Chapter Twenty Nine:

Chapter Twenty Nine:

“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”  - Audrey Hepburn


“Hey, Look I wanted to tell you something,” He said seriously.

“Go ahead,” I said.

“I am not choosing you for the competition,” He said biting his lip and scratching the back of his neck looking everywhere except at me.

End of Recap…

“Okay, I understand, you have to do what’s best for your kingdom,” I said and he looked shocked. I held back the tears trying to escape. I should have known, A guy like him would never like a girl like me. A guy like him could never love a girl like  me. He never liked me in the first place, he only probably made me come back to the competition because his parent’s made him. What if he kissed me all those times because his parent’s liked me? He never really did like me, did he?

“Thank you, the others had different responses. Kacey was  ‘You will regret this, you will regret this,’ and Shawna was like ‘Alright, Fine by me,’ you are the one who thought I am doing this for the Kingdom,” He said.

“Aren’t you?” I asked.

“Nope, you all had your last test and you  passed with flying colors, again,” He  said.

“Nice,” I said trying to hide my shock and no longer trying to hold in my tears.

“Yep, so I will see you at the  auditorium in fifteen,” He said after we sat in silence for ten minutes.

“Yes you will,” I said and he smiled before walking away.

I stared out at the lake taking in the scenery and getting lost in my own thoughts. Before I knew it I checked my watch seeing I was five minutes late, I ran inside towards the Auditorium and rushed in to see people staring at me.
“Sorry I am late,” I said before taking a seat in between  Jade and Paige. Tatum was on the stage the rest of us were sitting.

“So I have made my decision. This decision was based on my Kingdom’s choice but not only that. My kingdom and my heart knew that only one girl would be great  to ruler along side me. That girl is Selfless, always thinking of others, she helps them before herself, she’s smart, cunning, funny and her name is Brea,” he said looking straight at me.

“Woah,” I said shocked, he just said he wasn't going to choose me though…?

“So will you be my girlfriend and maybe one day my bride  Brea?” Tatum asked and I nodded really fast.

“Yes, Of course,” I said  jumping up not even trying to  conceal my happiness that was pouring out of me like a volcano.  I sat back down and continued smiling like a fool.

“Can I use the microphone for a second also?” I heard Landon ask Tatum and Tatum nodded.

“Okay so Tatum picked my sister, hurt her I kill you but other than that I think we will be best friends. There's just something I need to ask someone, Will Chloe come up here?” Landon asked looking straight at Chloe. She made her way up the steps and  Landon took one of her hands in his.

“Will you Chloe, Marry me and make me the most happiest  person on this planet?” he asked getting down on one knee before pulling something out of his pocket and opening it.

“EEEP!” My mother and Liz squealed jumping up and down.

“Yes! YES! YES! A MILLION TIMES YES!” Chloe said jumping up and down, pulling him to his feet and kissing him making us see it.
“GET A ROOM!” Quinn yelled.

“We just might,” Chloe said sticking her tongue out at Quinn and making  Landon chuckle as he put a ring on her finger.

“Oh. My. Gosh!” She said squealing and hugging Landon making all of us laugh. My brother was getting married and I was dating Tatum apparently. Nice.  I looked around seeing Hunter and Alyssa smiling at each other and Blake’s arm around Tilly. Jade’s head was on Forrest’s shoulder and for once I noticed that I was truly happy, more happier than when I suck lolipops. We all congratulated Chloe and then my mom and Liz started to gush about wedding plans. I walked over to Tatum and we just smiled at each other like fools. So looks like you will be hanging with me for a while,” He said smirking.

“I guess so,” I replied.

“Date? With me?” He asked.

“Hmm…” I said thinking about it or  acting like I was thinking about it.

“Please,” He begged and I pretended to crack.

“Sure, why not,” I said and he bounced for joy.

“So what is it tonight?” I asked.

“A walk around the lake?” He said and I nodded  liking when we walked.  They were to leave soon as they were going to attack  the people who attacked.  We left the room hand and hand walking towards the lake.

“So when are you leaving?” I asked.

“In two days,” He said and I nodded tears welling up in my eyes. I  didn’t want him to leave. What if he got hurt? What if he got injured?

“So Red, that’s different,” He said.

“Yeah, though I like it. I  might change it into a different color next month though,”  I said and he nodded.

“So what was your life like… I mean in the tower?” He asked.

“Well it was okay, I kind of felt like that girl from Tangled though. But when I came here my life wasn’t that bad. My Parent’s are chill  they just didn’t want me to get hurt after all I think they knew I would be the one to take the curse in the first place. It just seems like… they knew what I was going to do when I was nine  so they  put me in the tower so I couldn’t get hurt,” I said and he nodded.

“When I was nine, I remember a  lady named Whitney, see  my parent’s didn’t believe in curses so Whitney had a curse put on a family member to make them believe,  they tried to get Whitney locked up but it’s Whitney we are talking about. No one can catch her. When I was nine she came to me and explained why I was in the tower not to be seen by the world, and the curse on my sister. I took the curse  not caring if I got hurt, I just didn’t want my sister to  die so every year she came back and asked if I still wanted to go through with it. Every year I said yes and every year  she would look at me  shocked not believing I Would do something this idiotic for family but they are family and I would risk my life for them.” I said.

“When I was ten I remember my sister coming to me, complaining about how she had to come her when she only wanted to spend the day’s in the library so we switched places, I came here and she pretended to be me and snuck into the library for books. Though she did eventually get caught by Hunter that summer and she had to let him in on the secret, they became friends sharing books and talking alot. He was a big softy even if he acted like a player back then. My brothers that summer did what they always do, created ruckus in the kingdom,” I said.

I remembered the first time I came here, I was ten.

I got out of the car suitcase in hand and looked around.  Seven boys stood there staring at me, the Queen and King had kind smiles on their faces.

“I’m Alyssa,” I said keeping up with the act and bit my lip nervous.

“Blake,” A boy announced looking a year older than me.  They all introduced themselves except one boy.

“Tatum, thirteen,” He said smirking at me but I rolled my eyes.

“I’m Liz and this is Peter, welcome to Peirce Kingdom,  I think this summer will be a fun one,” The Queen said and I smiled back at her shyly.

“Blake and Tatum why don’t you show her to her room and help with her bags?” Peter said and they boys nodded. Blake took my bags and Tatum led the way.

“So Kiss Kingdom Huh? Do you have any siblings?” Blake asked me.

“Two, Two brothers who are twins and  Nineteen, they  didn’t have to  do the whole competition thing though because my parent’s are strong believers in the true love bullshit,” I said and Blake chuckled.

“Why are you even here?” Tatum asked rudely.

“Well you see when two people get together and-” I started to say but got cut off.

“No I mean why are you here in this Kingdom,” Tatum growled as Blake was laughing at us.

“Because my parent’s made me. I didn’t want to come, as much as you don’t want me here so,” I said rolling my eyes.

“Well stay out of my way, don’t cause trouble and don’t talk to me, we will get along just fine then,” He said as we stopped at a door. I opened it and went in.

“My room’s across the hall, I’ll let you get settled in,” Blake said putting my suitcases in on the pink bed.


We talked for a few more hours just about random things, laughing here and there before we split up me going back to my room and him to his study to probably work. Taking out my sketchbook I sat on the windowsill waiting for the girls to come back in my room and I started to draw with a grape lollipop in my mouth.
