Chapter Sixteen:

Chapter 16:

“There's nothing like deep breaths after laughing that hard. Nothing in the world like a sore stomach for the right reasons.”

―Stephen Chbosky,The Perks of Being a Wallflower

We were all sitting by the lake drinking tea while Lunch was going on.

“So Landon and Forrest, you two catch us up, with as much detail and action possible,” Mom said loving details.

“Okay so we are now 27, having disappeared three years ago. At first we went to california for two years, dyed our hair and put in contacts. Than we came here a year ago after dealing with them and so now we are here. Our hair is still dyed but we took out the contacts yesterday seeing no point in hiding anymore. And apparently you guys pretended we were dead, with coffins and everything,” Forrest said.
“Hey I have had a headstone all my life which is eighteen years almost nineteen, you guys have had it for three years so stop complaining,” I said rolling my eyes.

“When will you give that up, you got out of the kingdom!” Alyssa said rolling her eyes.

“By switching places with you but everyone still thinks I am dead, do you know how boring it is when you're supposedly dead and you're locked in your room during parties that you can’t attend because you're dead. It’s boring! All I had was music, books and sometimes you guys and pranks. I mean Chemical Romance, Beatles, Imagine Dragons and more are all nice bands but it gets lonely in there with no friends! Heck I would trade it for fighting off assassin's or running a kingdom or even walking around the kingdom! I know it’s selfish but why did I have to be the one cursed!  I don’t regret being the one cursed but why did It have to take away everything I love for  almost nineteen years? Why did that have to take away my freedom, my life and my family?” I asked.

“We are sorry you feel like that, all we tried to do was protect you we didn’t know we were suffocating you or hurting you in the process. We just don’t want to lose you,” My dad said and I nodded biting my lip and putting another lollipop in my mouth.

“So any guys you are interested in here?”Alyssa asked changing the subject.

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” I teased.

“I would, actually,” Alyssa said.

“Oh well you will find out later maybe, maybe not,” I said  smirking and she groaned.

“Maybe it’s that Prince you take late night walk’s with?” Landon asked smirking.

“Maybe it isn’t maybe it is, you never know. Now enough about me, how is the kingdom going to react to you two being back and my sudden aliveness because we all know that one of the girls in their will tell someone and someone will tell another person. So on until everyone knows,” I said.

“True well we will have a conference in a few days, wait until everyone suspects than do it because you should enjoy your last few day’s. After they know Chaos will erupt and everything,” My mom explained.

“Oh and I forgot to mention… Landon has a girlfriend,” Forrest said making Landon Blush.

“Landon Kiss are you blushing?” my mother asked giggling.

“Who is she? Where did you meet? Was it love at first sight? What’s her name? How old is she? Is she nice? What’s she like?” Alyssa asked.

“Her names Chloe and she is really nice, actually I met her when I first came here, she isn’t Royal, she lives in the kingdom and I see her often. You will love this Alyssa, she is a book reader just like you and she works as a baker. Also she is 26, and we met when we bumped into each other in town, we looked each other in the eyes and I instantly liked her, She is just… woah. I think I might… no- I do, I seriously do Love her,” Landon said making mom squeal.

“So when are we going to meet this famous Chloe that makes you blush as bright and red as rudolph's nose?” I asked.

“Soon,” He said still blushing .

“So how did talking with Liz and Peter go?” I asked my parents.

“How do you know their first name?” Mom asked.

“I have this awesome ability to charm anyone and they love me so they told me I could call them that, I know I know I am just  his too adorably awesome charming person that no one can resist,” I said.

“Sure, keep thinking that if it helps you sleep at night,” Alyssa told me.

“Wait, earlier you mentioned how she was a bookworm and you were a runner? She was always on the track and you were always reading in your room though?” She asked confused.

“We have switched since we were little while she loved reading, I loved running so we switched so I could go outside,” I explained.

“If you ever switch ever again you two will be in so much trouble, and I am not joking, I mean it,” Dad said seriously.

“Alright,” Alyssa and I said shrugging.

“How come we have never thought of switching?” Forrest asked Landon.

“Because you guys are too dumb,” I told them.

“Brea! No foul language and don’t talk to your brothers like that!” Dad said scolding me.

“Yeah, Yeah, Alright,” I said.


We talked and talked about this or that till dark. We had even managed to miss dinner.

“Okay well I am heading into my room now so I will talk to you guys tomorrow,” I told them. Saying goodbye we parted ways, them off to guest bedrooms that the Queen and King are letting them stay in for a few days.

“Oh My Gosh!” Tilly said jumping up and down as she sat on my bed with Shawna and Jade. Paige and Alice were standing near them.
“What’s up?” I asked.

“We had dates with Tatum,” Paige and Alice said in sync.

“Your brother Forrest is seriously fine looking,” Jade said.

“Blake is really cute,” Tilly told me.

“Don’t look at me, I am just here to be here and listen,” Shawna said shrugging.

“First of all Paige and Alice Spill! Jade he’s 27, 6 years older than you. Thirdly Tilly go for him, you two would be so cute!” I said to them. Jade gave a reply of ‘Oh so not fair,’ with a few cuss words in there. I guess since we weren’t in front of people they could act like themselves now.

“I had lunch with him at this fancy restaurant and we talked, we talked random subjects it was really cool,” Paige told me.

“He was a real gentleman at dinner with a Picnic and everything in this field with flowers all around us and we talked too about random stuff,” Alice said.

“Ohlala looks like you both hit it off with him,” I told them.

“Yeah, I can’t wait for our next date!” Alice said squealing.

“So you think I should go for it and ask him out?” Tilly asked looking beyond nervous.

“Definitely, what have you got to lose? Now who want’s to watch the Notebook?” I asked.


I ignored the clicking coming from my window already knowing that it was Tatum throwing rocks at my window. The girls left a while ago to go to bed. Any Other girl would think it’s romantic but I just thought it was annoying right now as the only thing I could think of is him kissing Kasey right in front of me, right in front of the dining room doors where all could see. Soon the clicking stopped and it was quiet as I layed on my belly face first into the pillow. Before Knocking sounded at the door, I wanted to open it, I did but then I remembered he was kissing her. He kissed her. He kissed her. I don’t know why it bothered me so much but it did and I couldn’t help feel my heart tear at the memory in my head playing over and over again.

The knocking stopped but the door opened, I didn’t turn around or give any sign I was awake, I just listened.

“Echo? I mean Brea? Can we talk? Are you awake? Well If you are I just wanted to tell you I am sorry you saw that, she kissed me, I didn’t kiss back though. I don’t know why you are upset though, we are friends still right? I didn’t mean for you to get all angry at me, please forgive me?” He asked but I still didn’t answer. I stayed silent. After ten minutes I heard footsteps walk out and the door closed.

I closed my eyes sighing before flipping over staring at the ceiling.

I really don’t know why but I just couldn’t face him. Did I like him? It hurt seeing him kissing Kasey but why did it hurt? Was I jealous? But I wasn’t Jealous of Paige or Alice, Was I?
What is that feeling I am feeling? At time like this I really wished that I had not been the dead sister. I mean does this feeling mean I like him? What is this feeling? My stomach feels like butterflies everytime I see him, my heart beats faster every time he is around and my brain is nonexistent when we kiss. But was I just another girl to him? Another girl he could kiss? Just another girl? Did I like him? Did he like me? Of course he didn’t. Why would he like a girl when he could date any girl he wanted? Why would he like me of all people when their was better people here?  

I bit my lip as thoughts swarmed my head, my clock told me it was one o'clock in the morning, four more hours and I would go running. Four more hours and I could stop thinking. I grabbed my sketch book and sat by the window as thoughts ran through my mind. As I drew I didn’t notice what I was drawing but three hours later when I had finished coloring it I looked to see a boy. A eighteen year old boy from three years ago kissing a fifteen girl. He had brown messy hair but it always looked cute especially when he wore his beanies with it. He had grey colored eyes with gold specks that I could stare at for forever.  The boy was Tatum three years ago and the only thing that had changed about him since then was that he grew taller but even then he was taller than me. After all I was 5’4 and 4’10 when I was fifteen. I remembered that day by the lake, the day of another argument between each other. We just couldn’t stop arguing and usually it was funny to the six other Pierce brothers but for this argument they weren’t around. This argument ended weirdly. I got the news about my brothers disappearance and an hour after the argument I packed up and went home to my family who was in chaos after the boys had left.

I looked at the clock to see it read 4:34, so I got dressed in black short shorts that was spandex, a lilac sports bra and my running shoes. I grabbed my music and the arm band along with a black sweatshirt before heading outside.As I walked to the track I put my hair into a high ponytail. Putting the music on shuffle and the highest volume allowed I put my headphones in and started to run. As I ran I forget everything around me and concentrated on running, nothing else. All thoughts flew out of my mind like always when I ran and I kept on running till I felt out of breath no longer able to run anymore, and needing a break. When I stopped I looked around my surroundings as I sweated crazily. Hey! Give me a break! I ran a lot! I looked around to see Alyssa with her nose in a book sitting next to my sweatshirt. I took out my headphone and shut the music off going towards her.

“What time is it?” I asked her.

“Breakfast time,” She said shutting her book and getting up. I zippered my sweatshirt just enough that it showed some skin and my sports bra. I was hot no matter how much I don’t look presentable right now I don’t care because I don’t think you would be either if you ran that much.

I walked with her to the dining room knowing we were late.

“Hey girls,” I said to my friends as I walked over to them grabbing the water by my seat and chugging it.

“For a princess you sure don’t act like it,” Tilly said giggling.

“That’s a good thing I think,” I said.

“Yeah it makes you different so it’s a good thing, I like it,” Jade said.

“Ew Brea you're all sweaty!” Alice told me.

“Yeah I went running for three hours so I am obviously all sweaty,” I said rolling my eyes.

“Three hours! You were up at five? How can you survive? I barely can wake up at seven!” Shawna asked shocked.

“I never went to sleep, I couldn’t sleep so I drew and then around five I went outside and ran for three hours,” I said shrugging and sitting down between Tilly and Jade. My sister was sitting at a table with my brothers and parents.

“You're crazy,” Paige said shaking her head.

“Tell me something I don’t know,” I said chuckling.

“I stole a lollipop from your stash when I went in your room this morning to get you,” Tilly said and I started to choke on my water. After having a coughing fit with Shawna patting my back.

“Please tell me you're kidding! My Lollipops dude!” I told her as she started laugh.

“Do you know how funny your face was then, of course I didn’t touch your precious lollipops, for someone with three siblings you sure can’t share,” Tilly said still laughing.

“Sharing is definitely not in my dictionary or the term some one ever uses near MY lollipops again MINE,” I said and this time the whole table started to crack up.
“What’s so funny? I mean if you want lollipops go get your own not touch mine because that’s exactly what they are, they are MINE. And this is so not funny guys, why are you laughing!” I asked as they kept laughing at me.

“Oh shove off you all! Just because my lollipops are MINE and they are MY world doesn’t mean you can laugh at me,” I said now pouting which seemed to crack them up even more and get the whole rooms attention.


“You know you sound like a five year old who loves lollipops and doesn’t know how to share,” Alice said between laughing and gasping.
“No I dont! I am 18! Thirteen years ago I was five now I am 18,” I said groaning.

“Still didn’t deny her problem of not sharing,” Jade said between laughing.

“You all are mean, I can share!” I said.

“Not,” Tilly replied.

“Can too!”

























“Oh yeah so then you wouldn’t mind if I did actually steal that lolipop this morning than right?” Tilly asked looking all serious.

“YOU WHAT! TILLY YOU BETTER HAVE NOT! HAVE I NOT TOLD YOU THAT THOSE LOLLIPOPS ARE MY LIFE AND I LOVE THEM?” I asked standing up and she cracked up laughing again with the table.

“I will share everything except lollipops, lollipops I love more than oxygen it’s my life!” I said only to get more laughing out of the table.

“I have no clue how that’s funny!” I said throwing my hands up in the air groaning and sitting down.


I was with my sister in the library as she looked for some great books that she could read and tell Hunter all about them after breakfast even though I am still in my running clothes.

“How do you know if you like someone?” I asked her.

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that, you are the older sister,” She said still looking at the books.

“The older sister that is dead,” I muttered.

“YOU ARE NOT DEAD, YOU ARE CLEARLY BREATHING!” She said turning around to me.

“Yeah well not for long, you heard it when I was little, when we were born I was told I had a curse on me,” I said not telling her the whole truth but enough it. I didn’t tell her how I had taken the curse from her when I was nine. I had decided to take the curse from her when I was nine but my family locked me away pretending I had the curse all along.

“Brea please don’t talk like that,” She said tears welling up in her eyes.

“Okay, I won’t, I am sorry, I never meant to make you upset, please forgive me sis?” I asked.

“I always do,” She said and I nodded.

“May I speak to your sister?” Tatum’s voice said from behind me, but he was talking to Alyssa.

“Sure, Take her,” Alyssa said turning back to look at the books.

“I rather not talk to you,” I told him but he didn’t seem to care.

“Please,” He asked giving me the puppy dog face.

“Fine,” I said sighing. I followed him out the door and out towards the hall.

“Listen just give me five minutes to explain please!” He asked well begged.

“Five minutes no more,” I said crossing my arms over my chest.

“I really never meant to hurt you, I promise. Kacey just came up to me and pushed me to the wall while trying to make out with me, I didn’t kiss back. I swear to god I didn’t,” He said.

“Like you said last night, we are still friends, so I don’t know why you think we aren’t after you kissed Kacey,” I said calmly with a blank face.

“Um… Because- never mind, Just know that I never meant to hurt you and I hope we are still friends,” He said.

“Of course we are,” I said shrugging.

“Cool,” he said.

“Cool,” I replied.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a figure, a familiar figure. Shiz.

“You're early, I am not supposed to die yet,” I yelled down to the figure that had a huge smirk and was radiating creepy with her all black eyes no white. Instead of saying anything she just snapped her fingers and I was encased in darkness as I heard someone yell my name.
