Chapter Fifteen:

Chapter 15:

“You gotta stop wearing your wishbone where your backbone ought to be.” — Elizabeth Gilbert Eat, Pray, Love

You know what I really don’t like? Tickling. Why? Because I am so ticklish that it’s not even funny. You know what I really don’t like even more? Getting woken up by someone tickling me.

“I swear to god Stop tickling me or I will get you,” I told him between laughs.

“So don’t care,” He said.

“Stop tickling me or we are no longer friends,” I said between laughs as I tried to breath also.

“I am cool with that,” He said stopping tickling me but kissing me instead. As soon as he kissed me he stopped, he was already exiting the door before I knew what happened.

“TATUM PIERCE!” I yelled at him putting my hands on my hips as he stopped and turned while I got out of bed.

“That is not how you kiss a girl, I think you need a lesson or two,” I told him and kissed him  my hands on his neck his on my waist.

“That’s how you kiss,” I said once we pulled apart and then I shoved him out the door.
“See you later,” I told him blowing a kiss before shutting the door in his face.

Where had all that courage come from? Did I seriously just do that? Woah! That was woah! I think I was going crazy or then again just getting way more confident now that I am out once again from the tower.

I got in the shower getting dressed in a blue Elaine Cami, white ripped skinny jeans and black combat boots. I put my hair in a donut bun before using mascara, and pink baby lips lip balm. I grabbed two cherry lollipops and headed out the door towards the dining room which I was currently on time. As I got their I saw Kacey and Tatum making out outside the open doors. I walked passed them only to get stopped in my tracks by Blake.

“Echo! Wait up!” He called making Kacey and Tatums attention come to me, I turned around to Blake. Kacey was glaring at me and Tatum looked at me his eyes showing that he was sorry.

“Hey Blake, sup?” I asked.

“Nothing much, want to hang later?” He asked.

“Can’t I’m hanging with Friends,” I told him and his face fell in disappointment but quickly turned into a smirk.

“You have friends?” He asked acting shocked.

“Yeah I do, want to meet them?” I asked.  

“Sure, Are they hot?” He asked and I  rolled my eyes walking into the dining room him right behind me in the direction of my friends.

“Yes it’s me, early, shocker I know,” I said to the girls when they gasped, seeing me come in early. They had only been my friends for I think one-two days but yet they knew me it was weird but cool. I shook my head smiling, I had actual friends.

“Oh yeah and this is Blake, girls this is Blake. Blake these are my friends, friends you can introduce yourselves,” I said and sat down in between Jade and Tilly. The introduced themselves before talking a little bit and then Blake walked away.

“So am I the only one who saw that disgusting display?” Alice asked shooting me a look of sympathy.
“What?” Tilly asked.

“Kacey making out with the Prince,” Paige explained.

“Yeah that was kind of gross, PDA in public, have more respect!” Alice said.

She looked at me before biting her lip.

“Look Echo, we got off to a rough start and I am so sorry for being a brat… well more than that but you get what I mean, It’s just my parent’s are pressuring me to win because they are really uptight. They take everything  way over the top, my mom always having me on diets, my dad always criticizing school grades and my mom criticising the things I wear. I know I can be a little… a lot rude but I don’t mean to be. I swear to gosh that I am actually a good person if you get to know me. I think though while I am here I can drop my act, I think your really cool Echo and I wouldn’t mind being your friend,” Alice said.
“Well if you drop your act then I will drop mine. I am really a Princess not a commoner,” I told them and they all looked at me shocked.

“WHAT!” Tilly yelled getting the rooms attention.

“Yep, I have true friends who don’t care if I am a commoner or not so I might as well and tell you that I am not a commoner, I am a Princess,” I said now facing everyone.

“Yeah what would that be? Princess Nonexistent?” Kacey asked as Tatum walked in and Kacey was right behind him.


“Shit,” I cursed.

“Don’t you dare curse at me young lady! People think I am missing now! Remind me never to switch places with you ever again! I SERIOUSLY SWEAR THAT IF I HAD NOT MISSED YOU SO MUCH I WOULD PUT YOU SIX FEET UNDER! NOW GIVE ME A FREAKING HUG,” Alyssa said.

“Well people think I am dead! It’s worse for me not you so deal with it and give me a damn hug already!” I told her and we ran to each other hugging each other.

“I think we should explain to them,” Alyssa said nodding towards the Queen and King.

“See I am the sister that Died, they were scared that I would be attacked all the time so instead my sister got the spotlight and I was hidden away all the time. Before the time came when she was going to come here when she was ten, we switched places, I wanted to experience the world. My name is not Echo nor Alyssa like you think. I am Brea the one my family likes to say is dead. They say it so I don’t get attacked, so I can stay alive as long as possible. You see because my initials are Break they are superstitious and think I am really fragile. While my sister was at home pretending to be me, I was pretending to be her, Alyssa. I am sorry for all the trouble I caused,” I said to Liz.
“ALYSSA? BREA!” Landon and Forrest yelled running in.

“LANDON? FORREST?” Alyssa said.

“Oh yeah Alyssa I found them, they took care of the assassins a year ago and didn’t seem to want to visit home meaning one thing,” I said and we smirked at each other.

“Payback!” We said together.

“What do you mean, guys? W-we are s-sorry! Please don’t dye our hair again!” Landon stuttered and I laughed. There hands went up to their hair.

“Oh your paybacks already here,” Alyssa said taking a step back.

“LANDON AND FORREST KISS!” A voice boomed through the doors.

“Shit! You brought them!” I said emphasising them.

“YOU WERE MISSING!” She yelled at me.

“Yeah So? And technically you were the one that was missing! I am just the dead sister,” I said.


“Wasn’t the first time,” I told her.

“WHAT?” She yelled

“Don’t act all shocked Mother, who do you think was the goody-two-shoes with you at home over the summer? You must have known my sarcastic behavior wasn’t there anymore,” I told her.


“Great, let me guess you ran too? So they think we all ran away? Woah nice family they have, there kids all ran!” I said to Alyssa and she shook her said letting out a chuckle.


“Mother everyone already thinks I am dead, plus how would I know how life works if you kept me inside those shut castle doors all the time? I get that you guys are worried about me, thinking I am fragile but I can handle myself. I am not that fragile anymore, I haven’t been since I was ten. Didn’t you notice how different I was from Alyssa? I run, she shops. I’m athletic, she’s a bookworm-”I started to say calmly.

“HEY! YOU READ TOO!” Alyssa said.

“I do pranks, she doesn’t, how in the summer it was calm at home and no pranks seemed to happen? Don’t you realize that when you went out with the crowd the Dead older sister was with you not the younger sister?  Haven’t you ever had a suspicion that while you're alive daughter was in her room reading like the little lonar she is that I was out there hanging with you? The grape wars between us? That was me not Alyssa. All the times you called me Alyssa that hurt. I knew you were trying to protect me but always shutting me in the castle, in my room so no one knew I was alive? That really sucked. Don’t get me even started when you were telling people how Alyssa was to be the heir when the boys disappeared and I was still stuck in my room in the tower like a damsel trapped. I get it you were protecting me because it was said about that stupid curse that I will die when I turn nineteen but my birthday is in a month and I am still not dead. I get it you're scared for me, I get it I am like your baby girl but because I was stuck there I never truly had friends until now and now I wont leave. I don’t care what you say, I am staying weather you like it or not and you should know full well that Alyssa never wanted to be Queen, and who she has a crush on. Which how is your crush by the way?” I asked Alyssa who was five minutes younger than me and took a breath from that long speech I just said.

“He works in the royal Library still and he’s so sweet, we talk everyday now and he’s just wow! He doesn’t care if I am royal or not, I think I might actually love him. He’s been their since we were sixteen and now he’s nineteen but he’s such a gentleman and I could go on forever. Have I ever told you how grateful I am that you keep going in my place so I can hang out with him?” She asked gushing to me.

“All the time little sis but remember where you are before Mother and Father blow a gasket,” I said which got her to chuckle.
“Sorry Mom but it’s true, I know it’s selfish but I have never been interested in the crown, my interest lies with books and the libraries,” Alyssa said.

“And the boy in the library,” I said giggling.

“Oh shush, shove off,” She said.

“But it’s true, You two always making eye contact, blushing and the cute moments you two share. It’s really cute. You deserve Hunter, he’s a real sweet guy,” I approved him and she hugged me in happiness.

“HUNTER!” Landon and Forrest.

“He’s changed,” Alyssa said clarifying.

“Changed my ass,” Landon said.

“LANDON!” Alyssa, Mom, Dad and I shouted at him.

“He has, he has gotten more serious about school work, and a little more quiet, haven’t you heard? Wait, I forgot you ran away like the cowards you are. His Mom died from cancer and he changed so give him some credit okay and stop being Jackass’s,” Alyssa said.

“Awe my little girl is growing all up, I think I might cry,” I said bouncing up and down.

“Shove off,” She said pushing my shoulder and I laughed.

“Girls and boys we need to sit and have a discussion about this. And I expect to have dinner with this boy you like so much Alyssa. Now we need to speak with The Queen and King about this but don’t think this hasn’t changed anything, you all are so much in big trouble,” Dad said and I nodded.

“So… these friends of yours? Can I MEET THEM! PLEASE PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE WITH A CHANNING TATUM ON TOP!” She asked and I laughed. Channing Tatum really?

“Yeah, come on,” I said and we walked over to my friends who were staring at me shocked.

“This Brattastic person is Alice, she’s really cool. OCD Paige, Badass Jade,  Chill Shawna, and Bubbly Tilly who goes through phases like one would go through clothes. These are my amazing, fantastic friends,” I said pointing at each of them.

“Friends this is my sister, Alyssa Princess of Kiss, apparently the living one,” I said.

“Oh will you give it a rest, you're not dead you're clearly breathing,” Alyssa said rolling her eyes probably getting annoyed about how often I mention it.

“Psh but everyone thinks I am not so technically to the world I am the dead sister which really is a buzz kill but at the same time fun, you know how much trouble I get into here? Oh and you need to check out the library here! It’s amazing and oh I have more friends but they are guys, I hung out with them since I was tenish, and then when I was fifteen our brother ran and I haven’t spoken to them since remember. My guy friends are the Seven Peirce brother,” I told her.
“Your friends with Seven Princes? Well someone get’s around,” Alyssa said and I rolled my eyes.

“Yes definitely, that’s exactly what I meant, I’ll introduce you to them later. Hey guy’s I don’t think I will be able to get away today and hang I will probably be stuck in a room with my parents yelling at us and giving us a lecture about how switching places is bad and running away is even badder,” I said.

“Badder isn’t even a word,” Alyssa told me.

“Whatever like I care,” I said rolling my eyes.

After the girls told me it’s fine I went with Alyssa to my brothers.

“So Echo, I don’t care if you're Brea I am still using your nickname of Echo that I gave you years ago,” Blake said coming up to us.

“Cool, I’m down with that Blake,” I told him and he nodded before hugging me.

After he walked away I put a cherry lollipop in my mouth.

“Hey did you guys perhaps bring me more Lollipops?” I asked.

“Yeah, here, have fun and don’t get cavities,” Alyssa said throwing me a huge large ziplock bag full of lollipops.

“I seriously love you!” I shouted to her jumping up and down holding the lollipops to my chest.

“You and your lollipops,” She said shaking her head.

“You and your oreo’s,” I said and she chuckled.  She had a weird obsession with Oreo’s and I bet even now she had three packs in a suitcase somewhere near.

“Guy’s back to the matter at hand, we have two parents who are here waiting to give us a huge long lecture, because some people just had to run away,” Forrest said sighing.

“You ran away to!” Alyssa and I said back to him.

“If I jumped of a bridge would you do it too?” He asked

“Depends does that jump come with a bungee cord?” I asked Forrest and he rolled his eyes  at me.

“Mom will make it funny though,” Landon said looking on the brightside like always.

“Dad will probably talk forever,” I said rolling my eyes.

“And then there's the usual sarcastic, witty comment’s that you all contribute here and there,” Mom said coming up to us.

“Which make the lectures into one huge joke that we aren’t going to do again, but I would really like to catch up with you guys,” Dad said shocking us all because he usually lived for those lectures.

“Okay,” we chorused nodding.

‘Well this is new and shall be very entertaining,’  I couldn’t help but think to myself.  

A/N: So this is a wicked long chapter. Hope you enjoy! Also every seven reads I will post a chapter tommorow so read it up! :)
