Chapter Two

"If I’d observed all the rules, I’d never have got anywhere." ~ Marilyn Monroe

Chapter Two:

I was never one to wear dresses so I was wearing red skinny jeans and a white cropped infinity tank with black and white converse. Putting my hair into a high ponytail I did the usual makeup routine. Putting on mascara and pink lip balm, done!

I was in the room I was supposed to use for the next three months. I looked at my watch. Shit it was 5:02.

I ran down the stairs and to the dining room.

I ran into the room to see girls in dresses, mostly pink sitting at tables while the royal family sat at a table in the front of the room.

“Sorry I’m late,  I-I got lost?” I said bowing and then taking an empty seat in between two girls.

“wow who let the trash in?” A girl whispered to another. They were all whispering about me.
“Look if you're going to whisper about me atleast do it the right way and whisper correctly. You all are so loud that I am sure Russia could hear you, So either you learn to whisper, Say it to my face and not be a stinking coward or not talk about a person you hardly even know,” I told the girls, standing up and looking at them in the eye. I heard laughing from the Royal table and I quickly sat back down.  

“Fine you want me to say it to your face? Who let the commoner in?” A girl across from me said but I could tell she said it playfully and was mocking another girl who said it. She had blonde hair, blue eyes and looked like a little porcelain doll. She must be a little under my 5’4 making her really short.

I started to clap and she stared at me weirdly. Do I have five heads again?

“I am Echo and you have more balls then the people at this table, so you are my friend, what’s your name?” I asked her.

“Kacey,” She told me and held out her hand. I shook her hand.

“Nice meeting you Kacey, you are my new partner in Crime,” I told her.

“Awe but I thought I was your partner in Crime?” Blake asked pouting.

“The Trouble three’s it is now, But you really shouldn’t pout it makes you look look like a little girl not getting her way,” I said laughing and he looked shocked. Then he got up and started to make his way towards me.

“Holy shiz, Kacey? Help?” I asked her but she shook her head smiling.

I got up and ran, him right behind me. I ran behind Jonah.

“Jonah, wanna help your most favortist person that you just met?” I asked and he laughed and shook his head.

“Come on Jonah, why you gotta do that to me? Here i thought we were friends,” I said puppy dog face coming on and I could see Jonah Crack.

“OKay Okay! But you owe me,” He told me and I smiled but saw Blake running at me. I ran, right into a wall but the wall fell to so I am guessing it’s not a wall. I landed right on top of the person.

“I am so sorry Wally,” I told him and got up off him seeing Jonah distracting Blake.

“Wally?” He asked also getting up but looked confused.

“Yeah at first I thought you were a wall and I don’t know your name,” I told him in a hurry.  

“Tatum, But I think you should run now,” He told me and I looked to see Blake running at me, I ran Only to be tackled in front of Kacey.

“Kacey plate!” I told her and she got the message. The plate had Mashed Potatoes, corn and meatloaf on it and I put it down Blake’s back as he put mash potato's in my hair. I took some of the Mash Potatoes from my hair and put it in his before sliding from underneath him and running.

“Okay, Okay you two that’s enough,” The king said and we stopped.

“Yes sir,” I said bowing my head but smiling not regretting anything.

“Yes Dad,” Blake said from beside me.

“Haven’t you ever heard of that you should not throw mash potatoes in a lady’s hair?” I asked looking at him, my head no longer lowered.

“You did it to me!” He said.

“Yes and I dont regret throwing mash potato's in your head Lady,’’ I told him and he looked shocked.

“How bout you two go get cleaned up,” the king told us and we nodded.

As Blake turned to leave he bumped my shoulder, I pushed him back and that’s how we got into a fight all the way till where we had to separate to go to our rooms.
