Blinded By The Lights: Stranger Things

Name: Nicole Cohen
Age: 16-19
Gender: Female
Species: Human

Date of birth: June 22nd.

Place of birth: Tallahassee, Florida.

Quote: "No thanks, I'd rather not get eaten by a freaky monster from another dimension."

Personality: She can be a bit crusty when you first meet her. But once someone earns her trust, she's funny, carefree, and majorly protective over her friends. Though she is definitely sarcastic, and she's not afraid to call anyone out on their crap. She won't hesitate to punch someone, especially if they make her angry.

Appearance: Alexandra Chando

Family: Amy Cohen (mother, alive), Jerry Cohen (father, dead).

Love interest: Billy Hargrove

Backstory: Nicole's parents were irresponsible and stupid teenagers. They did bad things and they took risks, and unfortunately, one of these risks resulted in a teen pregnancy. Amy got pregnant when she was eighteen years old, she and Jerry got married, and the two of them did the best they could to raise Nicole. But because of their young age, they struggled quite a bit, and they were very, very poor for a long time. It really took a turn for the worse when Nicole was thirteen. Jerry got into a terrible car accident, and he passed away. What added salt to the wound was the fact that he was drunk while he was driving, and it was this got him killed. Things were hard for a while, but eventually Amy and Nicole moved away and found a home in Hawkins, Indiana. Nicole did fine in school, but she didn't really get along with the other students her age. She thought they all acted stuck up and rude, and when she met a certain boy with curly blonde hair, those feelings were confirmed. Billy irritated her, his constant flirting and teasing made her want to grab his face and slam it against the lockers. He drove her nuts, and for months the two of them didn't get along in the slightest. But after a while, the two of them formed an odd friendship full of flirting and jokes, and eventually, they became something more.


• She's probably the only person that can calm Billy down if he gets too riled up.

• She and Billy trust each other a lot despite the fact that their relationship started out a bit rough, many of their peers didn't even know they were together. But when they went public, they became the power couple of their school.

• She hates Neil with a passion, and she's not afraid to speak up against him if he tries to start something with Billy.

• When fighting the Mind Flayer, Nicole is able to save Billy by swinging an axe into the beasts head before it can deliver the final blow to Billy.
