'm Pregnant."

I said it smoothly, making Enoch not realize what I just said.

"Yeah that makes much more sense."

I giggled to myself.

He haven't processed my sentence yet, have he?

"Wait! You're pregnant?!?!" I laughed at Enoch's shocked face. But it was immediately replaced by a gasp.

Enoch picked me up and spin me around. When he finally stopped spinning me, he lowered me a little, but only enough to be eye level with him.

"I love you." Enoch kissed me on the lips. He put me down and get on his knees.

"Hello Mackenzie, hello Maximilian. This is Papa, welcome to this world." Then, Enoch placed a kiss on my stomach.

I made Enoch stand up. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you guys so much..." Then I kissed my husband's lips with so much love and passion.

I love my family so much.


Author's Note: *cries like a baby* Nooooo!!!! Why does it have to end!!!! I'll miss you guys!!!!......just kidding. This isn't over just yet. 4 more bonus chapters to go.

Enjoy our last few days together!!!

Btw, the location of the wedding is the picture above. It's the Glass Garden in the Philippines. And the date of the wedding is September 3, 1943 (if you know what I mean)

