Chapter Three

Chapter Three:

“Life is a song - sing it. Life is a game - play it. Life is a challenge - meet it. Life is a dream - realize it. Life is a sacrifice - offer it. Life is love - enjoy it”~Sai Baba

The Next day for breakfast I walk downstairs to the dinning room wearing my favorite pajama short shorts that had Monkey’s on them and the words love. I was wearing a baggy black hoodie and bunny slippers too. It was eight o'clock and they always ate breakfast at eight sharp meaning once again I was late. I got their and noticed that everyone was dressed in day wear, normal wear. The girls turned to me and started laughing, I shrugged not caring and walked over to sit across from Kacey again.

“Hello your Highnesses, and Princes, sorry for my lateness,” I said bowing to them and sitting down.

“Your supposed to Curtsy not bow,” Kacey said laughing.

“Since when?” I asked shocked.

“Since forever,” She said laughing.I tossed  a grape up in the air catching it with my mouth.

“Can you teach me please!” I beg.

“What? Now?” She asks shocked.

“Yeah, Of course now. No better time then now. So you all are all mannerally… I think and hope so because I was going to ask you all a favor,” I said to the princess’s standing up.

“Which is?” A girl asked.

“Apparently girls don’t bow, we curtsy but what I Want to know is what the heck is a curtsy? It sounds like a really bad name. Oh man If i had that name I would definitely pretend my name wasn’t that,” I said getting off track.

Some girls, which was like five out of twelve which included Kacey got up. They started to curtsy and I followed or well tried to. I ended up on my buttox. Again and again and Again.

“Okay this is no use, and it’s starting to hurt, I never knew Curtsying could be so violent,” I said pouting to Kacey.

“Thank you though, your curtsying is very lovely thanks for trying to teach me,” I said to them and they all sat down but not before curtsying at me one more time.

“Hey wait! I can’t curtsy and I bet you can’t catch,” I told Kacey.

“I can catch!” She said defensively.

“Let’s see it then. No hands only mouth,” I said throwing a grape at her and she missed it by a long shot.

“Okay fine I can’t catch but let’s see if you can then,” She said and threw a grape at me and I caught it.
“You see I grew up with two older brothers and my Mom was a troublemaker, my dad was the strict one but he always laughed at the things we did. My mom and I were sitting eating grapes one day and she throws it to me and It missed me so that’s how she taught me to catch grapes in my mouth because we stayed like that all day just throwing grapes back and forth  catching them in our mouths. It ended up with Boys vs. Girls, My dad had things to attend to so he didn’t join. Every thing my brothers threw at us we caught and when we throw at them they missed royally, It was so fun,” I said and realized I missed my brothers and family. To bad I would probably never see my brothers again.
“You miss them don’t you?” She asked.

“Mhm lot’s, so what is your parent’s like? Any Siblings?” I asked.

“An older sister named Kyra, she’s almost 25 and is to be the Heir of the crown in a couple months. When princess’s and Prince’s don’t have a queen or king they have to wait till their 25 to rule,” She explained to me.

“Well That rule stinks,” I said as I tossed another grape in the air.

A spoon tapped a glass just as I caught the grape.

“Prince Tatum has decided what girl he chooses to have a date with today, at noon today,” The king Announced.

“Princess Kacey,” Tatum said with a blank face, why does he always have a blank face? Does he ever smile? No he’s just one grumpy butt… well except the summer when I was fifteen...

After breakfast I was surrounded by Blake, Tyler, Seth, Sawyer and Quinn.

“We are going Out today,” Tyler said.

“And you are coming with us,” Blake said.

“And why would I go with you guys?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“It wasn’t asking, go get dressed and then be down or we will kidnap you,” Blake said.

I raised an eyebrow and walked to my room, going to get dressed but not go with them.

I got dressed in a pair of short jean shorts, and a two sizes two big tee shirt, with my favorite combat boots.

I sat on my bed criss cross, and looked through a magazine. As I got to a page that had the seven Prince’s, my door was slammed open and in came the five boys.

“Come on,” Blake said as I shut the magazine.

“Where to?” I asked.

“Just come on or we will kidnap you,” Seth said.

“Where to?” I asked again but before I knew it I was on Blake’s shoulder and my fists were pounding his back.

“Come on! Dude let me down!” I shout.

I saw Tatum and Kacey walking past us giving us weird looks.
“Have a nice date,” I said before going back to the matter at hand.

“LET ME DOWN! COME ON GUYS! BLAKE PUT ME DOWN!” I said pounding on his back as he took me outside and I was finally let down in a car.

“We are going to town,” Blake said as the other boys groaned.

“Hey! You could have just told me and I would go with you all willingly,” I said rolling my eyes.

“But what would be the fun in that?” Sawyer asked.

