I Am Not My Father: My Hero Academia

Name: Aimi Hanati
Alias: Altercarra
Age: 16-25
Gender: Female

Quote: "I will not be like my father. I will be a great hero, someone that the people can look to when they need hope. I will not be someone they fear."

Personality: Quiet and calm. She has a rather stoic personality and appears cold to those around her, she can take a lot and not say a word. She often pushes others away if they try to get close to her. But that's just because she's scared of trusting others only to be betrayed.


Family: Aina Hanati (mother, dead), Daichi Hanati (father, alive), Ai (grandmother, alive).

Quirk: Altercation:

• She can change anything into something else. For example, she could change a puddle of water into poisonous gas or a rock into a knife. It's very useful


• She can't use her quirk too much or she risks altering herself. Her fingers could start melting and her bones could turn to steel, she has to be careful.

Love interest: Todoroki Shoto

Backstory: Believe it or not, she used to have a very happy life. Her parents loved each other, they both had steady jobs, things were good. But one day, her parents had a terrible argument. Aimi was hiding in her closet, scared and shaking like a leaf. She was brought out of her scared state when she heard a gunshot, a thud, and a door slam. It was silent after that, until sirens could be heard. The police came and found Aimi, they took her to her grandmother's house. Ever since that night, Aimi has been living with her grandmother, and she never saw either one of her parents again. It wasn't until she was fifteen that she learned the truth of what happened that night. And it broke her. Ever since then, she trained and worked hard until she was able to get into U.A. and she was overjoyed when she was able to get into class 1-A.


• She hates her father more than anything. He ruined her life and he is still trying to destroy her life.

• She likes reading and training, they calm her down and relax her.

• She loves animals. She loves how innocent they are, they make her happy.

• She's rather close with a few of her classmates, and she cares deeply about her friends, but she tries not to show it.

Name: Daichi Hanati
Alias: Mind Breaker
Age: 45
Gender: Male

Quote: "My only wish is that my daughter will become as beautifully wicked as me."

Personality: Cold, cruel, and sadistic. He enjoys watching people suffer, he enjoys watching them be in as much pain as he always is.


Family: Aimi Hanati (daughter, alive), Aina Hanati (wife, dead), Ai Hanati (mother, alive).

Quirk: Hypnosis.

• His right eye glows a bright, entrancing blue. He has it covered most of the time but when he takes it off, don't look him in the eyes or he will control you with that right eye of his.


• He can only control someone if they look him in the eyes.

Love interest: None.

Backstory: He was once a very happy, very sane man. He was happy with his life, he loved his wife and daughter more than anything and he would go to the ends of the Earth for them. But one day, he just... snapped. He fought with his wife, arguing with her and practically losing his mind. That argument ended in blood, and he ran off. He remained in hiding for several years before he finally decided to embrace what he was, a villain. Ever since then, he's been wrecking havoc.


• He wants Aimi to join him as a villain. He sees the destructive potential in her quirk, and he knows she could be a great villain.

• He hates U.A. and every single hero in it. They are what's keeping him from getting his daughter back.

• His villain attire looks very similar to samurai armor.

• He almost always has an eyepatch on.
