Chapter One

Imperfection is beauty. Madness is genius. It is better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. ~Marilyn Monroe

Chapter One:




Oh great! This is just original, isn’t every main character nowadays waking up by an alarm clock? I tried to open my eyes but I couldn’t, they were heavy and I didn’t have enough strength. Strangely it smelled like windex and cleaning things. Did I fall asleep in a Janitor's closet? Boy would that be bad, I finally got my eyes open, before looking  around and realized I was definitely not in my normal bed. I was in the hospital? Why was I in the hospital?

“Ms. Jane Doe looks like you finally have awakened, you have been in a coma for eight days,” A doctor said coming into the room.

“That long? What happened?” I asked.

“Your plane crashed, you and another person were the only survivors, do you have any idea who you are?” The doctor asked.

“Echo?” I said.

“Echo…?” Doctor said. He had bushy afro hair, I’ll call the doctor Bushy. I looked around the room.

“Echo Prince,” I said as I sat up in the bed which took a lot of strength out of me.

A knocking sound came from the door and a boy walked in.

“Your h-” The doctor started to say.

“May I speak to her?” the guy asked cutting the doctor off.

“Yes, your H-” The doctor started to say only to be cut off by the guy saying Thanks. The Doctor quickly left giving us privacy.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know you, who are you?” I ask.

“You may call me Blake, you and I were the only survivors of a plane crash,” the guy said.

“I’m Echo, Any idea what happened?” I asked and he sat on the side of my bed near my feet.

“Yeah these men took over the flight and kept us as hostages but they couldn’t keep us in air forever so we crashed,” Blake said and I nodded.

“Now that that’s settled, I would like to offer you a spot in a program,” he continued.

“What kind of program?” I asked suspiciously.

“You see, I’m a Prince, Well one of the Princes here and there's this contest to tell which is the heir should be married to, will you join?” He asked.

“Do I have a choice?” I asked.

“Nope, not really,” He replied.

“Who’s spot am I taking?” I asked.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean there's twelve girls, one must have not shown up or something for you to be offering me a commoner, a spot,” I said.

“A girl didn’t show, it’s been two weeks so we can replace her now,” He said.

“Well what’s in it for me?” I ask.

“You get to go out with my brother?”

“augh How old is he?”


“your joking,”

“nope, how old are you?”



“No, I am five,”

“Hardy har har, come on lets get you out of this place, surprisingly your luggage is also okay, do you wanna call your parents?”

“Nah they think I am just hanging here for the summer already,” I said and he nodded.

“Wait so why are you offering me, a commoner a spot when their must be other royal’s around?” I asked.

“I don’t know but for the amount of time I met you, you are sarcastic, funny, your not normal definitely I think your purple hair shows that and something in my gut is just telling me to add her into the competition, and maybe my brother won't be such a serious guy all the time with you around,” Blake said making me smile.

“Lilac hair,” I corrected.


An Hour later I was in a car to their castle.

“So who was supposed to show up?” I asked curious.

“Some person, I think the Princess of Scene? Or was it the Princess of Tilla?” He said mostly to himself.

“So who else are prince’s expect you and your brother which I still have no clue what his name is,” I told him.

“Tatum is the 21 year old Prince, the one who is soon to rule. I am 19 and so are Tyler, and Seth. We are triplets. Then There is Sawyer, and Quinn who are 16 and twins. Jonah is the last and he is 14,” He told me.

“Wow, that’s alot of siblings, it must get rough,” I told him.

“For our parent’s yes, we all get into so much trouble though it’s really fun,” Blake told me, smiling as he thought of them, his siblings.

“Do you have any siblings?” He asked.

“Used to, they were twins Forrest and Landon, they were 24 when they disappeared and never came back and now… I am left all by myself, that was three years ago and I miss them like crazy but they just left. Just disappeared and my parents did everything trying to find them they just didn’t want to be found so it was hopeless,” I told him closing my eyes so the tears didn’t get out.

“Oh, I am so sorry,” he said and I could tell he was.

“I think we are here,” I said changing the subject. We were up at Castle doors, and in the backseat of the car. The two guards up front got out and opened the doors for us so we could get out of the car. When I did I went to Blake’s side.

“Okay I don’t admit this often but this is really scary, What if the girls don’t like me? What if they make fun of me? What if-” I said but got cut off.

“Enough with the What if’s, you are going to be awesome and if the girls don’t like you then give them the birdie,” He told me and I laughed as we walked to the now open doors.

“Oh you're such a charmer Blake,” I told him laughing.

“I try,” Her told me.

“Oh gosh hanging around you is going to get me a six pack from laughing to much,” I told him and he smiled.

“Wait to you meet the others, you will never be bored,” He told me and if possible my smile widened. I remember being here before so I didn’t look around, I didn’t ask about where things were because I had spent a couple summers here with these boys but they didn’t remember me but I had changed since I was 15, the last time I came here. The year my brother’s disappeared.

“BLAKE! Blake! Guess what!”  a fourteen year old, which I am guessing is Jonah ran up to us.

“What is up Jonah?” he asked.

“You know that girl that was supposed to come? The Princess of Kiss!” He asked and Blake made an O face.
“Yeah?” I answered for Blake.

“She went missing! Alyssa Riley Winter Kiss is missing! You know that girl who we used to hang out in the summer with? That was Alyssa until she was fifteen and then she didn’t come back but we all think that’s because of Tatum because he was an Ass to her a lot. But anyway’s Alyssa is missing, she was supposed to come here and she hasn’t! The Kiss Airport didn’t see her at all neither did the Kiss Paparazzi and so they don’t think she even boarded a plane!” Jonah said in a rush.

“Woah! What are they doing about it? No one else is to rule! Her brother’s are said to be dead from an attack… wait. Give me a second with Echo please,” Blake asked Jonah. Blake took my hand and started to walk over to the bench in front of the lake.

“Your brother’s name is the same names as the princess’s,” He told me.

“Yeah so my parent’s are obsessed with the royal family and would do anything for them,” I told him.

“Your brothers are the same age as the other princes when they disappeared,” He told me.

“My brother’s disappeared when they were 24 three years ago and they are younger than the prince’s. They left before the prince’s attack. My brother’s left a receipt I think by accident, the receipt was for two plane tickets to California,” I told him.

“Oh I am so sorry, It’s just I was friends with Alyssa and she just… she is really amazing and I miss her, the kingdom always  got ready for her arrival because she was just so full of life. I am going to find her if it’s the last thing I am going to do,” Blake said determination in his eyes.

“I am rooting for you to find her, she sounds really cool,” I told him.

“Come on, let’s go get you settled in, Dinner’s in an hour,” he told me.
