Chapter Twenty Six:

Chapter Twenty Six:

“When someone you love dies, and you're not expecting it, you don't lose her all at once; you lose her in pieces over a long time—the way the mail stops coming, and her scent fades from the pillows and even from the clothes in her closet and drawers. Gradually, you accumulate the parts of her that are gone. Just when the day comes—when there's a particular missing part that overwhelms you with the feeling that she's gone, forever—there comes another day, and another specifically missing part.”

―John Irving,A Prayer for Owen Meany   

I sat by the grave, I had been in  a coma for a week and  I missed the funeral.  Tears streamed down my face and I closed my eyes.  I was in the cemetery by the grave and I couldn’t believe the person in the grave had died.

“Goodbye Ginger,” I whispered. Of course others were dead too but I had known  Ginger from when she was little and had a crush on the boys  following them everywhere. I wiped my tears away and walked away towards the castle where I am guessing everyone was frantic. After all this is the second time I disappeared when I was supposed to be in the hospital room. Tatum was  healing and had been out for three days but  woke four days before me. He currently probably was assembling  soldiers to go and fight  the enemy knowing him. The sword had almost hit my heart  as it had gone in  under my belly button but was tilted upwards. When I came too no one  was in the room so I had went to my room and found out the date. Knowing they probably had a funeral for Ginger already I went to say my goodbyes without getting seen.  Putting a lollipop in my mouth I went to Tatum’s study and entered without knocking only to see everyone freaking out.

“YOU HAVE GOT TO STOP DOING THAT!” Alyssa yelled at me.

“Doing what?” I asked clueless.

“DISAPPEARING! I went to check on you and you were gone!”  Mother said  and I noticed tears in her eyes.

“I am sorry, I never ment to worry you I was saying by to Ginger,” I said and  my mom nodded with a look of understanding in her eyes.

“So what do you plan to do about the attackers?”  My dad asked King but the king looked at his son.

“We plan to attack them right back,” Tatum said simply.

“Guy’s can we not talk about Attacks, fighting or violence of any sorts for an hour at least, how about Tatum and Brea go take a walk and  get a little sun as they both have been inside for far too long. We all can catch up with Brea later  and  talk about the plans later too,” Liz said and we nodded. Not knowing why it was just me and  Tatum taking a walk though I did as I was told and we walked to the lake sitting right next to it.  SItting so close to each other also that are arms were touching.

“How many died of ours?” I asked softly.
“Seven of our soldiers, twenty three of their soldiers,”  he said  as we looked at the lake and not each other.

“Do you ever wonder what it would be like to not have all that responsibility, to  be normal maybe a soldier yourself?” I asked curiously and looked at him.

“If I was normal I think I would be kind of bored. I like making a difference in the kingdom and I have to admit I like  being in charge too,” He said.

“So Tatum Pierce what do you want to do now?” I asked and before he could reply it was raining heavily down on us.

“Let’s dance in the rain!” He said  looking as excited as a kid on christmas day.

We got up and started to dance, my arms around his neck and his around my waist as we slow danced to no music in the pouring rain.

“Brea,” Tatum said and I  looked at him.

“Yes?” I asked.

“Can I kiss you?” He asked but instead of  my reply was my lips on his and  we were  kissing passionately. All of our emotions were in the kiss. I  kissed him like it was our last kiss, like we were the last two people on earth trying to show him I was  scared when he almost died, I cared for him and I even loved him.  My hands tangled in his hair, one of his hands were on the lower part of my back the  other was  on top of my back pushing me closer to him.

We broke apart gasping for air and we just stared at each other,  getting more soaked by the second.

“I love you, when I saw you in a coma  I felt my world shatter I am so sorry I didn’t protect you,” Tatum said and I hugged him wrapping my arms around his  waist him doing the same.

“I love you too,” I told him smiling into his chest.

“So like every year there is a carnival and it’s today even with all the  mess that happened it’s still a tradition and still going on today, will you go with me?” Tatum asked and I nodded looking up at him.

“Yes,” I said standing on my tippy toes and kissing him quickly  as heat rushed to my cheeks.

“Good now let’s go get out of these wet clothes,” Tatum said and we walked  hand in hand back to the castle soaked and wet.


Taking a hot shower I washed my hair and did the usual shower routine. Wrapping a red towel around me I  went to the closet noticing  Shawna pack her bags.

“Why are you packing?” I asked.

“Haven’t you heard, he made his disicion and will be telling us in two days. I don’t feel like doing last minute packing so I am just doing it now,” She said.
“What if you get picked?” I asked.

“Brea we all know who he’s going to pick,  he has only had eyes for one girl this whole competition, you so suck it up buttercup you are going to be the one he chooses,” Shawna said and I bit my lip.

“So where you going?” She asked me.

“A date,” I whispered.
“Than sit, I am doing your makeup and hair while picking out your outfit, Where are you going?” She asked.

“The Carnival,” I said blushing and she squealed.

She looked through the closet and  a minute later she handed me an outfit. An outfit which consisted of NEON PINK BANDAGE WRAP TUBE DISCO SKIRT 6 8 10 12, Owl Comfort Ma Haimao Turtleneck Sweater, and Wild Diva Sparkle-04 Studded Wedge Sneakers | For accessories on my right wrist I  had  white, black and pink bangles. She did my hair and makeup and I noticed my makeup was neutral and my hair was curly in a messy way but pretty way.  I  hugged her in excitement and made my way downstairs with Shawna. As we entered  I saw  Tatum’s mouth drop in shock and I giggled.

“Ready?” I asked and he cleared his throat nodding. We entwined hands and walked out towards the carnival.
“You look really Beautiful today,” He said and looked at the ground. I spotted  a red hint to his cheeks and I started to giggle.

“Is Thee Prince Tatum  blushing?” I asked mocking shockness.

“Nope, never! I do not blush I am too cool for that!” He said defending himself and I couldn’t help but to laugh at that.

“Sure,” I said biting my lip .

We went to the Tea cups and we got in spinning around and around. After we went to a huge roller coaster that went upside down and such. We played some games like ring toss and he won me a huge stuffed panda that I named Billy Bob. It was almost time for the fireworks when we went on the ferris wheel. Our hands were still entwined as we smiled at each other looking like fools.

Before I knew it we were kissing and  then fireworks were  getting  shot into the sky but I didn’t focus on the fireworks or that we could probably see the whole carnival from up here. I was focusing on him, my lips against his. Sparks in my heart,  heat in my cheeks and the wind blowing our hair. Before I knew it we were moving again and the fireworks had ended. We broke apart gasping for air but couldn’t stop smiling. We kept  silent holding hands and holding Billy bob as he walked me to my room. Giving me a kiss goodnight he walked away and I swear my heart was pounding a mile a minute. I  closed the door behind me seeing Shawna was asleep but all I could think about is how his lips felt on mine.
