Thirty Two:

Chapter Thirty Two:

“For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars and so on—whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man—for precisely the same reasons.”

―Douglas Adams,The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

I rushed down the stairs to dinner in  black running shorts, a white tank top and  my running shoes.

“Sorry I am late,” I said taking a seat in between  Blake and Tatum at the table.

“When are you ever not,” Blake snorted.

“I had to get egg out of my hair,” I replied shrugging and he looked at me questioningly.

“Ask the guy who put egg in my hair,” I said pointing my thumb to Tatum and Blake chuckled.

“You are the one who started it by putting flower in  my hair!” Tatum said defending himself.

“Yeah but you are the one who retaliated! I had egg in my hair and shirt!” I said.

“I had Oil running down my back, Egg and flower in my hair!” He replied.

“And the Kitchen is the one who looked the worse,”  Liz said giggling.

“Oops,” Tatum and I said looking at each other before bursting out in laughter.

“Such children,” Jonah said tsking.

“I will have you know I am eighteen rightfully an adult no longer a teen nor a kid so suck it up buttercup because you mister are still a kid not us,” I said and everyone at the table except Jonah laughed. Jonah was currently glaring at me.  Oh  well someone’s been drinking Haterade, and lot’s of it.

“I think your brother is drinking way too much haterade,” I whispered to Blake. Well not really whispered Per Say because I made sure the whole table could hear me. They bursted out laughing again and Jonah scowled.

“Oops, someone’s mad,” Blake told us glancing at  Jonah.
“So Brea, you excited for Chloe’s wedding?” Liz asked and I nodded.

“Yeah but you know my mom she will make it a huge thing literally and I don’t think Landon and Chloe want that, Landon has never been that all much into  big parties though he is a lot dramatic,” I said and Liz nodded.

“Well we will just have to lock your mom up in  a room when Chloe and Landon are wedding planning then,” She said chuckling.

“And she will have your heads if you do that,” Peter said and I smiled knowing he was right

“You are right about that,” Liz said.

“When am I ever wrong?” He asked.
“Lot’s of times,” Liz said giggling.

“So not true!” He objected.

“So is!”
































“is,”Liz said before kissing Peter.

“Ew get a room!” The whole table chorused.

“Football outside anyone?” Blake asked.

The Boys agreed while I said I was going to go upstairs and draw for a little while.

I took out my sketch book and put a lollipop in my mouth  looking out the window that  was a window seat thing.  I started to sketch and soon colored the photo not realizing I had drawn Tatum until I was done. It was as Beautiful as he always is. Or should I say Handsome? Probably should say handsome.  As I was thinking I did not hear the door open nor the person come to me but when they stole my sketchbook I snapped out of my thoughts.

“Woah these are amazing! I mean it! When did you learn to draw like this!” Tatum asked looking through my sketch book.

“On my spare time when I was bored, I had a lot of spare time,” I said  shrugging and he looked shocked.

“Woah,” He said.

“Yeah,” I said heat rising to my cheeks.

“Want to take a walk?” he asked.

“Sure, why not,” I said smiling and he entwined his hand with mine as we made our way towards the lake even though it was almost dark.
